Hearing the voice, Shen Guang raised his head and looked at the large number of Yulings who were coming towards Shen's house, kneeling in shock.

Oh shit.

This is the end of the calf.

The entire Cangtong Town forces are here.

Oh shit.

The other ladies are Vanves, this one in my own house is Koff!

"Xiaoyou Lin, admire your name for a long time!"

The old man of the Qin family walked forward with his cane and smiled kindly.

"Master Qin!"

"Grandpa Mo!"

Lin Que waved his hand and said hello. The two old people were both friends and elders of his own, so the manners and manners would naturally not be neglected.

"Hey, it's unfamiliar. You have a very close relationship with that kid in my family. If you don't dislike it, call Brother Qin!"

"I call you Brother Lin, how about?"

Old man Qin waved his hand and smiled.

Lin Que was taken aback for a moment. If he was called brother to Qin Feng's grandfather, wouldn't he have a great grandson?

This wave of blood won't make a loss!

"This is not good..."

Old man Qin didn't care about his face: "Everything is different, it doesn't get in the way, it doesn't get in the way, haha!"

When everything came to this point, Lin Que yelled without hesitation.

"Brother Qin!"

When Mr. Qin heard it, he laughed, obviously he was very useful to this sentence.

Old man Mo dismissed a smile: "Old bald head, what are you doing?"

"Mine is a granddaughter, yours is a grandson!"


Old man Qin snorted coldly, "Zhedi, old Peacock, do you want to fight?"

Father Mo rolled up his sleeves: "Who is afraid of you being an old bald head!"


Aside, Mo Xiu covered his forehead.

For many years, the two old men fought and compared as soon as they met, and there was no end at all.

Oh, headache.


He Chen coughed slightly, and then pulled back the two old men who were about to be pinched.

On the side, that in Shen Guang's heart was called aggrieved.

Have you noticed me?

Pulling such a big battle one by one came to my door, now let me leave me aside.

Murder and punish the heart!

"I'll say a few people, can you look at me!"

Shen Guang looked aggrieved, and the head of one of his three big families was more or less embarrassed!

Lin Que threw the two sisters of Geng Mei to the ground, grinning.

"Let's talk about it, or the one who came to Wu?"

Shen Guangyu said incoherently.


"Can you not come?"

Oh shit.

I provoke someone, drank tea and drank well at home, and was directly blocked by a laser cannon at the door.

Prodigal maiden!

"Then come to Wu."

Lin Que's soul power was released, and the 76-level powerful soul power aura swept the audience along with the madness domain.


Everyone in the audience felt a sense of oppression of suffocation.

Especially Geng Mei's sister and brother, they were dumbfounded on the spot.

Level 76!

This guy pretends to be a pig and eat a tiger!

Shen Guang looked ashamed, and instinctively told him that the hard work he had laid down was ruined in his own hands.

"What a monster!"

The old man of the Mo family smashed his mouth.

At a young age, his spirit power is almost reaching the 80th rank. This kind of talent is a waste of not being his grandson-in-law!

No, this year's New Year must have that girl in Qingcheng put Lin Que back in sacks.

It really doesn't work, just prescribe the medicine!

"Spare... Spare your life!"

Sister Geng Mei's legs softened and fell directly to the ground, kowtowing to admit his mistakes.

At this moment, the two of them realized that they had provoke a terrible character.

Geng Biao looked terrified: "The boss is forgiving!"

"We are reasonable, let's be reasonable!"

Lin Que grinned, "I don't!"

"I want to make sense to you, and you want to marry me."

"Now, I have no choice but to accept your suggestions!"

"Use violence to control violence!"

The words fell off.

In the realm of madness, a blood sword of madness rose into the sky and turned into a rain of thousands of swords, suspended above Shen's house.

As long as his thoughts move, the Shen family will be wiped out in an instant.

When Shen Guang saw this scene, his face became gloomy.

He knew what was going on today, he couldn't do anything better, he bit his teeth and raised his head to look at Lin Que.

"My Shen family is willing to spend 50 million yuan as compensation!"

"How about turning this story today?"

Lin Que was fierce and empty: "Indulge Geng Biao, bully the village, even the elderly, women and children."

"Do you think this is something that can be solved with money?"

Fortunately, I met by myself today.

If he is not there, Geng Biao might do anything out of the ordinary to the orphanage.

Shen Guang stood up and roared: "Very good!"

"It's not about money, it's fate!"

"I'm out of trouble, you don't know where to play in the mud!"

"Forcing Laozi, even if you die, you have to be buried with you!"

Next second.

I saw that he took out a jade medal from his arms and crushed it directly!


Immediately afterwards, a large amount of cold ghost spirit overflowed the jade card, condensing a figure!

Lin Que saw the ghostly figure, and his pupils shrank.

"Yang Xiao!"

When everyone sees this, their soul power will also be ready to go, staring at the ghostly condensed figure vigilantly.

The figure slowly opened his eyes, scanned the crowd in the eye field, and finally set his gaze on Lin Que.

"Long time no see, Lin Que!"

Yang Xiao raised the corner of his mouth ghostly, and the ghost energy between his fingers turned into a sharp blade, directly smashing the madness field.

Lin Que's body was shaken out several meters, his eyebrows were full of dignity.

The strength of this guy has become stronger.

He Chen coldly scolded: "Shen Guang, you dare to collude with Mingyuan!"

Mo Family, the Qin Family's elders also frowned, no wonder the Shen Family's rising speed is so fast, it turns out that there is Ming Yuan behind it.

Shen Guang ignored the crowd and fell to the ground with a begging look.

"Master, help master!"

Yang Xiao's face was cold: "I helped you establish a foothold in Cangtong Town to create value for me!"

"You expose me directly, it's useless to keep you!"


After finishing speaking, squeeze Shen Guang's vitality on the spot with his bare hands!

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