"you shut up!"

Elder Jiang directly scolded Lin Que!

He couldn't bear it anymore.

This guy is still a person. It's all money when you open your mouth and shut your mouth. Was it a bank card in your last life?

The teammates also looked at Lin Que with contempt, and then left and went to their rooms to rest.

Lin Que curled his lips.

A group of laity.

Don't you know that in this world, it doesn't matter if you can't cultivate, but if you don't have money, it's absolutely impossible.

"Old Jiang, you know me, don't you?"

Elder Jiang ignored Lin Que and disappeared into a golden light.

"Hey, those who pursue the ability of money are always lonely."

Lin Que carried his back with one hand, leaving behind a strong figure.

after an hour.

When everyone was ready, under the leadership of Mr. Jiang, they traversed thousands of miles and entered the coast of Killing God Island.

Lin Que looked astonished: "The Supreme Grade is awesome!"

A strong man in the supreme realm, one thought spans thousands of miles!

When one's strength reaches the supreme level, the space system soul power is activated, and that can't be said to fly.

The world is my home!

at this time.

In Killing God Island, all the major forces gathered.

In addition to the official forces of the eight major powers, there are many other forces among them, and the scene is vast.

Lin Que saw the people from the Chalamy Chamber of Commerce in the crowd.

Monroe's eyes and Lin Que glanced at each other, and the strong smell of gunpowder filled the air.

Lin Que directly ignored it.

After being conspired last time, he had a headache for the woman Monroe.

This woman is always calculating.

Isn't it tired to live?

In the Charami Chamber of Commerce team, a blonde Gal stared at Lin Que, his eyes full of viciousness!

After being beaten by Lin Que last time, his position in the family plummeted.

The cultivation resources that should have belonged to him were gradually deprived.

When I enter the ruins of the killing god, I will make this **** look good.

Thor also noticed Lin Que, with an uncovered flame of anger in his eyes!

After taking the Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast back for inspection, he found that not only the dragon bones, but also the heart protectors were missing.

All valuable things have been dug clean.

Only an empty corpse remained.

After playing with the eagle for a lifetime, I was pecked by the eagle in the end!

It's really hateful!

Suo Feng of Ninja Territory also cast his eyes on Lin Que.

Yesterday, after he returned, Kusanaru Kotaro called him over and asked him about the situation.

When did he join forces to punish the Holy See of Light?

Although he didn't understand what was going on, he had a hunch that it must be related to this deflated calf!

Perceiving the many gazes around, Qin Feng and others couldn't help but complain.

"Lin Que, how many horrible things have you done?"

"Look around here, how many people's eyes can't wait to kill you on the spot?"

Lin Que:! ! !

What caused me to do a utterly bad thing?

Co-authoring bad things are done by myself. Didn’t you divide up the money?

Humph, man!

Elder Jiang: "To enter the Island of Killing God, everything is up to you!"

"The venerable person is not out of the realm, life or death is a matter!"

"Remember, be careful!"

After speaking, the whole body vacated.

In a short while, the powers of the Venerable Realm of the major forces vacated one after another, giving the stage to the younger generation to perform!

In the sky.

The powerhouses of the eight great kingdoms, one by one, are calm and calm, without the slightest pressure on their faces.

Thor tentatively asked: "It seems that you all have confidence in your juniors!"

Liehu laughed heartily: "It's normal!"

"This time the fight, my orc kingdom may have to go one step ahead!"

"Haha, that's not necessarily true!"

Jones evilly smiled.


"This time the top prize, I want it from Vatican Temple!"

The monk Jiewu said.

Many strengths are full of confidence.

There is no way, who said that there is a method to prohibit the cracking of the inscriptions with the relics of killing gods!

It's so arrogant!

Elder Jiang looked at the crowd, smiled in his heart, and said nothing.

Hey, a bunch of silly kids!

Being played around by a 19-year-old boy, it would be embarrassing to say it!

While scornful, he was a little frightened!

Lin Que, a young brat who had just emerged, played a trick on all the major forces.

Hey, there are talented people from generation to generation, and Lin Que leads the show!

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