The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1149: , It shouldn't be difficult


With a snap of his fingers, Thunder locked Qin Feng. Before he could react, his body was paralyzed and he fainted on the spot.

Both calves kept swinging.


When everyone saw this scene, who dared to go, stopped one after another, looked at Lin Que's arms like a tyrant in amazement, bewildered.

Lin Xi rolled his throat, pointing to the front and said, "Brother, are you in COS Thanos?"

"And this one on my shoulder... is this my sister-in-law?"

Lin Que was covered with black lines on his forehead.

Then he told everyone the ins and outs of the matter.

Of course, in order to test the new props, of course the arm becomes Thanos.

As the name goes, something went wrong with Xingqi.

"I'm a good boy, how did this little girl sneak in?"

Everyone stared curiously at Liu Qianqian who was thrown on the ground.

You know, Tiandao Academy has 24-hour monitoring by artificial intelligence, and no one can sneak in silently.

In addition, the formation prohibition is added.

Even Lin Que was stupefied at the beginning, this little girl is not easy!

Lin Que changed into the Uniform of Tiandao Academy, with a spotless white robe, and a cruel twist of his mouth.

"Just ask her in person!"

"Go to the props!"

Next second.

Lin Que pinched his nose, took out a vigorous jackfruit 2.0 and placed it on the tip of Liu Qianqian's nose.

She was originally paralyzed and unconscious, as she entered the body with the charming fragrance, she sat up directly from the ground in shock.



Liu Qianqian kept retching.

When she raised her head and was about to get angry, she looked at the people around her, her body was like thunder.

Brains are buzzing!

That's it, Barbie Q!

"Hi... Hi, good evening!"

Liu Qianqian forced a smile that was uglier than crying, and greeted everyone.

Lin Que brought a chair, shook his legs spiritually, put his hands on his chest, and said jokingly.

"Go ahead, how did you get in?"

Liu Qianqian just wanted to say something, but when she saw the arm that was comparable to Thanos, she was shocked.


"Big elbow!"

Lin Que: ~~(﹁﹁)~~~.

Are you very polite?

What is a big elbow?

This is obviously a **** hand ok?

Nothing to see.

Lin Que stared fiercely, then yelled, "Don't turn the subject away and explain it honestly!"

"How did you get in?"

"Otherwise, I will let you taste what is pure taste!"

Liu Qianqian looked terrified, her head shaking like a rattle.

"I do not want!"

"I reject!"

"I said, I can say everything!"

She had already seen Lin Que's improper methods during military training, and she never wanted to experience it a second time.

too frightening.

"I...I followed instructor Mo's plane to get in."

Everyone: =͟͟͞͞=͟͟͞͞(●꒪່⍢꒪່).

"What the hell?!"

"You came in with the plane?"

Everyone was really surprised and at a loss, their mouths were so open that they were about to lay an egg.

Lin Que suddenly realized that he suddenly thought of this Xiao Nizi's martial arts spirit.

A special shadow martial arts soul.

Facing this kind of special martial arts spirit, Mo Qingcheng and the others would inevitably not find Liu Qianqian.

"It's over!"

Murong Qingyue covered her face, full of sorrow.

If the academy knew that they had brought in an outsider, they would all have to be expelled!

Tiandao Academy has never been open to the outside world, and outsiders are strictly prohibited from entering.

Liu Qianqian seemed to know how much disaster she had caused, and said cautiously: "I can sneak out."

Lin Que rolled his eyes, "Do you think this is a vegetable market?"

"Go in if you want to go in, go out if you want to go out?"

The grandfathers and aunts of this villa are all talented and possess unique skills.

It is estimated that Liu Qianqian was discovered a long time ago, and did not act, just because she was not in danger!

As long as she dared to go out and promised that she hadn't left the gate, she would be caught.

"What should I do then?" Liu Qianqian asked with a simple face, blinking her big eyes.

Lin Que rubbed his eyebrows anxiously: "Scrambled eggs with cold sauce!"

"Stay here honestly and don't go out, I will figure out the rest!"

Everyone nodded, and now that's the only way to do it.

"Here is your mecha suit, let's divide it!"

Lin Que took out the space ring and divided up the mecha suits tailored for them by the academy.

Everyone's expressions were joyful, and they took their battle suits expectantly and put them on.

All S grade!

This set is on the market, but it is worth tens of millions.

A big shot!

War clothes, such a luxury-level spiritual weapon, are generally only willing to build by the big bosses above the 100th level.

They are only at level 70, and they win directly at the starting line!

The banknote capacity is awesome!

Aside, Liu Qianqian rolled her throat: "What's inside."

"Is it for me?"

She is also eye-catching!

"To shut up!"

Lin Que and his party turned around unanimously, and yelled in unison.


Liu Xiqian closed her mouth obediently and stopped talking.

It's better not to anger this group of guys.

too frightening.

After dividing the battle clothes, Mo Qingcheng asked: "We were selected to enter, the battle beast training class."

"Lin Que, do you really have a way to establish a bond between us and the monster beast?"

The others also looked over with curiosity.

Lin Que rubbed his chin: "This shouldn't be difficult!"

After all, it went smoothly when I hatched the Sky-Swallowing Beast myself!

I believe the big guys will not be too difficult!

With Lin Que's assurance, Su Tang and the others were relieved and went back to the room to wash.

Liu Qianqian was also arranged in a separate room.

As for the paralyzed Qin Feng, no one cares.


sp: I was in a mess during this National Day, and I haven't returned to my state.

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