"I am going to kill you!"

Ionia was bathed in divine light and pointed a little, the divine light converged into three divine wheels, distributed around Kotaro Kusanagi, attacked and killed.

Kotaro Kusanaru's pupils shrank!

A huge sense of crisis came to my mind.

Before he could think about it, the two ninja knives in his hand quickly cut out a sharp knife aura, slashing all the attacking divine wheels.

This movement also attracted the other six supreme-level powerhouses who were fighting, and they stopped one after another, perplexed.

Why bother?

I was a teammate a second ago, and now I'm pinching up.

"Ionia, what are you doing!"

Holding two Shinobi swords tightly, Kusanaru Kotaro said with a displeased expression.

Ionia was stunned, her face snarled and roared: "Are you embarrassed to ask me?"

"Don't tell me, Suo Feng joined the three major forces to kill Jiaer, Leif waited for me to make up all of them, this matter was not instructed by you!"

Kotaro Kusana:? ? ?

What stuff?

Suo Feng's five big and three thick guys, can command the three forces to destroy the squad of the Holy See of Light?

Can't it!

"Your joke is not funny at all!"

Ionia roared: "Will you be kidding me?"

Looking at Ionia's expression, it didn't seem to be a joke.

This made Kotaro Kusanaru's brain humming even more.


Did this Suo Feng dream of being taught a strategy by the white beard at night and become smarter?

Although I am very happy in my heart, I still have to pretend to be very contemporaneous on the surface.

"Ionia, there must be some misunderstanding in this, let's solve the immediate matter first and then say okay!"

The most important thing in front of us is the inheritance of the gods!

If this Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast is not beheaded, the younger generation of their major forces will not be able to enter it.

"Ionia, is there any misunderstanding!"

The supreme tycoon of the United States, although he is old, but his body is clearly muscular, Thor is holding a Thor!


"The Ninja Territory united with Vatican Temple, the Knights of the Round Table, and the four forces of the Orc Kingdom to kill all the people of the Holy See of Light!"

"You tell me a misunderstanding?"

Ionia was almost violent.

What a shame!

The Supreme Fierce Tiger of the Orc Kingdom:...

Knights of the Round Table Supreme Class Jones:? ? ?

Vatican Temple Supreme Commander:! ! !

All of them are dumbfounded!

There is still their business in it?

I hurriedly contacted my own forces to inquire about the situation, and the answers they got were surprisingly consistent!

They got the method of cracking the prohibition of the deity inscription from the hands of Ninyu!

After clarifying the situation, the three powerful powers of the noble realm cast their meaningful eyes at Kusanaru Kotaro one after another.

Kotaro Kusana:? ? ?

Why are you all winking at me?

Lao Tzu is not interested in you guys!

"Ionia, we have already figured out the matter. It is your people who colluded with Mingyuan, and Suo Feng joined the others to kill, it is reasonable!"

"You are in your early days, do you want to cover up Mingyuan's collusion!"

Jones held a long sword and spoke sharply, and said straight to the subject.

As soon as this statement was made, countless light gathered on Ionia.

Ionia couldn't say a word for a moment.

Several major forces united together and fabricated a lie at random. He wanted to refute it, but he was powerless.

I can only admit it right now!

"Very well, this hatred, I have written down the Holy See."

Thor is holding Thor's Hammer: "I'll keep these words for later, and join forces to kill this beast."

The huge body of Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast was covered with large and small scars, and it was uttering words.

"Humans, you have angered Lord Killer, you will be punished!"

Thor snorted coldly, "How to fear the dead god!"

"You will go down soon, to accompany your master!"

"Do it!"

The Thor Hammer in his hand was the first to smash it out, the world faded, and the light of thunder permeated!

The other six supreme-level powerhouses also shot at the same time, attacking and killing the Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast.

Ionia struggled with her eyes, but also attacked.

The Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast was under the attack of the violent storm, and its flesh was so powerful that it could not withstand such a bombardment.


With a roar, the demon power on his body was poured out of his body, and the eight supreme princes flew into the air.

The body went crazy and flees away.

"not good!"

"Ionia, stop it!"

Only Ionia is the closest to the Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast!

Ionia looked at the Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast that had escaped, and the corner of her mouth was slightly lifted, but she did not stop it!

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