Lin Que covered his face, raised his head and sighed.


How did he give Erha to Xiao Hei Zai this unreliable thing to teach?


Hell Demon Wolf looked at Lin Que with suspicion, and said: "I'm nervous for a long time, you just let me watch this?"

Lin Que: ⊙(・o・)? .

"You can talk!"

Hell Demon Wolf: "The deity is a beast under the slaying seat. Is there any difficulty in speaking in pediatrics?"

"Pure-blooded demon monster, and the bloodline is still royal!"

"You kid raise him as a dog?"

A violent thing!

If this is left in ancient times, you must not be beaten to death, I say you are amazing!

Lin Que glanced at the little black boy: "It's all tears when I say it!"

Little Heizi looked blank!

Did I teach it wrong?

How do you teach it on TV!

Lin Que: "I'm very curious about this big guy. With so many people outside, why are you chasing after me?"

The Hell Demon Wolf squatted on the ground, scratched his cheek with his paw, and said calmly.

"You look better, it should be delicious!"

Lin Que:? ? ?

Is it because I'm handsome, so you are targeting me?

Lao Tzu (`Д´).

Hell Demon Wolf: "You have Demon King Blood on you!"

"Yo, there is the blood shadow mad dragon dragon soul!"

"Tsk tsk, all over you are baby!"

"If the deity swallows you, he might still live for hundreds of years!"

Lin Que's face turned dark: "Your idea is very dangerous, I advise you to be kind!"

He was not surprised at all that the Hell Demon Wolf could see the mystery in his body.

After all, they are old monsters who have lived for thousands of years!

Unless the system helps to cover it up, there is no way to hide it under the eyes of others.

Hell Demon Wolf: "Boy, I don't know why, you are obviously only level sixty-nine, but the spirit power in your body is so huge."

"More importantly, my instinct tells me that if I kill you, I will die!"

"Can you tell me why?"

Lin Que was silent for a while, and said solemnly: "Maybe because I'm handsome!"

Hell Demon Wolf:? ? ?

"You are the shameless guy I have seen except Lord Killer!"

Lin sat absent, dragging his head with his hands: "State your terms!"

"How can you let me go!"

Hell Demon Wolf: "Have I said to let you go?"

Lin Que: "From the very beginning, you were frightening me and forcing me into the void. After I released Erha, you reduced your arrogance and spoke!"

"Didn't you wait for this moment!"

With the strength of the Hell Demon Wolf that has lived for tens of millions of years, even if he has a profound understanding of the profound meaning of space.

Can the **** wolf be left behind?


The **** wolf laughed, his huge eyes trembling.

"Good boy, with such a sophisticated scheming, even if you put it in the ancient times, you can still be regarded as a talented arrogant!"

"I'm curious, why can't I feel your Martial Spirit!"

Lin Que sneered in his heart.

Are you worthy?

Lao Tzu's martial spirit is Chi You, one of the three ancient masters!

It shouldn't scare you to death!

The **** wolf shook his head: "Forget it, these are not important anymore!"

"Aren't you trying to send your companions out?"

"I can help you!"

Lin Que's eyes lit up, but quickly calmed down: "What about your conditions?"

He doesn't believe that there is a free lunch in this world!

The corner of the **** wolf's mouth was lifted, and the whole face and the pair of big eyes looked strange.


Lin Que frowned: "Don't look at me like this, I'm a little panicked!"

The **** wolf smiled: "Hey!"

"My request is very simple, enter the Infernal Fierce Prison, obtain the Asura Soul, and break the poison on my body!"

Lin Que: "Are you poisoned?"

Speaking of poisoning, the face of the **** demon wolf called a sorrow.

"I was careless back then!"

"Fucked by Shura in the Infernal Fierce Prison, he was contaminated with Shura's poison and became this ghost!"

"Although lifespan has been extended, there is no one in ten strengths!"

"It's worse than death!"

Lin Que glanced at the Hell Demon Wolf: "Why don't you get it yourself!"

Hell Demon Wolf: "Where is the hurdle left by Lord Killer for the tester, I can't get in!"

As he said, his face became extremely angry: "If I could get in, I would have beaten Shura violently!"

"Boy, as long as you agree, I will send your friends out immediately!"

Lin Que was taken aback for a moment: "Are you not afraid that I will turn my face and deny people?"

Hell Demon Wolf: "Don't be afraid!"

"The big deal, the big guys die together!"

"I've lived long enough anyway, I'm not afraid of it!"

Lin Que:...

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