Lin Que said with a serious face: "I'm serious, I'll come as soon as I go!"

"I am a three good young man in Daxia, how could I lie to you!"

"I guarantee it with my personality!"

The monk Bujie blanked Lin Que.

"Please don't brag!"

He had seen Lin Que's personality!

That can be described as shameless.

If you go, you will never come back.


When the two of them were arguing, the ghosts in the flames surrounded them.

Back to back, the two looked at the surrounding ghosts with alert, full of solemnity.

"This is the end!"

Monk Jiekong looked dead gray.

In the face of such a large number of ghosts, coupled with being in a fierce prison, the combat power that can be exerted is not enough in the peak period.

No way to play now.

Lin Xie's red spirit power condensed a blood knife and glanced at the ghost: "I will attack you and defend!"

"Kill out!"

After speaking, without waiting for the monk's reaction, the figure flew out, and between his hands, countless blood-red blades were cut out.


Pieces of ghosts were cut off by the blade.

These ghosts do not enter the cycle of reincarnation, cannot become horrible ghosts, are not strong, but face such a large number of ghosts.

Even if it is to kill, in the end, it will be exhausted!

The Bujie monk was stuck in place, scratching his head in wonder.

I don't know why, he always feels weird listening to Lin Que's words.

Could it be that there is a problem with his thinking?

Ahead, Lin Que cut a **** path with a single knife, turned his head and yelled at Monk Bujie.

"Your uncle, don't be in a daze!"

"Buff me!"

Only then did the Bujie monk regained consciousness, chanting the Buddhist scriptures in his mouth, and a golden light fell on Lin Que.


With the golden light bodyguard, Lin Que's combat power increased, rushed into the ghost group, and began the massacre!

Lin Que's eyes blushed, and he didn't care about his defenses.

Some ghosts got up from the fierce prison and were about to attack Lin Que.

"The Buddha's light shines!"

An ethereal roar came, and a golden light Buddha appeared in the sky, sweeping away the ghosts around Lin Que.

The Bujie monk sits in the palm of the Buddha statue, chanting Buddhist scriptures.

Once the two attacked and defended, they were about to break out of the siege soon!

In front of the blood beads, the Hell Demon Wolf saw this scene, and the corners of his mouth lifted: "It's over so soon, but it's not fun!"

"Give you a stimulus."

As he said, the blood on his body escaped into the blood bead.

on site.

Lin Que and Bujie monk were about to break out of the siege.


In the fierce prison, a fire man appeared and slammed a punch, enveloping the two of them.

"I come!"

The Bujie monk's body was vacated, and the Buddha's light on his body was generous, and the Buddha statue behind him waved a palm at the attacking fireman's fist mark.


With a shocking explosion, the Bujie monk's body flew upside down, and the Buddha statue behind him broke every inch and disappeared into the sky and the earth.

The fire man did not retreat but advanced, and punched again.

"Be careful!"

Lin Que's eyelids twitched, and his body disappeared in place, instantly appearing in front of Monk Bujie.

"Blood Dragon Armor!"

"The origin of the Qi body, the Tian Qi is open!"

"Platinum body, 50%!"

"Five Thunders Kill Ghost Seal!"

Lin Que came out with all his tactics, his body was full of lightning, and the lightning seal was concluded, blasting and killing the burning man who was attacking!

With the blessing of many methods, Lei Yin was so powerful that he shook the fire man back several meters.

Taking advantage of this gap, the two of them escaped into the void and opened a safe distance.


As soon as he landed, the monk coughed up blood and turned pale.

"Brother Lin, I can't do it anymore, leave the rest to you!"

Lin Que:? ? ?

God, leave it to me!

I seriously suspect that you are playing a fake match!

Lin Que rolled his eyes and nodded and said, "Okay, you rest, and I will see the rest."

As he said, the figure disappeared in place.

Bujie monk looked dumbfounded.


So refreshing?

It seems that this guy must have found it in his conscience and decided to come forward.

Brother Lin is also a man of temperament!

Ahead, Lin Que was fighting fiercely with fierceness, and his methods were constantly used.

Can be suppressed by fire people everywhere.

"Fire Dragon Yin!"

"Spirit Devouring Slash!"

Lin Que's right hand turned into a hand knife, slashing **** sword energy.

The left hand condenses the spirit power and summons the bleeding flame dragon.

The **** flame flying dragon intertwined with sword energy, rushing towards the fireman.


The fireman attacked Niemie with a punch, looked at Lin Que with empty eyes, and blasted out a flame fist!

"Good job!"

Lin Que grinned, and his figure rose into the sky to meet the falling flame fist marks.

At the moment when they were about to collide, the figure disappeared in place, leaving behind a dull monk with a dull face.

Bujie monk: Watt?

I saw the flame fist marks falling straight down, hitting the monk Bujie.

"My horse!"

Bujie monk's eyes were about to stare out, and the Buddha Demon Martial Spirit was released behind him, his hands blasted out, and a handful of the falling flame fist imprints were clasped.

He cursed and said, "Lin Que, you are a wicked thing!"

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