The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1164: , Pretending to be struck by lightning


In the sky, Lin Que stood on the back of the Ice Dragon King transformed by the Sky-Swallowing Beast, with his hands on his hips, his head up and laughing.

Countless blood-colored ice crystals condensed, pouring down like a violent storm.

The land on the mountain behind the villa was directly smashed with potholes and gravel splashes!

"Boy, stop me!"

Tang Xiaohu saw that Lin Que didn't mean to stop at all.

Lin Que: "What?"

"try harder?"

"no problem!"

"Son, go into a violent state, take a full blow!"

Swallowing beast: ヽ(^‥^=ゞ).

Immediately afterwards, the whole body's demon power burst, and the surrounding spiritual energy madly gathered on the body, and a huge blood-colored ice crystal gathered on the top of the head.



There was a loud noise on a sunny day, and the mountain behind the villa was severely hit by ice crystals, and the mountain was cut in half.

The sky-swallowing beast vibrated its wings, blew up an ice storm, and cut the fallen mountain into countless rubble, filling the deep pits on the ground.

Is waste utilization okay?

"Lin... missing!"

"Everyone's spirit skills are ready, give me this crippled stuff, beat it down for me!"

Tang Xiaohu couldn't help it anymore and roared.

Next second.

A hole appeared in the sky, and a terrifying thunder descended, bombarding Lin Que and the Heaven-Swallowing Beast.


Upon seeing this, Lin Que just wanted to take the Sky-Swallowing Beast into the void, but it was too late.

Thunder pierced through the void, directly smashing one person and one beast, and the blue thunder light took all their skeleton pictures out.

Immediately afterwards, they beat them back to the ground.

on the ground.

Lin Que and the Sky-Swallowing Beast fell on the playground, with black smoke all over their bodies, and the hairs all over their bodies rose up.

The Sky-Swallowing Beast turned back to its original form, with a grievance on its face, its hair exploded, and the tin foil was hot.

"Dad, didn't you say you won't be beaten?"

Lin Que had a black line on his face: "It's sloppy!"

"These old guys don't speak martial arts!"

"Sneak attack!"

All around, the students onlookers gloated at Lin Que's miserable appearance.

Qin Feng smiled and covered his stomach on the ground, rolling back and forth.

"Killing me!"

"Lin Quede, you also have today!"

"Let you pretend to be forced, now it's okay, get struck by lightning!"

Sun Xiaosheng's eyes were full of mockery: "Deserve it!"

Ye Ni: "This Thunder is very strong, I want to ask him a sword!"

Yang Dianfeng looked excited, took out his mobile phone and turned on the mobile phone camera mode: "Traffic!"

"I have a hunch, after this wave, I will get angry!"

With that said, he took pictures of Lin Que's misfortune on the Internet and uploaded it to Weibo.

Copywriter: "Shocked, Demon King Lin Que, pretending to be struck by lightning!"


After a while, the number of reposts on this Weibo exceeded one million...

Lin Xi wanted to go up and help, but was stopped by Murong Qingyue and others, and pointed to Tang Xiaohu who was walking by.

"Boy, you are playing very well!"

Tang Xiaohu suppressed the anger in his heart and said.


That's a mountain!

You kid cut me half directly. That's a prime location. How much money do you have to make when you develop it into real estate!


Lin Que stood up embarrassedly, with a **** face.

"Principal, am I not here to show the classmates the power of war pets?"

"I'm not trying to show off, Lin Que is not such a person!"

Tang Xiaohu stared at his eyes.

I bother!

Don’t you have a bit of forcing in your heart?

Had it not been for your dark history, I would have almost believed your words.

"Okay, this thing ends here!"

"If you want to perform, you can go to the martial arts field!"

"If you are messing around with me in the academy, I will throw you abroad and let you try to beat you up!"

Lin Que shuddered and nodded obediently.

I drop a good boy!

If I go abroad, those forces won't be able to deprive me alive.

Tang Xiaohu snorted coldly, "Okay, you've had enough fun, then, it's time to do business!"

Lin Que scratched his head: "This is in the middle of the night. You shouldn't go back to sleep. Isn't your girlfriend in a hurry?"

"Aren't you sleepy?"

Everyone turned dark.

You are ashamed to say that our sleepiness is all mixed up by you, and it's almost dawn this day.

Sleep lonely?

Lin Que spread his hands.

You all blame me for not being able to sleep?

It's weird you guys.

Tang Xiaohu waved his hand: "It's all gone!"

"You kid, come with me!"

With an order, everyone could only leave the field, and seize the time to go back and get a sense of recovery.

As for Lin Que, he was directly pulled by Tang Xiaohu and ran towards the interrogation room.

"Principal, don't pull it, it's not good!"

"Smelly boy, who is pulling your clothes, don't talk nonsense!"

"Principal, please be gentle!"

Tang Xiaohu:? ? ?

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