"Boy, I advise you to leave me alone!"

"Otherwise, you cannot afford the consequences!"

Geng Mei trembled at the sight of Lin Que's blood-colored through-holes, but she didn't tremble at all.

Behind her is the Shen family, one of the three major families in Cangtong Town!

Looking at the face of the Buddha without looking at the monk's face, looking at the entire Cangtong Town, who would dare to move her?

Lin Que Leng smiled coldly: "Why, the Shen family can take the lives of others by bullying and bullying at will?"

Geng Mei courageously said, "Yes!"

"What's wrong with the strong eating the weak?"

"For example, now, although you are very strong, you dare not touch me!"

"Because I am backed by the Shen family, you dare to move me, you and this orphanage, including your family, will be forever!"

"Don't believe me, you can try!"

Lin Que was very angry and smiled: "My little master, I have seen floating, I have never seen you floating like this."

"Do you think that the Shen family can ignore everything?"

Geng Mei looked confident and smiled triumphantly: "In this Cangtong Town, the Shen family can dominate me!"

"I admit that you are very strong, but you are just a person, in front of my Shen family, there is no threat!"

Lin Que heard this without explaining too much.

"Where is the Shen family, show the way!"

Hearing this, the smile on Geng Mei's face froze, and she looked at the young man in astonishment.

The words were full of peace, but she felt Sen Leng's killing intent.

Did she really mention the iron plate this time?

When Lin Que saw Geng Mei not speaking, his hand moved, the blood sword floating above Geng Biao's head went deep and pierced his scalp.


Geng Biao wailed in pain, his face was full of pain.

"Sister...help me...sister!"

Geng Mei, a woman from a woman's family, had never seen such **** scenes, and she was so scared that she was paralyzed on the ground, and she hadn't spoken for a long time.

Lin Que said, "Where is the Shen family? Show me the way!"

"Don't tell me, your head is gone!"

When Geng Biao heard this, his face was terrified, and he was scared to pee.

"I said, don't kill me!"

"I lead the way, I lead the way!"

Lin Que grinned: "This is a good one, it's been like this a long time ago, wouldn't it be better!"

"Wait for me to post a circle of friends first!"

With that said, he took out his phone, took a selfie directly, opened WeChat, and attached the copy as follows.

"I heard that the Shen family is unique, and I will take everyone to experience it today!"

Locate open, click send!

After doing all this, he held Geng Mei's sister and brother alone with one hand, escaped into the void and disappeared in the same place.

at the same time.

Mo family.

Old man Mo sat in the study, put down his cell phone, with a joyful expression on his face, and shouted loudly.

"Come on!"

After a while, a young man rushed in.

"Grandpa, what's the matter?"

Mo Xiu looked anxious: "What's the matter, Grandpa?"

Old man Mo stood up and said boldly: "Call up the manpower and go to a fight with the old man!"

"My grandson-in-law is back, our old Mo family, we must help the place!"

Mo Xiu:? ? ?

On the other side, Qin Family Martial Arts Hall!

A bald-headed old man in a black military uniform walked out of the hall with a cane in his hand.


A martial arts instructor greeted him and shouted respectfully.

Old man Qin coughed twice, and said: "Notify the upper and lower martial arts hall, whoever can breathe, follow me!"

The instructor looked dumbfounded: "Master, what are you doing?"

Old man Qin stood up straight, and said in a puff of air: "Let me get a vote!"

Coach:? ? ?

Canglan Academy.

Li Xiuyuan with silver hair looked at the circle of friends, and his eyes suddenly appeared.

"Fuck, Lin Quede is back?"

"Oh, is this battle going to fight?"

"Must go and join in the fun!"

After speaking, his body's fifty-seventh level spirit power exploded, the flying martial spirit was released, and the figure disappeared into the night sky.

All of a sudden, the talented disciples of Canglan Academy left school one after another and headed towards the Shen family in unison.

At this time, Shen's villa.

In the study, Shen Guang looked at leisurely making tea, enjoying life, without noticing that the danger was coming.

He poured himself a cup of tea, and when he was about to drink, the door of the study was pushed open.


"Patriarch, it's not good!"

The butler rushed in, and the Shen Guang Yaxing was gone, and he scolded displeasedly.

"I didn't explain, knock on the door before entering, can you be a little bit ruled?"

"Can you still do it?"

"go out!"

The butler wanted to say something but stopped, looking at Shen Guang's murderous gaze, he could only retreat first, starting from knocking on the door.

"Come in!"

Shen Guang picked up the teacup gracefully, blew the heat, and wanted to drink it.

The butler rushed in and said anxiously: "Patriarch, it's not good, all the companies we have cooperated with have unilaterally breached the contract and broke the contract!"

Shen Guang looked calm: "If you breach the contract, you will breach the contract. Just ask them to make compensation!"

"Just look for a partner again!"

"What I thought was a fuss."

"After being with me for so long, I haven't seen any big winds and waves, can you be more stable?"

When the butler heard it, he swallowed all the words that had come to his mouth abruptly.

Shen Guang glanced at the butler who was standing still, took a sip of tea and asked, "Is there anything else?"

The butler nodded: "Something trivial!"

"Patriarch, do you want to know?"

Shen Guang blew the hot tea: "You said it!"

The steward said, "Patriarch, we are surrounded, and there is a laser cannon at the door, aimed at your position."

Shen Guang:...

sp: I'm done making up for what I owe, I'm exhausted!

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