Lin Que looked at Xia Yuyan, his brain buzzing.

That's why I came here.

Don't you just look at your feet? As for chasing you?

Qin Feng fingered Lin Que and yelled, "Sister Fairy, this guy is Lin Que!"

"The wrongdoer, the debtor!"

"beat him!"

Lin Que:? ? ?

What a plastic brother!

Others want to beat themselves, not to say to help, but also take the initiative to lead the way!

Qin Feng was holding his swollen cheeks, it was a heartbreak!

Without mentioning toilet paper, he can't tell the sad experience of the past few days!

The three women tortured him for three days and three nights!

Had it not been for the last fairy sister to appear, he would have been abandoned!

The chief culprit of everything is Lin Que, the deflated calf!

Xia Yuyan's face was angry: "You are still not a man, you have done something wrong, and you have to replace it with another name!"

Lin Que spread his hands: "Please, you just asked me what my name was, but you didn't ask my real name!"

"I replied that my name is Qin Feng, is there something wrong?"

It's okay!

Qin Feng: "Believe it or not, I'll sue you for an infringement of reputation!"

"Don't Bilian!"

Lin Que curled his lips: "Rebound!"

Brothers are not used to pit, it will be meaningless!


Xia Yuyan waved her jade hand, and Wuhun's sealed doors appeared, and golden giant doors fell from the sky, sealing the scene!

The field enveloped the audience!

Lin Que:! ! !

You bitch, just start fighting if you don't agree, don't you know if you yell first to let me slip away?

The power of the domain was released, and he ran a hammer!

"Lin Que, today, I must make you the Yin thief pay the price!"

Xia Yuyan yelled, the power of space condensed a spatial blade with a handle, suspended overwhelmingly in the headspace.

When Qin Feng saw the dense space of sharp blades, he slipped into the trash can to hide in a fright.

A bare head was exposed against the lid of the trash can.

Xia Yuyan: "Fall!"

Spatial blades swept across the sky, and the sharp blades fell like a torrential rain in the blink of an eye.

"Damn, woman, just talk, why are you still doing it!"

"You are a sneak attack, a plot!"


Lin Que looked at the sharp blade of space compressed by the black, and had committed the intensive phobia, and immediately yelled at him.

The curse went to curse, his hand movements were not ambiguous at all, and the dark red flames covered the entire arm.

Blood Dragon Armor Released!


The little black boy flew out of Lin Que's body and turned into a soaring fire dragon.

"Son, let's go!"

"Fire Dragon Yin!"


The dark fire dragon uttered a high-pitched dragon roar, carrying a blazing flame, and slammed into the space blade that fell on the face!


There was a silent impact, and a dazzling fire and scorching temperature swelled in the air.

The heat is rolling!


Xia Yuyan was full of consternation when she saw her attack was resolved by Lin Que!

It's been a long time since I saw him, this guy is much stronger.

However, these are useless, he still has to use it!

Immediately, Xia Yuyan mobilized her soul power, and the power of the domain restrained Lin Que's body!

In an instant, Lin Que felt his body become heavier!


It's not that the body has become heavier, but the quality of this space has been strengthened!

Damn, it's this lady-in-law who is making a ghost!

Xia Yuyan: "Now let's see where you can run away!"

After speaking, the power of the space was released, and he came to Lin Que's head in the blink of an eye. The space blade in his hand was condensed, and Lin Que was to be physically castrated!

It's just a matter of time!

Lin Que's platinum-level physical body was released, the magic blood was activated, and he suddenly broke free from the constraints of space and restored his mobility.

One clasped Xia Yuyan's wrist.

"Awei 18th style, juvenile stroller!"

Lin Que clasped Xia Yuyan's wrist with his left hand, and hit Xia Yuyan's abdomen with a palm of his right hand, violently exerting force!


Xia Yuyan felt a strong vigor pouring into her abdomen, exploding in her body with a bang, flying her whole person away.

It's not over yet!

Lin Que's body vacated, his right hand turned his palm, and his soul power poured into Xia Yuyan's abdomen!

"Invincible little electric drill!"

Xia Yuyan's body was directly blasted out of several meters, and she smashed to the ground fiercely.

After hurriedly using the power of space, he landed steadily, and two white smoke rubbed under his feet.

Xia Yuyan looked at Lin Que with a look of stunned expression: "How can you get the eighteenth style of Ahwei!"

Lin Que twitched his lips: "Why, I'm not convinced!"

"Awei eighteenth style, all live without discount!"

"Sister, come one set?"

Xia Yuyan was so angry that her silver teeth creaked, "Shameless!"

"You actually know my grandpa's fighting skills!"

Lin Que: (ㅍ_ㅍ).

and many more!

Uncle Xia!

Xia Yuyan!

These two are really grandparents!

It's over.

"What's inside~."

"This is really flooding the Dragon King Temple, the family doesn't know the family!"

"Fairy, didn't you hurt you just now!"

Xia Yuyan looked angry: "You're done!"

"You actually beat me with my grandpa's fighting skills!"

"I want to tell my grandpa!"

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