"Baby, here I am!"

Lin Que rushed towards the wooden frame and wooden box.

Open the closest wooden box, which is a spear!

The breath that it exudes is that the S grade has not run away!

"Received, I will exchange it for a small amount of money in the future!"

Lin Que was not polite at all, picked up the spear and threw it into the system space.

In the end, I didn't bother to open it to see what it was, and put it all into the system space!

"Get rich, get rich!"


The system prompts: "Big brother, don't plug it up, I will charge a booth fee in the plug!"

Lin Que:...

I lost it!

Is the current system so user-friendly?

Want to make me money?

no way!

Lin Que reached out and grabbed a jade bottle with Pei Yuan Dan written on it!

"Yo, a Pei Yuan Dan worth ten million pieces, not bad!"

As he said, Lin Que opened his mouth and gulped down all the pills in the jade bottle.

Chew it like a white rabbit toffee.


Lin Que swallowed Peiyuan Pill and smashed his mouth: "It's dry, it's not a bullet!"

"This thing won't expire anymore!"

Lin Que glanced at the dazzling array of elixirs on the wooden stand with a serious face.

As the MVP of the Daxia National Youth Competition!

As a freshman at Tiandao Academy!

Three good youths in society!

It is necessary for him to confirm for Uncle Gu whether these pills have expired.

Ever since, Lin Que opened the second bottle...


Lin Que held the empty jade bottle in his hand until he emptied a wooden elixir, and burped.


Lin Que: "It's weird. I used to watch Sun Wukong, and his whole body was naked after taking the pill. Why didn't he react at all?"

"It won't really expire, will it?"


The system prompts: "Maybe the amount is not large enough, and the feelings are not in place. If you eat some, you may feel it."

Lin Que: get! ٩('ω')و.

Next, Lin Que started a frantic sweep again, turning into a ruthless medicine swallowing machine.

The number of empty jade bottles on the ground keeps increasing...


Just when Lin Que was forgetting himself, the door of the basement was opened, and Gu He walked in in a robe.

But he looked at the scene in front of him, instantly sluggish!

Lin Que swallowed the pill, and the two looked at each other.

The air is suddenly quiet!


Lin Que swallowed the last pill and looked at Furukawa: "Master Gu, I'm helping you check whether the pill has expired, do you believe it?"

Furukawa nodded slightly: "Well, I believe you!"

Lin Que's face was happy, and it felt good to be understood.



A heavy closing sound made the smile on Lin Que's face stiff.

Saw Furukawa picked up the broomstick in the basement, pointed directly at Lin Que, and said sharply, "Grandson, you dare to steal the uncle's pill!"

"You are useless!"

Lin Que's face turned dark, this uncle is duplicity and does not speak martial ethics!

"I hate people pointing a gun at my head the most in my life!"

"For the sake of your uncle, open the door and let me go. I won't care about you for the time being!"

"Otherwise, I will let Qin Feng stabb you to death with a gun!"

Furukawa looked angry: "I'm pooh!"

"I care about you, Qin Feng, or the sheep's madness!"

"Today, even if Tang Xiaohu is here, it won't work!"

"I want to train you into a pill!"

Looking at the empty bottles on the ground, his heart was bleeding.

Here is a spiritual weapon pill that is worth tens of billions, and it's all for this bastard.

You are so good to leave me a pill for a taste!

"Boy, you dare to ruin my hard work, I'm going to bury you and jump wild on your head!"

After speaking, the ghostly white flames on Furukawa were released and turned into six fire dragons, sending out a high-pitched dragon roar!

Lin Que quickly covered his ears.

Feeling the scorching heat wave on his face, I was shocked.


This old man is crazy!

You can't beat it for sure, you have to think of a way, otherwise this old hair goes crazy and really has to jump on his head.

Furukawa: "Why the **** Xia Bingbao finds the inheritor before me!"

"You bastard, why did you take my pill!"

"Furious old man!"

Lin Que's eyes suddenly lit up listening to Gu He's roar.

Just when Furukawa was about to attack, Lin Que moved!

Cang Dang!

Suddenly, there was a sound of an object hitting the ground.

A trophy fell to the ground.

"and many more!"

"Oh, I lost my trophy!"

Lin Que: "Don't worry, let me pick up a trophy first."


Lin Que picked up the trophy and checked it carefully: "This is my national youth championship trophy, don't break it!"

Furukawa raised his brows and looked at Lin Que with a bit of scrutiny!

Indeed, this kid can resist him with a few tricks, and being a champion is not too much.

But he is the inheritor of Xia Bingbao!

Just as Furukawa was about to do it again.

Cang Dang!

In Lin Que's pocket, the five-claw dragon emblem fell out.

"Oh, my five-claw dragon emblem has dropped again, so accidentally!"

As he said, Lin Que bent over and picked it up: "Sorry, I am a better person, and I have a lot of trophy badges."

"What's inside, you can start a fight!"

Furukawa looked at the five-clawed dragon emblem in Lin Que's hand, his eyes straightened!

This is a five-claw dragon emblem!

All Daxia can count it with just one hand. Does this kid have?

He looked at Lin Que's gaze becoming weird, and the corners of his mouth gradually turned into a strange arc.

"Child, is the pill enough to eat?"

"Not enough for me!"

"Uncle's good boy, come and let the uncle hug!"

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