Lin Que walked to the 10th gravitational zone in one sigh!

Frowning, it feels coming!

At this moment, the body seems to be sinking deep into the ocean, becoming extremely heavy!

at the same time.

monitoring room.

Tang Xiaohu and his colleagues all gathered here.

At this time of the year, they will watch the new birth enter the gravity field of the ancient civilization.

Zeng Deshuai: "You said, how many times the gravity zone can Lin Que, a bastard, go to?"

Xia Bingbao: "It's hard to say, this kid is just a bug, and you can't look at it with normal eyes!"

Furukawa nodded, "Xia Bingbao, I agree with you this time!"

Damn, the Qi body has reached its full level within five minutes of its origin. At this level of perversion, I call it the strongest on the surface!

Zeng Deshuai turned his head and looked at Tang Xiaohu, who was sitting in a wheelchair and wrapped in gauze and plaster.

"Old Tang, what do you think?"

Tang Xiaohu looked at Lin Que on the surveillance: "Expelled, expel him from me!"

What a special thing, I’m going to go on a boat date next month, this makes the **** fart and hit me!


Angry old man!

Zeng Deshuai blinked and turned his head back casually to continue discussing with the uncles.

Just kidding, you will fire a genius just because you failed on a date!


Just when you are the principal, it can be too late!

Qiuxiang looked at Lin Que on the screen and smiled slightly: "I bet this little guy can rush to the 50 times gravity zone!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the mentors, grandfathers and aunts were stunned.

"The freshman rushed to the 50 times gravity zone for the first time?"

"For all the time, in addition to the old and second in the cottage, the little girl Xiangxiang you newly collected has done it."

"Lin Que is an enchanting evildoer, but it's almost time to start!"

"Yes, you can't do it!"

Everyone talked about you with one word, and I talked about it.

The corner of Qiuxiang's mouth outlines a meaningful arc: "You may not know anything about money!"

"Moreover, his surname is Lin!"

Zeng Deshuai was stunned for a while, and suddenly said, "Wait, this kid is also from Cangtong Town, and his surname is Lin."

"This kid shouldn't be that little girl's brother!"


Everyone took a deep breath, looked at Lin Que's eyes, and re-examined.

Damn, are these three brothers and sisters so perverted?

I really want to ask, what brand of rice their parents ate when they gave birth to him!

Everyone's eyes converged on the screen.

at this time.

Gravity field of ancient civilization.

Ye Ni and others worked so hard to support their bodies to the 15th times gravity zone.

With the blessing of Lin Que's platinum-level physical body, he abruptly walked to the 27th gravity zone, which was equal to the old student!

Yunyang and the rest of the elders were embarrassed when they saw Lin Que beside him!

Waiting for someone is not as good as a new student!

"You are Lin Que!"

Suddenly, a young man in front of him who was wearing a dark green coat and combing his head turned back to look at Lin Que.

Lin Que: "What's the matter, I'm not short selling small eggs right now, I have to buy them and wait for them to go out!"

Sikongzhen:? ? ?

God buys your little egg.

"My name is Sikongzhen!"

With a question mark on his face, Lin Que blinked at Yunyang beside him, "Who is he?"

Yunyang: (´Д(︶︹︺).

You guys were beaten by other goddesses, you don't even know who they are!

Sikong Zhen was a little annoyed: "Liu Mei is a woman I believe. If you dare to move her, be prepared to accept my anger!"

After finishing speaking, Sikong Zhen's spirit power circulated, thunder light surged, stepped out, and directly entered the 30 times gravity zone.


Want to leave after playing hard words?

Lin Que's spirit power surged, the void moved and released, and he entered the 30 times gravity zone in the blink of an eye!

Sikong Zhen:! ! ! ∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ.

Fuck, the gravity zone can still use space-based spirit abilities, how strong is this kid's physical body?

Lin Que looked arrogant, pretending that who would not!

Hey, just play, hum!

In the instant just now, Lin Que not only activated the Platinum Grade physical body, but also activated the Demon Blood.

Otherwise, it would have been pushed down by gravity!

From the rear, Qin Feng and others were shocked when they saw Lin Que's operation.

Do you want to be so arrogant!

When he comes up, he provokes the old student. This is a gravity zone, and it's still moving!

It's so showy!

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