The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1181: , Kill the chicken and the monkey

"Daxia, it's so deep!"

In the Ninja Conference Room, ninjas in black robes were full of anger on their faces.

They still remember the fame of the sword fairy Li Taibai!

The battle that year brought a lot of shame to Ninja Area.

"Hmph, Daxia is really willing to send this class of veteran masters to guard the way in order to protect Lin Que."

"Bad people, good!"

With such characters out there, the three hundred-level powerhouses they sent out were considered discounts.


Cultivating a hundred-level powerhouse, the resources smashed out are huge.

Say no, it's gone.

Ninja has been planted in Lin Que's hands several times in succession.

It's a shame.


Li Tianhong watched the live broadcast, and when he saw the full screen of sword aura, he thought of it.

"Okay, you Li Taibai, you old guy, don't worry if you don't care to stay in the college for retirement!"

"Actually follow the Hunshi Devil out to give me waves."

"Look at the small report that I won't beat you."

"There is also Tiandao Academy. If you allow Lin Que, this kid to make trouble for me, you must give a small report."

He took out his cell phone and dialed Tang Xiaohu's number.

No one answered!

Immediately after dialing the phone number of the college, it still couldn't be connected.

"Good guy, unplug the phone line!"

"Huh, I will report!"

At this time, at Tiandao Academy, Tang Xiaohu covered his forehead and didn't even have any eyes to watch the live broadcast.

Oh shit.

In the entire college, no one is worry-free.

Let's forget the small waves, and now the old ones are all fooling around, look at this full screen of sword spirit.

Are you really that little fresh meat?


"Go, report to Aunt Shi, saying that Uncle Li went out with him behind his back to behave handsomely and deceive the little girl."

"This is the proof!"

Saitama was taken aback, then smiled bitterly: "Understood!"

This principal of my own home, this is a public revenge!

Can't clean up Lin Que, is it okay to make a small report to Aunt Shi?


Zi Yan did not continue to fight, protecting this little Yu, and completing the shooting mission.

In Lei Xiong's heart, it's hard to tell!

I just became the eldest brother, just a few days after he was chased all over the mountain, he was aggrieved!

Zi Yan, the old lady, has been mingling with Lin Que.

I had known that Lin Que could be the **** of a supreme-level boss, even if he drank fake wine, he wouldn't dare to float like this!

Seeing the three hundred-level powerhouses sent by Ninjuku, one by one was taken care of by Uncle Li and it was horrible.

He fell to the bottom of his mood.

This time it's really useless!

What Uncle Li played was called hard work.

Countless sword auras crossed the audience, and the terrifying sword power, centered on him, swept the audience.

The countless constructions in the villa were all destroyed by this coercion, and the river of sword energy went straight to the sky!

Above Lin Que's halberd, she carried Chen Li, who was fainted.

Looking up and watching the battle in the sky, that's an envy!

A sword of frost and cold fourteen states!

Your uncle is still your uncle!

"call out!"

The last ninja in red was beheaded by Jian Qi, leaving Lei Xiong alone.

"it's your turn!"

Uncle Li turned around and locked Lei Xiong with thousands of sword auras.

"Master, I was wrong!"

"If you have something to say, I surrender, I am willing to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

"Grandpa, let me go!"

Lei Xiong knelt directly on the ground, begging.

He doesn't want to lose his life like this, he wants to live!

Uncle Li ignored his begging for mercy, and pointed to the sky with a crutch in his hand: "Beria's sword at dusk!"

Next second.

The sword-qi river in the sky descends, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, just like the dusk of the last day.

"Damn it!"

Lei Xiong cursed secretly in his heart, and the hundred-level soul power was released like death.

"Thunder Armor!"

The thunder and lightning all over him turned into pieces of sturdy thunder armor attached to his whole body.


The long river of sword energy fell, fiercely bombarding Lei Xiong's body.


In an instant, Long River of Jian Qi directly blasted Thunder Armor's defenses, breaking every inch, and smashing him into the ground.

There was a big hole in the ground of the villa!

Had it not been for Uncle Li, Lei Xiong would have received the box of lunch with this trick alone.

This villa was also split in half!

Lin Que was excited and bounced happily.


He could understand that, the great aunts and grandpas of the academy, all of them must have had an awesome identity.

It's just a group of old gods!

When I return to the college, I have to learn their unique skills.

On the other side, Zi Yan also beheaded all the remnants of the black shark!

In the face of the traitor, she did not show any mercy at all!

The kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to oneself!

The Black Shark is wiped out!


When everyone saw this scene, they all took a breath.

"Tsk tusk, this Beliya Cliff is a supreme powerhouse! Too tough!"

"The trick just now, the special effects of the movie are not so cool!"

"I guess this brother has left his hand, otherwise, the mountain would have to be split in half."

"Unscrupulous people, from then on there has been a great power in this underground world!"

"Don't provoke bad people, it's terrible!"

With such a great **** in charge, unless there is a supreme-level power, otherwise, the one who does not have long eyes dares to provoke bad people!

This one-handed killing of chickens and monkeys is in place!

The live broadcast picture came to an abrupt end...

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