"Master, it hurts!"

Xiao Cai held the big bag of 250-degree-sized turning lights on top of her head, and said grievously.

"Master, didn't you say that the Venerable Realm is not invincible?"

"Fuck him!"

Lin Que:! ! !

Ouch, grandma!

You can stop it!

I was pretending to be forceful, you were really awesome just now!

This Wushan is obviously not Chen Shao's half-hearted Ghost King Realm, so you dare to fight!

In mid-air, Wu Shan said, "Lin Que, hand over the deity fragments and return to Mingyuan with me!"

Lin Que: "You give me 100 million, I think about it!"

Wu Shan said in a deep voice, "Toast, not eat or drink fine wine!"

After finishing speaking, with a big wave of his hand, a giant palm made of ghostly spirit fell in the sky above his head.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Cai'er turned into a small snake and slammed into the cuff of Lin Que's right arm.

"Master, I will cheer you on!"

Lin Que:! ! !

You are so sweet!

Looking at the falling giant palm, Lin Que quickly moved in the void and disappeared in place.

Moved the four stone chambers in one breath.

As long as I am fast enough, the enemy can't catch up with me!

However, in the next second, a faint voice rang in Lin Que's ear.

"That's it?"

Lin Que slammed the brakes abruptly and looked at Wushan, who was advancing side by side with him, his face black!


Subconsciously burst out a foul language!

You are a pretty boy with space spirit skills, even if you are a ghost king, you can't catch up!

This unscientific!

The corner of Wushan's mouth raised a strange arc: "I forgot to tell you, I still have a name!"

"You humans call me, empty grudges!"

Lin Que was shocked when he heard this!


Space ghosts!

No wonder I can catch up with it, I met an expert!

Wushan continued: "Your space system can teleport by 100 meters at most, and I can teleport for kilometers!"

Lin Que: "That's it!"

"Such a good break, if you apply to be a takeaway guy, you will surely benefit all mankind."

Wushan:? ? ?

What am I... give you a hammer for takeaway!

Lao Tzu is a rare ghost!

Still a ghost king class boss!

You let me deliver food?

"Hmph, your trash talk will not work for me!"

"Today, you can't escape!"

Lin Que ran away, moving wildly all the way, holding a super power water bottle in his mouth.

Wushan followed closely behind.

The figures of the two kept flashing in the ruined stone room.

Every time Wushan was about to touch Lin Que, Lin Que was able to avoid it precisely, and disappeared in a slip of smoke.

"Lin Que, it's futile for you to go on like this. The entire ruins have been banned!"

"You can't jump!"

"Do you know who did it? That person is your old acquaintance!"

"Yang Xiao!"

Lin Que's face was startled!

Oh shit!

Is this Yang Xiao a cat?

At the beginning, the Battle Wolf exploded in the Forsaken Land without killing him!

Wushan continued: "Lin Que, you have magic blood fused with you, and humans can't tolerate you."

"Come to my Mingyuan, we will give you training resources, join us, become a peerless powerhouse, sweep the world, and welcome the coming of the demon god, just around the corner!"

Lin Que: "Are there overtime pay?"

Seeing Lin Que let go, Wu Shan grinned: "Of course, our Mingyuan welfare benefits are ten times that of your humans!"

"Come on, I will apply twenty times for you!"

Lin Shortcoming nodded: "It's a heartbeat feeling!"

"Do you Mingyuan Bao assign a girlfriend?"

Wushan: "Divided, must be divided!"

"Come on, I'll give you a hundred, no...do not repeat the same every day!"

"How about it, are you satisfied?"

As Lin Que ran, he stretched out his right hand and gave a thumbs up: "Super satisfied!"

"I give you a thumbs up!"

Wushan: Convex (O 綠O).

You are so satisfied, you still run!

"Promotion and salary increase are right in front of you, stop now, I will take you back to Mingyuan!"

Lin Que: "You go first, I'll go back to pack and salute, and then I will rent a Didi to find you!"

Wushan: Am I special...

He understood it, Lin Que was playing tricks on him!

Immediately, the ghostly spirit swept Wushan, and the power of the domain instantly blocked the space on the scene.

Lin Que wanted to move the void, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break through the shackles of space!

Wushan: "Boy, you can't use the power of space in my empty grievance domain!"

"Now, see where you run away!"

Lin Que watched as he walked towards Wushan slowly, with cold sweat on his head.

Nima, let's take it off now!

At the moment when Lin Que was about to mobilize the devil energy and transform the devil, a **** dagger cut through the void.

With a bang, the empty grievance ghost was nailed to the wall of the stone room.

Not far away, a woman in a red dress stepped forward...

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