"Fuck, this will be really awesome for Qin Feng!"

Everyone said with emotion.

Lin Que rolled his throat.

Brother, it's not that brother didn't save you!

You are the one who **** others' ass.

The four cow hooves of the Bull Demon slammed on the sand, making a roar that shook the earth.


(Return to my wife!).

The voice burst into the void, and the earth was trembling!

The Bull Demon was like a roaring Lamborghini, hitting Qin Feng's exposed foot at a speed of 380 yards!

Lin Que: "You save people, I will steal a wave!"

After speaking, the whole disappeared.

Xia Yuyan glanced at the group of people holding mobile phone recordings, and said coldly: "Don't shoot, save people!"

Mo Qingcheng took the lead to fly out, and the Martial Spirit Ice Crystal Peacock released extreme coldness.

Freeze the sand into a piece of ice!

The sandstorm rhinoceros stepped on the soles of their feet and made a mess on the ice.

"Quickly pull out Qin Feng!"

Everyone worked together, grabbed Qin Feng's foot, and pulled out the person like a carrot.

There was a clear bang.

Qin Feng, who was covered in blood, was pulled out.

Still alive.

Looking at Qin Feng, whose face was covered in blood, everyone looked disgusted.

Shen Jiao couldn't stand it anymore.

"Let's put him back! It's disgusting!"

"I agree!"

"Do you have a feeling of giving birth to a cow?"

"Hmm~Don't tell me, it really is!"

A few people looked at Qin Feng with strange expressions, not knowing why, at this moment, they were full of pride!

"Cough cough cough!"

Qin Feng coughed violently, sitting on the ground and breathing heavily!

He was sluggish for a few seconds, and he didn't slow down.


"We are full of blood!"

With blood stains all over Qin Feng, his face was dumbfounded!

He looked at everyone: "What happened to me just now, it's so dark and hot!"


What you asked, we don't know how to answer you anymore.

Shen Jiao: "Don't look at me like that, I hate it!"

Ye Ni hesitated for a while, then said, "You will wash it well later, it should still work!"

Qin Feng:? ? ?

What stuff?

What does it mean?

Did you fall into the pit?

I shouldn't, my whole body is full of blood!

Yang Dianfeng looked curious: "Brother, from now on, when I chat with you, I can tell others with confidence that my brother is bragging!"

"Hurry up, what does it feel like!"

"I'll edit the copywriting and post videos later, maybe I can become a big traffic guy!"

Looking at everyone, Qin Feng was even more dazed.

What have you experienced?

I saw the female rhino in front of Yang Dianfeng's fingers.

Qin Feng looked in the direction and saw a female rhino lying on the ice, with her **** nourishing blood like a shower, full of question marks.

"Hey, it turns out that rhinos can also get hemorrhoids!"

"Blood, I think it's an internal hemorrhoid!"

Yang Dianfeng:? ? ?

"Brother, your metaphor is very vivid!"

All the deliveries they said before are weak!

This hemorrhoid is mvp!

Throughout the ages, you have compared yourself to hemorrhoids, and you are Qin Feng alone.

Qin Feng saw the expressions of the people, then glanced at the female rhinoceros spurting blood, glanced at himself, and suddenly he had a dangerous conjecture in his heart.

"I... I won't get into her **** just now, am I?"

Yang Dianfeng: "Brother, be confident and get rid of the feeling!"

Qin Feng froze in place.

I am not clean...

Thinking of the fame of Lao Tzu I, the whole thing was ruined on the **** of a cow!

Oh my god!

I don't want to live anymore.

Yang Dianfeng patted Qin Feng on the shoulder disgustingly: "Brother, don't worry, you will be on fire soon!"

Qin Feng:? ? ?

Does Lao Tzu mean this?

the other side.

Lin Que quietly sneaked into the location of the deity fragment.

He looked around with a thief look, grabbed the deity fragment and stuffed it into the system space.

The moment the deity fragment was taken away by Lin Que, the hot energy in the field disappeared.

The Bull Demon King noticed the situation and fixed his eyes on Lin Que.


(Little thief, don't run!).

Lin lacked an exciting spirit.

"Shards are in hand!"

"The wind is screaming!"

After speaking, the body quickly went into the void wormhole and disappeared.

The sandstorm rhino herd began to run wild, the earth trembled, the yellow sand rolled, and the momentum was like thunder!

With a few flashes, Lin Que joined the crowd, his scalp numb as he watched the cattle running away!

This is a B-level monster group.

The current riot is simply a moving bulldozer, bringing all living things to the west!

"Hurry in, teleport!"

Lin Que said anxiously.

I just stole the home.

This is so if you are caught by the sandstorm rhino herd, you will not be trampled to death!

Xia Yuyan reacted quickly, and the moment Lin Que succeeded, she began to gather the power of space!

"Space jump!"


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