The battle is over.

The group headed towards the stronghold of the bad guy.

In the meeting room of the combat aircraft carrier, Lin Que came to Xiao Yuer alone to find out the situation.

"Let's talk about it, what happened to today's attack?"

He didn't believe it, it was just a simple robbery.

The bad guys sent a combat aircraft carrier and nine combat ships to escort!

As long as it is not a person with a serious brain disease, they generally will not provoke it. Obviously, this TI organization has planned for a long time.

Xiao Yuer sat on the chair with a tired face: "This is a long story!"

"The TI organization is a veteran force in the capital of riots, and one of Zi Yan's channel dealers!"

"Once Zi Yan and the boss made a plan, you found the person in charge of TI and discussed cooperation."

"In the beginning, it was pretty normal, and we were in peace. TI also helped us expand our black market business."

"However, as we grew stronger, their ambitions began to show."

"In addition, the things about the Star Cavern are already known to the world, and all major forces have sent people to enter."

"TI wants to get greater benefits, and requires our unscrupulous people to surrender most of the market share!"

"Sister Zi Yan did not comply. As a result, TI directly turned back and attacked us in the market!"

"I even want to annex us!"

"Fortunately, there are some props given by Lin Que, our market is still stable!"

"Unexpectedly, they were even crazier this time, and sent troops to rob us."

"Extremely hateful!"

When Lin Que heard it, an evil arc formed at the corner of his mouth.

Oh shit.

If you dare to hit me, Lin Buda, I simply don't want to do business well!

Xiao Yuer continued: "Boss Lin Que, you have to pay attention. The person in charge of TI has a very close relationship with Flame Demon Fairy."

"In this wave, we have robbed his illegitimate son, and he will never let it go."

"We have to be careful!"

Lin Que rubbed his chin with a thoughtful expression on his face.

It seems that the situation in this riot capital is much more complicated than he thought!

"By the way, how are the people of the major forces?"

Xiao Yuer shook his head: "I don't know!"

"They all have their own channels to get in. In this regard, the Flame Demon Fairy also closed one eye!"

"The currently known forces, and the people from the Knight Academy have already arrived."

"They are too arrogant to appear on the stage, and they are riding the Royal Griffon directly, for fear that others will not know that they are the same."

Lin defect nodded.

It seems that these things can only be dealt with when they arrive at their destination.

Three hours later.

The crowd arrived at the island where the bad guys are located.

On the island, there are men and women dressed in cool clothes, each wearing a mask, walking and having fun on the island.

Not only that, there are all kinds of entertainment facilities on the island!

Everything in the city is available here.

What is even more shocking is that in the center of the island, there is a mountain villa floating in the air!


"That's a floating stone, it's actually used to build a mountain villa, it's extravagant!"

"Lin Que, these are all your pens!"

Suspended stone, although the value is not as good as some spiritual artifact materials, but it is also a rare ore!

Except for Lin Que, they could not think of anyone who could use such a large floating stone to build a villa.

Lin Que grinned: "Low-key, these are routine operations, not enough!"

"Let's go in!"

"Everyone relax and relax, there are still many tough battles to be fought next!"

Everyone nodded and rushed towards the entertainment facilities happily.

Lin Que spoke to Tang Lin and said, "Teacher, has your hometown sent the information of the matchmaker?"

Tang Lin shook her head: "My hometown will secretly send the information of the docking person at night, so as not to be spied on!"

I'm short of head.

At this moment, Lin Xi and the others came up.

"Aren't you going to relax?"

Lin Xi stepped forward, grabbed Lin Que's arm, and smiled sweetly: "No, I want to accompany my brother!"

Lin Que rubbed her little head domineeringly, "Hey, when this mission is over, I will take you to the eldest sister!"

He knew very well that his little sister was always worried about the safety of the elder sister, but he didn't want to cause trouble for himself, so he didn't speak.

Lin Xi: "I listen to my brother."

Mo Qingcheng: "Lin Que, don't put too much pressure on yourself, let's carry it together if we have problems!"

Qin Feng touched his bald head: "Yeah, you can't let you do everything by yourself if you pretend to be forceful, you won't give us the total points."

Lin Que looked at the teammates and couldn't help but smile: "Don't worry, I am Demon King Lin, nothing can break me!"

"After all, men can't say no!"

After so many tasks, this time, he really felt a little stressed.

After all, he could carry the lives of dozens of people.

Sun Xiaosheng curled his lips: "You seem to be a man!"

"You are a devil!"

She remembered that the scene of her first meeting with him, nothing was left!


Xia Yuyan nodded: "That's it!"

Not only is it bad, it's also pretty!

Lin Que has a black line, do you have any misunderstandings about me?

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