The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1167: , The secret of the star cave

Durres leaned on the edge of the cage and smiled bitterly: "That's right, even if you are talented and enchanting, you still can't reach the core level."

"Star Cavern, you can understand it as the materials used by various countries to make nuclear weapons before the aura recovers!"

Lin Que's pupils shrank!

"You mean... the star cave is a place where supreme-level powerhouses are made?"

The corner of Durres's mouth curled up: "Smart people, you can get through."

"Star Cave, there is something called Xingmai!"

"There are two ways to advance to the supreme level for a spiritual master!"

"The first is to inherit the power of the deity. This method is not a secret!"

"The second type is to rely on your own talent, break the rules, and achieve the supreme level!"

"Regardless of whether the Yulinger is promoted to the position of supreme in the above-mentioned way, he needs one thing!"


"It contains the power of the origin of heaven and earth, and it is the most direct way for the supreme-level powerhouse to understand the origin!"

"The quantity is even scarcer than the raw materials for nuclear weapons!"

"Usually only exist in the star cave, now, you should know the importance of the star cave?"

Lin flaw fell into silence.

He understood the reason why the grandfathers and aunts suddenly became so serious when they heard Star Cave.

"Since this thing is important, will you tell me?"

Durres leaned on the edge of the cage and looked up at the ceiling: "Compared with the so-called racial dignity, I would rather live!"

"Do you know the probability that the members of the blood clan will survive?"

"One in ten thousand chance!"

"It means that only one of 10,000 new blood races can survive!"

"It's not easy for me to survive, so why not live for myself?"

"Racial dignity? Huh, that's just a slogan when you are alive, so fools don't want to live!"

Lin Que nodded in agreement, "You are right!"

"Then tell me, where is the location of the star cave?"

Durres subconsciously said: "It's..."

"Boy, you want to do something about me!"

Oh shit.

It's so risky, just a little bit, I was sneaked in by this kid.

How can it be repaired!

This kid is not a good person at first sight!

Lin Que curled his lips: "Everyone is an adult, so don't just scribble around!"

"Don't you just want to negotiate terms?"

"Say it!"

Durres rolled his throat, staring at Lin Que's slightly sullen face, startled in his heart.


Is this still a fledgling boy?

It's a human being!

What a thief.

"Boy, I don't want much, just keep me alive and just give me an excellent place to practice!"

"I tell you this, it means that I will stand against the blood race!"

"I have paid too much, and I also need to reciprocate."

Lin Que glanced at the monitoring of the interrogation room.

At this time, from the surveillance of the interrogation room, Tang Xiaohu's voice came.


Seeing the promise, a smug look appeared on Duris's face.

"You made it!"

"The location of Star Cave is...the capital of riots!"

On the side, Lin Que heard the ground, his eyelids twitched.

He has seen this place in the textbook.

It seems to be a small country before the resurrection of the aura. As the aura resuscitates, it is gradually occupied by ghosts.

Afterwards, some spiritual masters entered and gradually developed into a place where fish and dragons were mixed.


At this moment, the door of the interrogation room opened, and the three of Tang Xiaohu walked in with serious eyes.

"Boy, your mission is completed, go to Tiandao Pavilion to collect the reward later!"

Lin Que shrugged, yawned, and left the interrogation room swaggeringly.

He was not interested in this so-called star cave at all.

Just as he was about to leave, Durres in the cage added.

"Boy, your realm is full of all phenomena. There are many elements in the star cave, the birthplace of the profound meaning."

"If you want to enter it, the harvest will definitely not be small."

However, no matter how he incited him, Lin Que was not moved at all and left the scene straight away.

"Damn, provoke discord and seek death!"

Saitama blasted out with a punch, and across the cage, the fist imprinted Durres and spit out blood.

The blood on Duris's face: "You...didn't you say good treatment of prisoners?"

"Don't talk about martial ethics!"

Tang Xiaohu snorted coldly: "Here, I am Wang Fa!"


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