After three hours.

Everyone returned to Tiandao Academy.

The principal, Tang Xiaohu, personally led the college's senior officials to welcome the return of everyone.


The cabin door slowly opened, and Lin Que and others got off the plane.

When Tang Xiaohu saw Lin Que walking off the plane, he was stunned.

Lin Que was in tatters, not only that, but there was also a trace of blood on his body.


Lin Que cried at that time: "The principal is big, don't you know, this task is a hardship!"

"Along the way, I was chased and killed by the ghost army, the cattle ravaged, and I was beaten by the ghost king level ghost!"

"That battle, it was called a miserable one. Look at the one who beat me, the blood poked out, and the whole body was blood!"

"If you don't send me a thousand jins of spirit stone, I'm sorry for the blood that I shed!"

Behind him, a group of disciples returning from the Western Regions looked at Lin Que with speechless faces.


Don't Bilian!

Is that the blood you shed from fighting?

It was clearly made on the plane by myself.

You need to make a face!

Tang Xiaohu looked at Lin Que, who had been selling badly when he came back, and rolled his eyes.

I believe you a ghost!

You go to the Western Regions, and you are riding a tortoise son while walking. How much have you suffered and how many things have you done?

How many **** did I wipe you at home?

Day by day, my phone is almost blown by those old guys.

Said that his disciple was operating all over the sky in the Western Regions, and complained about the phone call. That was called Huan Dian Huan.

Tang Xiaohu said angrily, "Do you want to slap?"

Lin Que shrank his neck, and quickly took out the powder of the magic knife Qianbian, and protested: "Look at it, my knife has been broken!"

"This is a work injury and must be reimbursed!"

Tang Xiaohu glanced at the fan of the Magic Sword Thousand Blades, and said, "The academy will bear this loss. You will go to the blacksmith's shop later and find Uncle Lou to forge it for you again!"

Lin Que's eyes lit up: "What level?"

Tang Xiaohu: "S-level, you can't do too much, you can produce the materials yourself!"


Lin Que was delighted.

Originally, he didn't expect to receive more advanced rewards, and it would be pretty good to be able to restore the Magic Sword Thousand Blades again.

Tang Xiaohu looked at everyone: "Thank you for your trip to the Western Regions!"

"All rewards will be doubled from the original basis!"

"You will go to Tiandao Pavilion to receive the corresponding rewards later!"

"In addition, make a written summary of the action this time, and hand it to the instructors of each class for an evaluation!"

"The cafeteria has prepared sumptuous dishes for you, let's enjoy it!"

The words fell off.

There was a cheer from the crowd!


"Double the reward, double the happiness!"

"Get the reward!"

Lin Que's eyes all looked like small money.


Xiaoqianqian, here I am.

At this moment, Tang Xiaohu's voice came out.

"Lin Que, come to my office!"

Lin Que:? ? ?

Ye Di, do you want to give me a meal?

"Can you not go?"

Now, he just wants to see his little money soon!

Have no idea!

The children of the poor were in their homes early, and felt uncomfortable when they did not see the money.

Tang Xiaohu turned his head and said with a perverted smile to Lin Que: "You are thinking clearly!"

Upon seeing this, Lin Que shivered all over his body.

In the end, he followed Tang Xiaohu’s **** and walked into the office!


Lin Que walked into the office with his forefoot, and then the door of the office closed with a slam.

Lin Que was startled.

Looking at Tang Xiaohu sitting on the chair, he rolled his throat and said, "Principal, you can't avenge your private revenge!"

"Otherwise, I would call it!"

The tea Tang Xiaohu had just swallowed was sprayed out in one breath, glaring Lin Que angrily.

"I bother!"

"Boy, what are you talking nonsense!"

"Just your little gadget, do I have an idea for you?"

Lin Que:? ? ?


Who do you look down on!

With that, Lin Que put his hands on his waist.

"Today, let you know what a real man is!"

Tang Xiaohu only felt his brain buzzing.

Covering his face, he waved his hands at Lin Que again and again: "I lost, you will soon have your magical powers!"

"I'm looking for you, just to ask about the situation!"

He is also looking for sins!

Why did I play this game with Lin Que, I can't play it at all!

Lin Que blinked, looking embarrassed.

Damn it!

You didn't mean that, you said it earlier!

How embarrassing this is!

Tang Xiaohu gave himself a blood pressure lowering medicine and said, "Let's talk about it, what have you encountered in the ruins!"

Lin Que looked puzzled: "Don't you know?"

Tang Xiaohu's face turned dark: "Do I know?"

"I thought you knew it!"

Tang Xiaohu:! ! !

If I know, what do you do?

Can you have a good chat!

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