The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1183: , Legend of the Sword God

Lei Xiong squeaked in his heart when he heard the words.

He knew that he was going to be blackmailed severely.

After weighing the pros and cons in his mind, he gritted his teeth and made a decision.

Isn't it just money? You can do it again if you don't have it, but if your life is gone, he has nothing.

"Okay, I can give you all my money! And tell you the best news."

"However, I have one condition!"

"You can't kill me!"

Lin Que nodded happily: "No problem, I pledge my personality, I will not kill if I pay for it!"

"I think you are upset, at most I will beat you up!"

"Do not worry!"

"Quickly and honestly, the information you know, otherwise, I will string you up for barbecue!"

Lei Xiong:? ? ?

I gave you all the money, and want to beat me up? Grill me?

Forget it, in order to survive, it's okay to be beaten severely.

Xiao Yu'er just wanted to say something when Zi Yan grabbed her hand, shook her head, and motioned not to speak.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Yu'er could only stand aside, a kangaroo shook his hands and hugged his chest, feeling unhappy.

Humph, men are big trotter!

Only know the money!

Still like Ziyan boss.

Lei Xiong said, "You know what happened to the Star Cavern!"

Lin Que chuckled softly and turned on the phone's recording function: "Come on, you keep talking."

Lei Xiong: "Star Cave is in the riot capital!"

"Nin domain, the United States has completely blocked the news. They want to use my hand to enter the riot capital and hide their eyes and ears."

"They promised to help me sit in the position of No. 1 in Black Shark. The condition is to help them do things and assassinate you!"

"Unexpectedly, it was originally a stable win situation, but you broke it!"

Speaking of this, he was full of shock.

They all underestimated Lin Que's status in Daxia.

Being able to easily hire a veteran supreme powerhouse to protect the way, this level of importance is simply outrageous!

Lin Que jokingly smiled: "If your hot news is at this level, you have to die!"

Lei Xiong: "Don't worry, this is just an appetizer!"

"The star veins in the star caves I discovered this time are all good products, the elements contained in them, and the time element in the rare elements, and there is an SSS-level **** heritage in it!"

"According to Ninyu's tone, this inheritance is the legacy of an ancient sword god."

"Extremely precious!"

"This is also the reason why Ninja and the United States have to get hands at all costs!"

"This news is amazing enough!"

"You can let me go!"

When Lin Que heard it, his expression fell into thought.

The inheritance of the ancient sword god, this level of preciousness, has surpassed the relics of killing gods.

Can not fall into the hands of Ninja domain.

Moreover, if the time element in the star cave is absorbed by oneself, it will definitely increase in strength.

Oh oh oh!

These things are much more interesting than small money.

really not bad.

Lei Xiong asked, "Lin Que, can you let me go?"

Lin Que turned his head and grinned, "Of course!"

"I am the most trustworthy person!"

"Next, you can make money and leave!"

When Lei Xiong heard this, he cried with joy!

Oh shit.

I can finally go.

Without any hesitation, he directly sent all the money in the bank card account under his name to Lin Que.

Even the 2000 yuan in Huabai was given to Lin Que.


"Daxia Bank received RMB 800 million!"

Lin Que took out his mobile phone and looked at the bank information on it, with a look of disgust: "It's so shabby!"

"Just you still have the face to seek power to usurp the throne, commit the following?"

"Being a dog leg, you will get such a small amount of money. If I were you, I would die by a head blow."

Lei Xiong directly vomited out old blood.

Listen, is this human?

I took all the money I earned from my life and gave you all the fleece. In the end, he still disliked the lack of meat?

Adding to the one you grabbed last time, it's almost 900 million.


If you look down on it, give it back to me!

My hard-earned money!

Lin Que grandly took out a one-dollar coin from his pocket.

"Don't say I rob you!"

"This is your fare!"

Lei Xiong picked up the steel pewter on the ground and twitched the corner of his mouth severely.

I took 900 million yuan and changed it for a steel pebble!

This is so ridiculous!

I will endure!

As long as you can survive, this humiliation is nothing!

Come on, Leixiong, you can.

With that said, he was about to leave the scene with a severely injured body.


Suddenly, a dagger blocked his way.

Lei Xiong's face was startled, he turned his head, looked at Zi Yan's murderous eyes, and was shocked in his heart.

"You, you said yes not to kill me!"

Lin Que shrugged, "I won't kill you, haven't I let you go?"

"What's my business?"

"I know!"

When Lei Xiong saw Lin Que playing a rogue appearance, he was annoyed in his heart!

"You don't talk about martial ethics!"

Zi Yan stepped out, the dagger in her hand flashing with terrifying killing intent.

"Hmph, Lei Xiong, today, I want you to pay for your dead brother!"

Lei Xiong's face was full of determination to die.


"Then let's die and break the net!"

With that said, he is about to explode when he uses his spirit power...

sp: There was an accident in the car last night, and the tires went into the ditch. Hey, there is a change today, no way!

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