"Damn, this little loli is pretty fierce!"

Lin Que noticed Xiao Yu'er's destructive power and smashed his mouth.

Thunder Martial Soul is domineering!

"Boy, are you going to die?"

In the end, the ninja in red, who was not under control, roared, and a fierce sword aura appeared all over his body.

Every sword energy carried incomparable destructive power and slashed towards Lin Que.

Faced with the attack of the sword, Lin Que didn't panic at all, he even wanted to laugh a little.

"With the sound of your fingers, all beings are equal!"

"Look at the power of my Lin Thanos!"

"Flap! Pop! Pop!"

Lin Que snapped three fingers directly. In the sky, the wind and clouds changed color, and countless thunders pierced and fell, carrying unmatched might.


When the red ninja saw the falling Thunder, his pupils shrank, his face savage, and he controlled the sword to slash towards Thunder.

However, Lei Ting directly ignored the air of the sword air, as if there was no entity, and smashed down fiercely.


The red ninja knotted his hands and quickly pulled away the area where the thunder landed.

However, his two companions were not so lucky.

The two of them were directly hit by thunder, and the whole body's bones were illuminated, Ma Zhong Ma!

"Boy, you are mean, use a spirit weapon!"

The red ninja roared.

It's not that he can't beat Lin Que, it's that this kid is wearing a magical costume, he is strangely weird, and he can't be defended at all!

Lin Que shrugged: "If you are not convinced, you can also use the spirit weapon!"

"I have no opinion?"

"Who told me to have more wealth and billions?"

"Sometimes, I am so invincible, and distressed."

As they were talking, the two ninjas in red who had been controlled gradually recovered their sobriety.

"This kid is weird, so be careful!"

"Huh, everyone releases the domain together and suppresses this guy."

Stop talking.

When the three of them shot at the same time, they had to use the field to suppress Lin Que.

In an instant, three weird powers spread across the audience, like the dark night, silently blocking the space.

"Boy, in the domain of the three of me, even if your methods are weird, you can't escape!"

"Be aware of death!"

"Kill him, kill people and win treasures!"

The three of them turned into afterimages, and all the tricks of pressing the bottom of the box were carried out, not wanting to give Lin Que a chance.

"In front of the banknote ability, all the flowers are pretty and useless!"

The corner of Lin Que's mouth lifted up with an arc of evil charm.

Next second.

Two dynamic speakers appeared in the field, and magical music sounded in the field.

"Sister, take the bow, brother, I walk ashore!"

"En-en-love-love, you sway the rope!"

"Little sister, I sit on the bow, brother, you walk on the shore..."

As soon as the music rang, the blood gene hidden in the human body was awakened!

"Boy, suffer..."

The three ninjas just wanted to say something cruel. When they heard the music in their ears, their bodies became stiff, and then they began to dance squarely on the spot.

The body began to swing rhythmically.

There is no resistance at all, on the contrary, there is a little excitement!

Three people:? ? ?

what happened?

The body is out of control.

Not only them, but even the people fighting on the sidelines, began to sway to the music one after another.

"Fuck! What's the situation?"

"Lao Tzu's bloodline of love buried for a long time has been awakened!"

"This **** familiarity."

"I seem to have unlocked some strange skill!"

Xiaoyuer: (σ゚∀゚)σ. . :*☆Oh, good!

"So excited!"

She swayed to the rhythm and was simply enjoying it.

I can't control myself!

So hi!

Zi Yan's face is dumbfounded, her body has her own thoughts?

Lei Xiong looked ashamed.


I'm fighting, is that such a thing?

Lin Que: ᕦ(・ㅂ・)ᕤ.

I seem to have discovered the purpose of props.

Everyone is a civilized person. What kind of fight? You see, dancing together now, so harmonious!

How great!

Suddenly, Lin Que noticed the three **** boxes on the wine table beside him.

Curiously walked forward.

"do not want!"

Seeing this, Lei Xiong quickly roared, trying to stop him, but his body didn't listen.

Lin Que rolled his eyes.

You don't want it, I just want to see it.

As he said, he directly used the space to decompose and opened the **** box. In an instant, a dazzling light of money flashed his eyes.


"This is the smell of money!"

Lei Xiong was anxious: "Boy, if you dare to use this money, I will definitely kill you!"

Lin Que raised his **** and said, "Come and hit me?"

"Hey, you can't call it!"

"Are you angry?"

"For the sake of so much money, I will show you a magic!"

"Did you see the money on the table?"

With a move from Lin Que's right hand, the Space Wormhole was activated, swallowing all the three large boxes of money and disappearing.

"Hey, you see it is gone!"

Lei Xiong:...

Next second.

Lin Que brought Zi Yan and Xiao Yu'er to his side, grinning at everyone.

"You continue to play music, continue to dance!"

"I slipped!"

"Bye bye! Don't give it away!"

After speaking, he flees directly into the void and disappears.

Lei Xiong: "Lao Tzu, you are a fairy!"

sp: If something happens, make up tomorrow.

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