
In Villa No. 9, after Lin Que left a note, he sneaked out of Tiandao Academy.

At this time, the monitoring room.

Tang Xiaohu and Saitama were staring at the screen, and Lin Que squirmed away.

"Principal, really don't stop?"

Saitama pointed at the screen and asked in confusion.

Tang Xiaohu rolled his eyes: "This kid is determined to make peace, can you stop it?"

"As long as you are in the country, let him wander around!"

"Maybe, it will bring us unexpected surprises, maybe!"

"By the way, tell Old Man Li, let him stare at this kid, don't let the waves go!"

Saitama nodded: "Understood!"

Hey, I'm not forgiving, and in my heart, I've already lifted Lin Que to the sky.

It’s so good to the students. When will we give teachers like us a promotion and salary increase?


The next morning, a small fourth-tier city in the east of Daxia.

Black City!

In a homestay, Lin Que wore a white shirt and big pants, with his hands in his pockets, and walked in.

At the cash register, Xiao Yu'er was concentrating on watching the replay of the previous hacker war with Lin Que, taking notes seriously.

Did not notice anyone coming in at all.

Lin Que looked at the little Lolita, who was eating the candied haws with the ball head pierced in front of him, and glanced at the video on the computer screen.

Slightly stunned.

Isn't this your own operation yesterday?

After the war?

Xiao Yuer said something in his mouth: "This guy must have done this to lure me into the bait, so that I can get a virus on my computer. What a clever means!"


Lin Que:? ? ?

Did you mean that at the time?

It seems not!

Seeing Xiao Yu'er writing more and more outrageous, he couldn't help it, and said.

"You made a mistake in this note. At that time, the other party did it. Maybe it was too lazy to write so much code. After you write the defensive code, you will eventually take it for yourself?"

Without looking back, Xiao Yuer said contemptuously: "It's impossible!"

"I'm a god-level predictor. The thinking of the atmosphere can't go wrong."

Lin Que rolled his eyes and said, "I am an attacker, how can I not know what I am thinking?"

This statement came out.

Xiao Yuer, who had been taking notes seriously, moved for a while, turning his head mechanically to look at the figure standing in front of him.

"Ah, the devil!"

Xiao Yu'er was taken aback and jumped directly onto the cabinet, shivering.

Lin Que's face went dark.

Is he so scary?

Next second.

A cold female voice came.

"Xiao Yuer, what's the matter?"

Zi Yan rushed out in a hurry. When she saw Lin Que standing at the door, smiling and saying hello, she was also surprised.

"Lin Que!"

Immediately afterwards, she entered a combat state, with two more daggers in her hand.

Lin Que's smile stiffened.

Oh shit.

I don't look terrible. Why do I have such a big reaction when I see myself one by one?

Is it scary?

"Xiao Yu'er, you go first, I'll hold him!"

Xiao Yuer shook his head suddenly: "No, I want to live and die with the boss!"

Lin Que waved his hand: "Don't get excited!"

"I'm here to cooperate, don't be nervous."

Zi Yan looked wary and squeezed the dagger in both hands: "What do you mean?"

Lin Que smiled slightly: "The organization he created was robbed by others, are you not reconciled?"

"I found it all the way along the network cable."

"As the saying goes, the enemy's enemy is an ally, and we can cooperate."

"What do you think?"

Zi Yan was less vigilant when she heard the words, and said in a deep voice, "It's not convenient to talk here, let's change a place!"

Lin Que shrugged: "It's up to you!"

Zi Yan nodded: "Xiao Yu'er, you shut the door!"

"We went upstairs and said."

Immediately afterwards, Zi Yan led Lin Que towards the basement of the hotel.

Xiao Yu'er looked at the two people who left, and he was relieved, and walked down the cabinet slowly.

Thinking of Lin Que's appearance, excited hands clenched fists, two little jiojio stamped their feet excitedly.

"so hot!"

"My little heart was almost captured."

"Lin Que is more handsome than the picture looks!"

"I really want to pack it in a pink sack!"


at this time.


Zi Yan and Lin Que sat opposite each other, the former broke the deadlock first, and said straightforwardly.

"How do you want to cooperate?"

Lin Que grinned, "I should ask you this question!"

"Blood Rose, Zi Yan!"

Zi Yan was not surprised that Lin Que knew her nickname and said, "We will cooperate to kill Lei Xiong!"

"The money of the black shark is up to you!"

Lin Que tapped the arm of the chair with his finger, and said with a smile: "If I use my power to kill Lei Xiong, I can also get Black Shark's money. Cooperating with you, it would be unnecessary!"

"What do you say?"

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