Facing Lin Que's answer, the killing intent was stunned!


Shouldn’t you be fooled by me?

Your answer is so refreshing, it makes me feel a little untrue!

The killing intent continued to flicker: "Incorporate into the killing intent, you..."

"It's OK, it's almost done!"

"I said I'm coming, don't waste time beep, okay?"

Lin Que didn't wait for the killing intent to continue speaking, and waved his hand to interrupt him.

Next second.

Under the stunned gaze of the killing intent, he took the initiative to walk into the ocean of killing intent.

Sudden happiness, the killing intent was unprepared, and they all forgot what to do.

Lin Que sat cross-legged in the killing intent, propped his chin with his hands and said, "Hey, I said, don't you come to assimilate me?"

"No, I can go now!"

With that said, Lin Que also yawned!


Very arrogant!

When the killing opinion reached Lin Que's appearance, it was so angry that it turned into a killing intent and escaped into his body.

Suddenly, a steady stream of killing intent was injected into Lin Que's body, trying to refine him into a killing machine.

Lin Que's face became distorted, and his eyes were filled with murderous fire.

"That's how it feels!"

"bring it on!"

With a roar, Lin Que made no resistance at all, instead devouring the killing intent that wandered around!

If others were to see Lin Que's crazy actions, they would definitely call him a lunatic!

In fact, Lin Que did not brag this time!

The killing intent he comprehended surpassed the ordinary meaning, not a madman, not a demonic!

He wants to test the Tao with his own body and condense the Asura body!

This method is extremely extreme. Once it fails, it will be forever!


In the body, the immortal body is released, speeding up the killing intention into the body!

In front of the blood bead, the **** demon wolf noticed Lin Que's crazy behavior.

"This lunatic!"

Although this move is crazy, but the success rate has great confidence.

He must not be allowed to succeed and break out of the Infernal Hell!

With that said, he was going to the Infernal Hell to stop it!


A voice came, stopping the **** wolf.


The **** wolf fell to the ground respectfully.

"I like this kid's madness, but unfortunately, it is not so easy to integrate the killing intent I left behind!"

"Let him go, no matter whether it succeeds or fails, it won't do us any harm!"

Killing God said with a chuckle.

If he succeeds, he condenses Shura's body, he can still seize the house, and everything will be his result!

If he fails, Hongye, who is trapped in the thunder formation, will lose his mind, and he will have the opportunity to refine it and return to the world!

The demon wolf of **** lowered his head: "Oh, yes!"

at this time.

In the fierce prison, Bujie monk's body was covered with countless bite marks, blood flowing.

The Buddha Demon Wuhun also became a little bleak.

Looking at his eyes, Lin Que, who was full of murderous intent, rolled his throat: "Brother Lin, I really can't hold it this time!"

"ten minutes!"

"I can hold on for ten minutes at most!"

"Ten minutes, let's each make our own destiny!"

After speaking, he used the last power of his whole body, the Buddha and Demon Martial Soul put his hands together, and chanted the Buddhist scriptures with the power of the magic way.

Dao Sanskrit sounds plus the power of the magic way.

A huge Buddha character fell from the sky, suppressing the king's snake soul.

at the same time!

Lin Que, in his soul state, sat cross-legged in the ocean of killing intent.

The whole person looks like pickles soaked in a kimchi jar.

His soul and will are being devastated by killing intent.

Countless voices reverberated in his mind, wanting him to fall into the way of killing, forever!

Suddenly, a murderous phantom appeared in his mental space, looking at Lin Que jokingly.

Lin Que looked at the killing intent phantom, the corners of his mouth curled slightly: "Kill the gods?"

The murderous phantom was taken aback, and then laughed loudly: "Boy, you are crazy!"

"Even the killing intent I left behind is delusional to refine, I'm really not afraid of death!"

Lin Que curled his lips and said inwardly.

Lao Tzu even dared to scold Chi You, what do you mean by refining you to kill?

"Boy, have a choice with you!"

"Surrender to me, give your body, you will share the strength and glory with me!"

"Otherwise, you will be assimilated by my killing intent!"

The Killing God said high above, as if in a gift.

Lin Que pointed his **** up: "You are eating shit!"


"You don't need to come, I do it yourself!"

With that said, under the astonishing gaze of the killing god, Lin Que made a bold move...

sp: Do you know what it's like to wake up at three o'clock and not fall asleep?

Monthly tickets, recommended votes, if you don’t vote, he doesn’t vote, when will the watermelon come out?

Are you not touched by the five shifts this day? Indifferent people!

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