"Little brother, don't be afraid, brother is a good person!"

Luo Shisan smiled at Lin Quexie.

Lin Que's scalp was numb, and he wanted to escape, but he couldn't move forward.

The fire man outside is terrible!

Monk Bujie: "Brother Lin, in order for us to live, just follow it!"

Lin Que: (= ̄ω ̄=) Meowed a cat.

Lao Tzu suffers, you enjoy yourself, don't you?

Luo Shisan added: "Don't worry, this plan requires you two to go together!"

Lin Que's frowned brows suddenly stretched when he heard the words, "Four brothers, tell me, I'll listen!"

Bujie monk:? ? ?

Oh shit!


Luo Thirteen nodded, and slowly said: "The Infernal Fierce Prison was taken from Shura's hands when the **** of death was originally killed!"

"The Asura soul in it has long been refined, and it has become a place to sacrifice blood and choose the looters!"

"You want to escape, there is only one way!"

"Reconsolidate the Asura Soul, and control the Infernal Fierce Prison!"

With that, Luo Shisan's gaze fell on Lin Que: "Little Junior Brother, your spirit power has reached the 69th level peak!"

"As long as you can condense the Asura soul, advance to the seventieth level of soul power, create a realm, and accommodate the Infinite Hell, you can get out of trouble!"

"As for the **** demon wolf outside, if you condense the Asura soul, it will be too late for him to hide from you!"

Lin Que's face suddenly changed color when he heard the words.

Soul power breaks through the seventieth level?

Condensing the Soul of Asura and creating a field?

Brother Si, you are cheating me!

Not to mention, whether the soul power can break through the seventieth level, just condense the Asura soul to create a realm.

Must kill half-life!

"Four brothers, is there any other way?"

Luo Shisan thought for a while and said, "Yes!"

"Hold the white flag to surrender, and watch the Infernal Fierce Prison refine which of you first will depend on your luck in the end!"

"Whoever is picked by the Killing God, seize the house!"

The Bujie monk rolled his throat: "Brother Lin, or else, let's choose the first one!"

"I feel wronged, to help you condense the Soul of Asura!"

Lin Que turned around and stared at Monk Bujie: "How about I help you?"

Oh shit!

Why can't you do such a terrible thing?

Luo Shisan stepped forward and pointed a little, a large amount of information flooded into Lin Que's mind.

In an instant, countless pictures flashed in Lin Que's mind.

The content of the screen is really Hongye being tortured by the dark thunder!


Lin Que's face was startled, his fists clenched involuntarily, and his face was filled with determination.


The system prompts: "The eldest brother is detected in a dilemma, the second brother will help you out!"

Option 1: Accept the plan of the four brothers to condense the Soul of Asura, but with the danger of life, reward the awakening of the S-level space domain (which can be gradually enhanced with the understanding of the profound meaning of space)!

Option 2: Raise the white flag to surrender and become the target of the killing **** Bai Qiqi, fight to the death, reward the awakening SS-level killing field!

Option 3: Sacrifice yourself, completely awaken Chi You's martial soul, dominate the body, break out of the siege, and reward the sword of the master god!

Lin Que looked at the three choices given by the system and was stunned.

What the **** are they choosing!

Choose one, follow the fourth brother's method, this choice seems to be okay.

Option two is to raise the white flag and surrender. This is not the same as just letting the killer rub on the ground!

Choice three, sacrifice oneself, completely awaken Chi You's martial spirit?

What do you picture?

It's better to let the **** killer take away the house in vain, at least he has struggled.

Absolutely not!

Oh shit!

Make a choice!

"I choose the first one!"


System prompt: "Congratulations, big brother, congratulations to mention the S-level space field!"

Jade space.

Luo Shisan narrowed his eyes, stared at Lin Que, and said in a low voice, "Strange, this is impossible!"

Lin Que slowly opened his eyes and said, "Four brothers, let's talk, what should I do to condense the Asura soul!"

Luo Shisan retracted his thoughts and explained: "If you want to condense the Asura soul, you have to master the killing intent!"

"Your killing intent has taken shape!"

"If you refine the dead souls in this fierce prison, your killing intent will surely reach a small level!"

"By then, you will be able to break through the seventieth level of soul power, create a realm, and condense the Asura soul!"

"I have to remind you that the process is full of dangers, and one who is careless will go into danger and burn himself to death!"

"All cause and effect are all about yourself..."

As he spoke, Luo Shisan's clone gradually turned into a light spot of soul power and disappeared.

As Luo Shisan disappeared, the jade space began to collapse, and after a while, they reappeared in Burning Man's sight.

Next second.

In the jade space, the scattered light spots all penetrate into the fire man's body.


Hundreds of fire men were beaten back to the form of dead souls by the light spots.

Lin Que and Monk Bujie glanced at each other.

The latter took a deep breath and said, "Brother Lin, let go and do it!"

"Others, leave it to me!"

Lin Fong's head, his gaze is upward, his eyes are firm.

Hongye, wait for me!

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