Li Tianhong suffocated his stomach.

Does this kid have any eyesight? I'm about to hit the wall, I don't know how to stop it!


Lin Que stood up from the ground.

Hearing that, Li Tianhong was happy in his heart, the kid is still very good, knowing to give me a step down.

However, following Li Lin Que's words, Li Tianhong almost died on the spot with anger!

Lin Que: "Old Li, since you are about to hit the wall, I will laugh at this Lingcha!"


Li Tianhong's body seemed to be struck by lightning, stiff in place.

"You bastard!"

Li Tianhong went into a violent state, spitting and roaring at Lin Que.

Fortunately, Lin Que was prepared early. As soon as the elephant held up the umbrella, your saliva would not hurt me.

After the thunderstorm, Lin Que put away the umbrella and jokingly said, "Old Li, are you running out?"

Li Tianhong looked at Lin Que and sighed helplessly.

For Lin Que who didn't follow the rules, he really didn't know what to do.

Sitting back in the wicker chair, Li Tianhong rubbed his eyebrows: "For this task, you did a great job!"

"Sit down first!"

Lin Que: "It's nice to stand!"

Just kidding, who knows if you will leave me and run away.

The reward hasn't been given yet!

Li Tianhong's face is dark, why don't I call you, you are still afraid of me running!

"You kid, sit down for me, but you can't make it without you!"

Lin Que just sat down.

Li Tianhong took out a letter of commission: "The Pacific and his party, Shen Chuan, and the others have told us what they have done. The organization has decided to raise your military rank to the least!"

"This is an appointment book!"

Lin Que: "Nothing?"

I'm so desperate, this is what I care about?

What I want is a small amount of money!

Li Tianhong: "Aren't you excited about such a big promotion from a second lieutenant to a major?"

"Also, you have swallowed even the gene source energy, what kind of reward do you want!"

When normal people encounter this kind of thing, they have long been dancing and talking with excitement.

This kid reacts at this point?


"Why should I be excited!"

"Gene source can be drunk by my abilities, it doesn't count!"

Lin Que stretched out his hand, as if you could figure it out.

Li Tianhong's face turned black: "Boy, can you be a little bit pursued!"


Lin Que pondered for a while, and said, "One a day, does this count?"

Li Tianhong: (´-ι_-`).

He shouldn't reason with Lin Que.

It's purely looking for abuse.

One a day, I think you want to die young!


Li Tianhong took out a space ring and placed it on the table: "You are also approaching the sixtieth level. There is a piece of wood ghost ghost jade in it, take it!"

Lin Que's eyes lit up!

Wood spirit ghost jade, isn't it the third spirit ability, Fen Yan needs it for promotion!

"Old Li, you are too polite, I am embarrassed to refuse it!"

After speaking, Lin Que put the space ring into his bag.

Li Tianhong glanced at Lin Que, is this kid really 18 years old?

What a bamboo shoot!

"Boy, your five-claw dragon emblem has been upgraded to six claws. The dragon emblem will be delivered in a while!"

Lin Que suppressed the laughter on his face, his face serious.

The five-claw dragon emblem is already the ceiling in the eyes of ordinary people, and it requires countless contributions to possess it.

As for the six-claw dragon emblem, the glory represented is no small thing!

Li Tianhong patted Lin Que on the shoulder: "Relax, these are all rewards you deserve!"

Lin's fault nodded, suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Lao Li, I was expelled from the academy, is it because of you guys!"

He personally asked why he was old, but the answer was that he would only know when he arrived in the capital!

Even more strange is that Mo Qingcheng, Qin Feng and the others are gone, as if the world has evaporated!

In Daxia, there is such a method, except for the Guild of Souls, which is the night patrol!

He asked Zhu Xiaotian, and the answer was also to go to the capital!

Obviously, this is the ghost of the night inspector.

The corner of Li Tianhong's mouth turned, boy, I've been waiting for you to say this for a long time!

"Want to know?"

Lin Que: "I said I don't want to, do you believe it?"

Li Tianhong smiled slightly, and took out a contract and handed it to Lin Que: "If you sign this contract, I'll tell you!"

Lin Que looked at the big words on the contract.

Temporary Worker of Tiandao Academy!

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