The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 624: , Awei Eighteen Stance

"Boy, it's up to you if you hit the ego!"

"Quickly tell, do you have any tricks?"

Uncle Xia grabbed Lin Que's arm with excitement and asked.

Lin Que patted his chest: "Gold matchmaker, we are all bad...good things in our stomach."

"The happy life in our hometown, Xiaobai, was achieved by my help."

"You always put a hundred hearts on it!"

Uncle Xia nodded in excitement, "Middle!"


System reminder: The second brother is always on stage at critical moments!

Option 1: Help Uncle Xia to pursue Aunt Furong and reward the props to vigorously jackfruit!

Option 2: Take the way of others, let the uncle have nowhere to go, pursue Aunt Furong, and reward the martial arts body to be promoted to the diamond level.

Choice 3: Don't help, shake your hand and leave, and the next one is more obedient, rewarding sweet and sour lemons.

Yo, the system is coming to life!

Lin Que looked at the three choices and twitched at the corner of his mouth.

What the **** is choice two?

Let him go after Aunt Furong, wouldn't he let him go to death?

Although he is handsome and kills both young and old, the price is high, and he might lose his life.

Uncle Xia is not a vegetarian!

Choose three more outrageous.

I came for Uncle Xia's combat skills, can I run?

"I choose the first one!"


System prompt: "Vigorously jackfruit arrived!"

Vigorously jackfruit: "The user can increase the physical strength to the limit within an hour, with negligible side effects, who knows who eats it!"

Lin Que was not in a hurry to experience the effects of the new props and threw it directly into the system space.

He glanced at the aunt who was building flowers in front of him, rubbed his chin and asked, "Uncle, what is the basis of your relationship with the aunt?"

"For example, what have you experienced?"

Uncle Xia was silent for a while, and said: "I'll be with her and let her wife go away. Does that count?"

Lin Que: ─━_─━✧.

Uncle Xia, you really dare to say anything!

Sure enough, the older the person, the less embarrassed!


Lin Que coughed slightly to relieve the embarrassment in his heart: "Then you and your aunt are really more in love than Jin Jian!"

"Since you and your aunt have gone through such a vigorous time, according to Article 186 of the Rules of Love."

"You should let the auntie feel your passionate love!"

"Let the flower seedlings that are in love in your heart flaming, and influence the heart of the aunt!"

Uncle Xia listened to Lin Que's explanation with a serious face.

When I heard the depths, I didn't forget to take out a small book and write it down.

"Then how should I make Furong sister feel my love?"

Lin Que grinned: "This question, a good question!"

"These are the two plans I prepared for the uncle, take a look!"

"Plan one, you have to give a gift!"

"Girls are sentimental creatures. The older the person, the smaller the heart. You spend a little money, give some gifts, and have a few sweet words, isn't she yours all the people and the heart!"

The old face that Uncle Xia heard was full of excitement, and patted Lin Que on the shoulder: "Young man, you are the hope of the whole village!"

"What about Option Two?"

Lin Que grinned and took out a bottle of Tiger Wine: "Dangdangdang!"

"The same tiger wine in the TV series, if one bottle goes down, the whole world is yours."

"I have tried the effect for you, the stamina is fierce!"

"This is to be used in the case of a failure of Scheme 1!"

"Don't worry, do it boldly!"

With this perfect plan of picking up girls, adding Tiger Tiger Wine, and taking down Aunt Furong, it is not easy to catch!

Uncle Xia took Tiger Tiger Wine into his arms and gave Lin Que a thumbs up: "Boy on the road!"

"Come on, I will teach you this secret book that has been cherished for many years!"

With that, Uncle Xia fiddled in his trouser pocket and handed a colorful book to Lin Que.

"Thank you, Uncle Xia!"

Lin Que took the ancient book one by one and looked at it all being out of the patina. At first glance, it was a good thing!

He felt a mysterious power beckoning him.

However, just when he turned the first page, he was dumbfounded!

Kim Pmei...

"Ahem, I'm sorry, I got it wrong, I read this by myself at home, this is the secret book!"

Uncle Xia snatched the book, exchanged a crumpled book and handed it to Lin Que.

"Awei Eighteen Powers."

Lin Que:...

This name makes people think so.

Regardless, since it is said that it is a combat skill, it doesn't matter if the name is strange, it can be used mainly!

Uncle Xia: "Young man, these 18 tricks are unique skills that I have spent my entire life creating. They are broad and profound. Please understand them!"

Lin Que: "Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely cultivate well."

Uncle Xia nodded in satisfaction: "Well, you can withdraw, don't affect the operation of Uncle!"

Lin Que: "Uncle, let me accompany you, I can teach on-site!"

"No need to!"

Uncle Xia waved his hand, holding the little book in his hand: "I already know it!"

Lin Que: "Um... alright!"

Looking at the back of Uncle Xia, I felt a little worried.

"With the help of Tiger Tiger Wine, there will be no accidents!"

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