"See you in a month!"

After Lin Que put down a sentence, his body disappeared in place!

Monk Bujie looked at the empty location, his whole body was as if he had been struck by five thunders, his brain humming.

WTF? Really gone?

Why are you looking back!

Not only him, but even the Bloody Night Ghost King not far away is dumbfounded!

Then he laughed loudly: "The so-called friendship of your human beings is really funny!"

"You desperately want to buy time for him, but it turns out..."

Before he finished speaking, the Bloody Night Ghost King felt a strong killing intent on his back, and he turned around abruptly.

The purple and black air currents converge into a gas shield!


A murderous blood knife hit the air shield!

In an instant, the air shield shattered, and the **** night ghost king retreated several hundred meters, and the purple-black python on his right arm was cut off.

Steady his figure, raised his head, looking at Lin Que who did not know when he appeared, his face was grim: "You..."

"You hammer!"

"Three thousand Yan kills!"

Before he could speak, a figure violently plundered, the power of the Buddha and the magic gathered into a fist mark, and it was approaching the door!

The **** night ghost king hurriedly resisted with his crossarm, and the purple-black python on his right arm, which was originally dim, was completely wiped out at this moment!

Bujie monk held a super-powered water bottle in his mouth, standing in the air, and the power of Buddha and demons gushing out of him!


Bloody Night Ghost King's eyes fell on Lin Que who was not far away.

At this time, Lin Que was covered with **** air currents, killing intent to the sky!

A blood knife with a handle is floating around the body!

The monk Bujie asked, "Brother Lin, have you succeeded?"

Lin Que shook his head.

The difficulty of condensing the Asura soul is not generally great, and it is impossible to succeed in such a short period of time.

Although he did not condense the Soul of Shura, the murderous meaning has mastered Xiaocheng!

It is still possible to mobilize the power of this fierce prison.

In front of the blood bead, the Hell Demon Wolf looked surprised.

"Does this master the meaning of killing intent?"


It's been less than a day for this kid to enter the Infernal Prison!

At the beginning, his master, Killing God, Bai Qi, had mastered the meaning of killing in one year, and was also called a genius.

This guy can comprehend in such a short period of time, and fully grasp the meaning of murderous intent, it is simply enchanting!

The murderous meaning ranks eighth among the eight great meanings!

However, it is clearest that it is that Yulingzhe cannot fully understand the meaning of killing intent, otherwise the ranking will not stop here!

It is not difficult to comprehend the meaning of killing intent, but the difficulty is that after comprehension, you can keep your mind sober and not go crazy.

What the **** is this kid?

Infinite Hell!

Lin Que stared at the Bloody Night Ghost King, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Now, our account should be settled!"

After speaking, his figure flew out, and the blood knife with killing intent around him appeared behind the **** night ghost king without warning.

The Bloody Night Ghost King was shocked, and the purple-black air flow enveloped his body and disappeared in place.


Killing blood knife cuts the air!

The Bloody Night Ghost King appeared hundreds of meters away, his eyes full of jealousy, and he blurted out subconsciously, "Are you a bug?"

Oh shit!

The hairy boy who was hit by his own clone not long ago is now chasing him and hitting him!

The ghost is too angry!

Lin Que grinned, "Guess!"

I guess you are a ghost!

The **** night ghost king turned blue with anger, really wanting to spit out this annoying guy with a mouthful of old blood.

"How on earth did you comprehend the meaning of killing?"

After saying this, he immediately regretted it.

Special, ask the enemy yourself, who will tell him?


The monk Bujie also curiously said, "I want to ask too!"

Lin Que curled his lips: "Who said that what I realized was the murderous meaning?"

"What I understand is the profound meaning of madness!"

The monk Bujie looked dumbfounded: "Which kind of profound meaning is this?"

Lin Que raised his brows and smiled triumphantly: "I just picked it up, don't you think it sounds good!"

Bujie monk: ┐(‘~`;)┌.

Bloody Night Ghost King: o(▼ dish▼メ;)o.

What am I?


After comprehending the profound meaning, just pick a name and say it belongs to you.

Then someone else’s wife, I called my wife, can I take it home?

Lin Que thought for a while, and replied with a serious face: "If you resist the beating, maybe you can try it!"

"You are really a clever ghost, with clear logic!"

"This kind of thinking, why didn't I think of it before?"

Bloody Night Ghost King: o(ㅍヘㅍ).

I just said casually, you really should continue!

The Bujie monk looked at the Ghost King Bloody Night, suddenly found something, and roared: "Brother Lin, that crippled calf is delaying his recovery!"

"Hurry up!"

Lin Que naturally found out, not talking nonsense, stepping out in one step, the seventieth level soul power was released, linking the entire Infernal Fierce Prison.

next moment!

The hostility flowing in the Infernal Fierce Prison, the killing intent is constantly converging towards Lin Que!

Lin Que stood in the void, looking down on the Bloody Night Ghost King, with murderous air covering his body, like a big super Saiyan!

"I think you are not a man or a ghost!"

"Today, please... to die!"

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