The area of ​​thunder flames opened up and enveloped the audience.

The scorching thunder flame will change the world, as if the end is coming.


A hundred-meter-tall thunder-flaming mad lion's face appeared, and his head raised up with an astonishing roar.

The roar of the lion was accompanied by horrible spirit power fluctuations, and everyone's eardrums trembled.

Lin Que heard the roar of the lion, his scalp numb.


Is this performing the Hedong Lion Roar?

Brother, you have such a loud voice, you must not miss the golden voice!

"Human, give you another chance, where did the sacred beast breath on you come from!"

Raymond's voice was like a Hong Zhong, and everyone who was pressing down on his body couldn't lift his head, and his body was firmly pressed to the ground.

"Good weight!"

"I can't lift my shoulders!"

Ye Ni and the others flushed, and this terrifying pressure was a bit stronger than in the gravity field of ancient civilization.

Facing a half-step Supreme Realm monster, they are as small as the ants.

Lin Que's face was tense, and the blood shadow mad dragon dragon soul released Longwei, reducing the pressure on his body.

Under Raymond's astonished gaze, he slowly stood up.


Raymond frowned, facing his own coercion, could this kid stand up?

And why is there such a terrifying Longwei on this guy?

This feeling is more than a hundred times stronger than the one on his elder brother Xuanming Sea Dragon Beast!

With his own coercion in front of it, he actually took the initiative to retreat, like a courtier.

A blood shadow filled Lin Que's body, and a blood dragon shadow looming behind him!

The moment he saw the blood dragon shadow, Leimeng's eyes were dull!

The lightning domain collapsed instantly!

Invisible, it seemed that there was a pair of big hands, pressing Lei Meng to his knees firmly, not daring to make trouble.

"Ah this?"

When everyone saw this scene, their mouths opened wide, and their jaws were almost dragged to the ground.


A half-step Supreme Realm monster, kneeled to Lin Que?

At this minute, they felt that Sanguan collapsed.

Lin Que grinned: "Don't kneel, it's not yet Chinese New Year, I don't have a red envelope for you!"

Raymond:? ? ?

God's new year red envelopes!

Do you think I am going to kneel on you?

I pressed my fingers on the ground, it was my last stubbornness!

My whole person is dumbfounded.

He didn't know why, there was an idea in his mind, he couldn't help but want to kneel to Lin Que.

It must be the ghost of that blood dragon shadow!

Lin Que's mouth was slightly raised.

Sample, I still can't handle you!

This one of your own is an SS-level god, blood shadow crazy dragon dragon soul, not to mention that you are a big demon in the half-step venerable state.

Even if you are a great demon in the venerable state, you have to kneel when you see it!

Unless your blood is more than 80% pure!

No way, Xiaoye is so powerful!

Yeah haha!

"Don't you want to ask why?"

"Since you have asked sincerely, then I will show you compassion!"

"I am the chosen son of Zulong!"


Su Tang: (ノдヽ).

Qin Feng: o(゚Д゚)っ! .

Ye Ni: (`゚Д゚´)ゞ.

Yuan Qing: ノ)゚Д゚(.

Charlotte: d(゚Д゚*).

How many fake wines have you drunk!

Whatever you say, just open your mouth.

What kind of character is Zulong?

That is one of the three ancient creation gods!

Human Emperor!

Demon God Chiyou!

Demon Zulong!

If you have a peanut when you drink, you won’t be so drunk.

The Chosen Son of Zulong?

Why don't you say that you are appointed by the three great creation gods?

Lin Que: "Oh, that's right!"

"Damn, I didn't expect it!"



Leimeng stared at the blood dragon shadow behind Lin Que, and the stormy sea had already turned up in his heart!

This blood dragon shadow is definitely a **** dragon soul!

With Lin Que's strength, it would never be possible to obtain this level of existence and refine it.

The strong among humans will never do such violent behavior.

This is a complete **** and dragon soul. Isn't it a good thing to blend into refining and become a life-saving method?

To a junior, absolutely impossible!

The only explanation is that this kid is really the person chosen by Lord Zu Long!

Dragon soul protects the way!

The posture of the sky!

"Leiyan mad lion clan, Leimen, meet the son of the chosen one!"


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