Looking at Lin Que, all the big guys were furious!

The same is true for Mr. Jiang.

I don't know why, I suddenly wanted to beat Lin Que.

It's very angry!

Lin Que curled his lips. You didn't see it clearly. Blame me!

"I said, can you buy it or not!"

"If I don't buy it, I will be destroyed, lest everyone is fighting and ruining the friendship!"

Everyone:! ! !

I bother!

It's pretty good if you don't spoil it.

Thor: "You make a price!"

Lin Que grinned, "You just ask for a price, I'll listen, and I will sell it if the price is satisfied!"

Listening to Lin Que's words, the major forces on the side were stunned.

Black, Bill frowned: "How do you feel, this sounds familiar!"

Quit: "Plus one!"

Fox Xu...

The faces of several supreme-level powerhouses went dark.

This kid is like a little fox!

Asking them to bid is to let them bid!

Everyone present, none of them is anything, they will not be fooled, and they did not speak.

Seeing that no one spoke, Lin Que didn't worry, and smiled at the old man beside him.

"This...and this...understand?"

When Old Jiang heard this, he looked at Lin Que deeply.

This kid is really bad!

I thought it was already at the peak when the National Youth Championship was in the first place, but now, he is sloppy!

The farther back, this kid's mind gets darker!

Immediately afterwards, under the horrified gaze of everyone, Old Jiang punched the body of the Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast into a blood hole.

The huge blood, like a column of water, gushes out.

Everyone: щ (゜ロ゜щ).

This is dragon blood!

You **** put it all on the ground.


Lin Que: "If you want to make a price, you have to hurry up!"

"Waiting for the blood to drain, I'll start cutting the meat and roasting it!"

Listening to Lin Que's words about tigers and wolves, everyone was anxious, where they dared to hesitate.

Thor: "One billion!"

"Hurry up and plug the blood hole for me, otherwise, I will never finish with you!"

Jones: "Two billion!"

Liehu: "Five billion!"

All of a sudden, fierce bidding began to erupt.

Lin Que listened to everyone's quotations, and there was no turmoil in his heart. After all, we are now a man worth tens of billions of dollars!

The waist is stiff!

Looking down at the dragon blood spewing out of the Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast, a smile that was not easy to wipe from the corner of his mouth.

As early as the moment Old Jiang made his move, he opened a void wormhole in the ground, sucked in all the dragon blood that flowed out, and stored it in the system space.

He doesn't do business at a loss!

"Ten billion!"

The Jiewu monk holding a blue light raised the price to 10 billion in one breath.

"Ten billion and one hundred!"

Kotaro Kusanaru shouted.

Lin Que:! ! !


Originally thought that his face was already very thick, this veteran tycoon was directly shameless.

This kind of price increase is an export.


Kotaro Kusana gritted his teeth, his face was nothing compared to Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast's baby.

As long as a complete Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast is obtained, there will be an extra half-step supreme powerhouse in the Ninja Territory.

Don't worry about this face!

"Twenty billion!"

Thor said loudly.

Listening to the quote, everyone was silent.

Twenty billion is not too much, but not too much.

But it's impossible to ask them to spend so much money all at once!

Even if you transfer money through a bank, you have to wait some time.

Thor is different.

This is the United States, it is the territory of others, and it is not a problem to give you 20 billion in cash every minute.

Can't afford to play!

Lin Que: "Is there any higher bid?"

"If not, the corpse of this Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast will belong to the nursery uncle!"

Thor:? ? ?

Lao Tzu is Thor!

God's special nursery school!

You brat if you can't speak!

Elder Jiang stood aside, his eyes blushed when he watched the big forces, and he sighed slightly in his heart.

These fools!

If you get started from the beginning, it's probably fine.

Now they are all trapped by Lin Que.


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