"you wanna die!"

Seeing the pan hitting, he didn't dare to carelessly kill the god, he felt an extremely terrifying power.

Countless killing intents gathered, and the killing intent sword formation was cut down.


A large swath of killing intent sword light exploded, and still failed to stop the falling blood shadow mad dragon pan!

Killing God's pupils shrank, and he quickly raised his hand.


The murderous soul retreated violently, and when he stopped, his left arm became more illusory.

I was shocked!

If it hadn't been for the vitality of some undead ghost army just now, his right arm would be insecure.

What a horrible pan!

"Lin Que, we can talk!"

"With your current strength, it is impossible to kill the remnant soul of my **** position!"

"We each step back!"

"Don't you want my **** to inherit it? I'll give it to you!"

"I can choose another winner!"

"Just him!"

With that said, the Bujie monk on the side of Killing God's finger.

That is the Buddha and Demon Martial Soul, if you succeed in seizing the home, your achievements will be limitless!

It is not impossible to break through the original limit!

Bujie monk was stunned, then furious, turned into an old woman cursing on the street, pointing to the murderer's nose.

"Are you mentally retarded?"

"You can't beat Brother Lin, are you coming to seize me?"


"Brother Lin and I are like brothers, brothers and sisters, do you want to provoke our relationship?"


"Brother Lin, **** him!"

However, Lin Que, who had turned into a madness, hesitated for a while and nodded slightly.

Seeing Lin Que agreed, the monk's body was struck by lightning!

It's numb!

Killing God grinned: "The wise man's choice!"

Hmph, when I succeed in winning the house, I will come to you to settle the account after Autumn!

Killing God immediately turned into a **** light and rushed towards the Bujie monk.

Bujie monk's face was startled!

I'm done calling the calf in my heart!

Just when the killing **** was ten meters away from Bujie monk and Hongye.

Next second.

A monstrous spatial force gushes out of the void, transforms into a cage, and envelopes him!

Feeling the power of space, the face of the **** of death changed drastically, and he turned his head abruptly.

Not far away, Lin Que held the Light Energy Sniper tightly in his hands, and madly injected the spirit veins that had previously been pitted from the major forces into it.

"Om! Om! Om!"

In a flash, the three spar grooves in the light energy sniper were lit, and the light showed an unprecedented color.

When Killing God saw this, a sense of fear suddenly grew in his heart.

The breath of death!

This feeling is like a withdrawal from what he felt when he was beheaded!

"Those who move my wife will be wiped out!"

After speaking, Lin Que immediately pulled the trigger.


A huge beam of destruction erupted from within the light energy sniper.

At the same time, the terrifying recoil flew Lin Quebeng to the end of this space.

The body of the madness was shattered, and a trace of cracks appeared on his body.

"Oh no!"

In the pupils of Killing God, the white beam of destruction became bigger and bigger, directly piercing through his remnant soul, and rushing straight into the sky!


This space of heaven and earth was blasted out of a hole by the beam of destruction!

outside world.

The supreme realm powerhouse of the eight great nations was staring at the Murder Palace, and he didn't notice anything unusual.

Thor is holding Thor's Hammer and sitting in the void: "It's been almost a month, and these guys haven't come out yet!"

Liehu Zhizun glanced at Su Tang and the others behind the old Jiang: "If things are really like what these little guys said, the situation there must be very bad!"

After Su Tang and others were teleported out of the Killing God Palace, they told the Venerable Realm of the situation.

They teamed up to break the restriction of the Bloody Night Ghost King, and just wanted to enter the Murder Palace, but was blocked by an invisible force.

They attacked for a long time without any effect.

Can only wait outside.

Jones: "Hmph, if something really happens, Nin Yu must give us an explanation this time!"

As soon as the words fell, the leaders of the major forces turned their eyes to Kusanaru, Kotaro.

Kusanaru, Kotaro's expression was innocent.

What a special thing, this Suo Feng is just a pig teammate!

That was a forbidden technique forbidden in the ancient times of Ninja Region, who knew that Suo Feng could repair it.

In the face of many forces, the murderous eyes, Kusuna, Kotaro swears to the sky: "I swear, I really don't know about this matter, all actions are Suo Feng's personal actions, and have nothing to do with Shinjuku!"

"If I lie, I will be punished for getting a headshot!"

The words fell off.

I saw the ruins of killing gods, and a beam of destruction struck out, pointing at Kusana, Kotaro!


Elder Jiang roared and released the martial arts Zhenzhen on his body, protecting Su Tang and others, and quickly retreated.

Everyone quickly pulled away.

Only, Kusanaru, Kotaro froze in place, staring at the beam of light that struck.

It's not that he doesn't want to escape, but it's too late!


The beam of light penetrated his head, the body collapsed, leaving only the soul body!

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