The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1177: , Now you and I are both light

Early the next morning, it was still dark.

Lin Que pulled Zi Yan and Xiao Yu'er up.

"Why? If you didn't bring people to work early, social animals have dignity."

Xiao Yu'er hugged a carrot pillow, yawned, full of breath of getting up.

Lin Que smiled and said, "There is no future for sleeping."

"Go, I'll take you to the big ticket."

Two women:? ? ?

What the hell?

Zi Yan was the first to react: "Would you take us to deal with the black shark?"

"Just the three of us, will you give away the head?"

Lin Que grinned: "Of course we are not enough, but I invited a master overnight."

"Just the little **** of the black shark, clean them up as if they were playing."

Zi Yan was startled, her tone trembling: "You, can't you invite a supreme powerhouse?"

Lin Que smiled mysteriously: "I, a master, is even better than the average supreme level!"

"Uncle Li, come out and show your face!"

Next second.

In the night sky, a cane cut through the night and appeared directly in front of the three of them. Then, Uncle Li stood on the cane with one foot on his back, his hands on his back.

The appearance is a master demeanor!

Pretend to be full!

Lin Que smashed his mouth when he saw this scene.

Tsk tsk, just for the appearance position, when the uncle was young, he must have been pretending to be forced to pick up girls.

When Zi Yan saw the incoming person, her pupils shrank, as if she had seen something terrible.

"Daxia Sword Fairy, Li Taibai!"

Uncle Li looked at Zi Yan with a hint of playfulness: "Oh, I didn't expect that after many years, there are still people who remember the old man!"

"Little girl, you are very good!"

Lin Que looked puzzled: "Li Taibai, which one called Mai?"

Zi Yan rolled her throat: "This is the master you invited, don't you know?"

Lin Wei nodded: "Isn't this our academy master?"

"Is there any story?"

There were deep memories on Zi Yan's face.


Is it a myth?

Da Xia was the first to respond when the aura recovered, and countless Tianjiaos turned out to kill demons and demons!

Among them is Li Taibai.

One person, one sword, blocked the gate of a king-level ghost mythical creature, and saved the people of a provincial city.

It is said that in the Kunlun Mountains of Daxia, I fought with an ancient monster and lost his track.

The news on the road is that Li Taibai and the ancient demon have died together.

When I saw it today, the news on the road was all bragging.

Lin Que looked surprised.

I'm a good boy, I didn't expect the uncle to have such glorious deeds!

I didn't see it!

Uncle is still a cheap fairy!

Well, I have to introduce the uncle to Ye Ni later.

Last time in the Ghost Spirit Realm Battle, Jian Blind peeped through the threshold of kendo. With the help of Uncle Li, he would definitely become very awesome.

It must be very convenient to take them to robbery when going abroad in the future!

Uncle Li waved his hand, and said modestly: "It's all in the past, just a fake name!"

He said so, but the smile on his face was not modest at all.

"Boy, do you think there is any way to hide my identity?"

Lin Que patted his chest: "That must be!"

"When I do things, you always put a hundred hearts on it!"

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and took out four Ultraman hoods from the system space.

"Come on, put this on all!"

"If you wear a headgear, no one loves it!"

"The more powder the headgear, the harder the fight!"

"Put it on, not to mention your old friends, even if your mother comes, she won't recognize you!"

"Come on, put it on!"

With that, Lin Que directly put on Beria's head to Uncle Li.

The moment Uncle Li put it on, the whole person was dumbfounded.

Be a dignified sword fairy, wear this thing for me?

Does it fit?

"Boy, can this work?"

Lin Que: "Don't worry, just face to face with us. If I don't know who you are, I won't recognize you at all."

"You are right!"

While speaking, Lin Que kept winking at Zi Yan and Xiao Yu'er.

When the two women saw this scene, the corners of their lips twitched fiercely.

Damn, just put it on this head, but Uncle Li's characteristic is too obvious, right?

With a stick, isn't he telling others that he is the sword immortal Li Taibai?

However, in order to deal with black sharks, they can only deceive the elderly.


"I can't recognize it at all!"

Xiao Yuer put his head in his hands: "OMG!"

"who is this?"

"I don't know each other at all!"

"Perfectly hidden!"

Uncle Li also felt some comfort in his heart when he heard the words of the three of them.

"Boy did a good job!"

Lin Que grinned, "It should be."

"Come on, you guys wear it too!"

"From now on until the end of the mission, our identity is Ultraman!"

"Uncle Li is Villa!"

"Zi Yan, you are Ace!"

"Little Yuer, you are Tyro!"

"I am Tiga!"

"You and I are both light now!"


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