"Lin Que, I lost your nut!"

The Bujie monk roared and looked at the Hell Demon Wolf who had collided with him, the Buddha Demon spirit blooming behind him.

"Three thousand Yan kills!"

One punch!


The explosion sounded, and then a figure flew out, hitting a mountain of corpses, and the body was buried by countless corpses.

Three seconds later!

An arm stretched out from the pile of corpses.


The power of the Buddha blasted the corpse, and the embarrassed Bujie monk walked out with his left arm, a smear of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

The impact just now smashed his left arm.

"Lin is not ashamed, you did it on purpose!"

Bujie monk roared in anger with his eyes.

Lin Que grinned: "You are right, I did it on purpose, what?"

Oh shit.

Just now he was fighting in the blood in front of him, and this guy screamed carelessly in the back.

This is retribution!

The Hell Demon Wolf took steps and walked towards the two of them: "No need to fight, you both have to die!"

Just now, the God of Killing explained that if Lin Que was killed, he could also bring his soul back to life!


With the cry of ghost cry and wolf howling, the undead ghost army surrounded the two people.

Murderous, ghosts lock the two of them!

The monk Bujie turned dark: "Brother Lin, I found a problem. I'm messing with you. We are either surrounded or on the way to being surrounded!"

"Are you arranged by fate?"

Lin Que rolled his eyes.

He also wanted to know about this issue.

Since he came to this world where ghosts and monsters are rampant, he hasn't lived a stable life.

He is too difficult!


The system prompts: "Don't panic when something happens to your eldest brother, yell your second brother to help!"

Option 1: Do your best, use the power of space, send out the relics of killing gods, discard the ghosts and immortals and ignore the red leaves, reward and comprehend the random mystery!

Option 2: Completely fall into a state of madness, super double the combat power, the price is to become a killing machine, ignite the audience, and reward 300 Tang poems!

Option 3: Choose to become the object of the murder of the gods in vain, seek a chance for Hongye, and the monk without quitting, reward... this is no reward!

Lin Que looked at the three choices and just wanted to say... I'm ***.


What kind of choices are these!

Every one is extremely unreliable, okay!


System: "Brother, you can't help you in the current situation, make a choice, warrior!"

Lin Que shook his head and began to analyze the three options.

Choose one, let him abandon Hongye?

As a man, he did not abandon the habit of running away from his own woman!

Option two is to fall into madness and turn into a killing machine. This sounds like a way!

What the **** is choice three?

There are options for everything, and no reward for Mao?

System: "Big Brother, you are all gone, is it useful to reward you?"

Lin Que: d(・`ω´・d*).

Then you have this choice!

Is it silly?

Just when Lin Que was in a dilemma, the sky and the earth changed color, and the space suddenly crumbled and turned into a black hole.

The red leaves in the phoenix robe, the body slowly fell.


Lin Que's expression was startled, and Void moved and rushed towards Hongye all the way!


The **** wolf wants to stop.

"Go away!"

The blood lotus bloomed between Lin Que's eyebrows and punched out, the blood shadow mad dragon flew out and slammed into the **** demon wolf fiercely.

And he himself escaped from the void and caught the falling red leaves!

At this moment, Hongye's breath was weak, there was this blood stain at the corner of his mouth, and he was holding a dark black bead tightly in his hand.

On the beads, there was a dark thunder light shining.

That is the inheritance pearl of Devil Thunder Sky Tiger!

In the void, a killer in a white robe also came out, the remnant soul became a little weak, staring at the red leaves in Lin Que's arms!

With a ferocious look: "You crazy woman!"

In the battle just now, Hongye's fighting method was almost decimated by them!

If it weren't for the last moment, he pushed the Demon Thunder Tianhu out and suffered most of the damage. At this time, he would completely disappear between the world and the earth.

Lin Que looked at the unconscious person in his arms with a grim expression.

"How dare you..."

The words fell!

A huge killing intent erupted from Lin Que's body, and the whole person suddenly turned into a blood man.

"I choose the second one!"


The system prompts: "Three hundred Tang poems have arrived, brother, let's start to explode the audience!"

Aside, Monk Bujie felt the killing intent on Lin Que's body, and his heart trembled violently.

This killing intent is so strong!

In mid-air, the Killing God cast a pale face of disdain: "Play killing in front of me, you..."

The words stopped abruptly.

A **** blade of murderous intent pierced through the sky, and with a sound, he flew out dozens of meters.

"How can this be!"

Killing God was shocked, his strength far surpassed Lin Que by so much, he was actually traumatized by an ant?

and many more!

There is a problem with this killing intent!

Lin Que, bathing in the killing intent of the madness, picked up the red leaf, and the moment his head was raised, his eyes were blood red, and the wind and clouds changed color!

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