The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 696: ,I do not know what you're talking about

The system is called a hardship!

I just have so much fun, I am afraid that I will have no chance in the future.

It's careless!

Lin Que: Do you see whether Lao Tzu will give you a chance.

Afterwards, Lin Que came to the hall and assembled with the large army.

The turmoil at the ancient Loulan ruins subsided, and they should return to the Tiandao Academy to return to their lives.

Zhu Xiaotian and a group of high-level officials from Shu Capital came to see him off.

"Haha, brother Lin, I knew you were good!"

While talking, Zhu Xiaotian stepped forward and grasped Lin Que's hand with enthusiasm.

"Don't worry, Brother Lin, I have prepared a report for your record, and I will report it to the top in a while!"

"Little Red Flower can't do without you!"

Lin Que looked disgusted.

Am I the one who cares about Xiao Honghua?

Who do you look down on!

After a short greeting, Zhu Xiaotian spread his hands: "Brother Lin, have you brought anything?"

Lin Que blinked and asked with a puzzled face: "What is it? I don't know what you are talking about!"

Zhu Xiaotian was anxious, and gestured with his hands for a while: "It's the fragments of the gods!"

"The entire ancient Loulan site is still in a state of collapse. Without the deity fragments, the deity remains will be destroyed, and scientific research has not started!"

They have collected the remaining seven pieces!

Just two yuan in Lin Que's hands.

Lin Que scratched his head doubtfully: "Chairman Zhu, you are embarrassing me, I really don't know what you are talking about!"

"I know about Dragon Ball!"

Zhu Xiaotian looked stunned!

"Brother Lin, you can't do this, I..."

"Chairman Zhu, I really don't know, don't embarrass me as a college student, okay!"

Before Zhu Xiaotian could finish speaking, Lin Que spoke quickly and interrupted.

Zhu Xiaotian was stunned.

He can see it, it's just plain talking nonsense!

On the side, everyone in Tiandao Academy saw Lin Que's operation with an unbelievable expression!

The other party is the president of the Yuling Association of a province!

Is Lin Que so shameless?

Xia Yuyan: "Shameless!"

Sikongzhen: "Shameless!"

Yunyang: "Business wizard!"

Bai Xiaohao: "Little Junior Brother, there are more pitfalls, go back to 857!"

Lin Que spread his hands: "I really don't know what that stuff is!"

"Can you eat it?"

"Can I summon the Shenlong!"

"Chairman Zhu, what you say makes it difficult for me to handle it!"

Zhu Xiaotian looked at Lin Que's embarrassed expression, his old face was dark!

Boy, you know all the people who know the bottom line. Is this interesting?

Isn’t that just for something good?

Tell me!

As long as it is easy to discuss, if you do it like this, I am very passive!

"Brother Lin, are you sure you can't remember?"

Lin Jiantou: "I really don't know."

Zhu Xiaotian took a deep look at Lin Que, then took out the phone and directly dialed Jiang Zhen's mobile phone number.

"Hey, Mr. Jiang!"

"It's me, Xiao Zhu..."

Lin Que blanked his eyes and Zhu Xiaotian: "Chairman Zhu, your phone is upside down!"

Zhu Xiaotian's body became stiff, and when he looked back, he was holding the phone buttocks. At that time, he wanted to find a place to sew in.

Lao Tzu is the president of the Soul Guardian Association!


Looking at Lin Que, Zhu Xiaotian gritted his teeth: "Boy, you wait!"

After that, Zhu Xiao innocently dialed Jiang Zhen's phone number.

"Hey, Mr. Jiang..."

Lin Que stood aside, seeing Zhu Xiaotian really dialing the phone, instead of a little bit of fear on his face, he was a little smug!

He was eager for Zhu Xiaotian to call!

"Brother Lin, Mr. Jiang wants you to answer the phone."

Zhu Xiaotian walked up to Lin Que and winked with a smile.

Sample, I still can't cure you!

Lin Que answered the phone and said, "Hey, Mr. Jiang, have you eaten?"

As Lin Que spoke, everyone's expressions were shocked!


This is one of the three great nobles on Da Xia Ming!

That's how you talked?


Sitting in the bamboo pavilion fishing, Mr. Jiang is dressed in a blue Tang suit with white hair and a kind smile on his face.

"You kid, good job!"

Lin Que: "Fortunately, it's all basic operations!"

Old Jiang shook his head and smiled: "Okay, hand over the deity fragments to Zhu Xiaotian, the ancient Loulan ruins cannot be destroyed!"

"Don't worry, what you worry about will never happen!"

"I guarantee it in my own name!"

Lin Que grinned: "You've always spoken, how can I refuse!"

He was most worried about Yu Chijing.

The deity fragments were stripped from Yu Chi Jing's body. If they were not returned, the power that belonged to Yu Chi Jing wouldn't know who would fall into their hands.

With Lao Jiang's assurance, Lin Que also took a reassurance.

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