The **** demon wolf was pierced by a sword, and fell to the ground feebly, with no vitality, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

"Who are you!"

Lin Que frowned when he saw the figure that appeared suddenly, and the madness field on his body was released, locking the incoming person.

The person here was dressed in a black robe, like a killer melted into the darkness, full of killing intent.

"Blood Sect, blood clouds fly!"

Aside, the monk Bujie saw through the identity of the incoming person, and said in a deep voice.

The blood sect is one of the eight powers of the country.

The people of their country all take the practice of assassination as the core of their practice, a heaven for killers!

Xue Yunfei ignored the two of them, digging out the corpse of the **** demon wolf and taking out the beast core.

He took out the space ring and installed the corpse with the beast core.

Slowly stood up, stretched out his hand, and said in a cold tone: "Inheritance of the gods, bring it!"

He had followed Lin Que for a long time, and he had never had a chance to start.

After Lin Que and the two entered the killing **** space, they just wanted to follow up, but the teleportation formation disappeared.

After waiting for a long time, I finally broke in.

As soon as he came in, he found that the battle was over, taking advantage of the fact that the two had just gone through a battle.

Get started first!

Lin Que grinned and shook the two **** inheritance beads in his hands: "I want it, come get it!"

Xue Yunfei frowned, and did not act rashly.

Monk Bujie reminded him: "Brother Lin, you have to be careful, this guy is a ruthless person."

"It is estimated that the soul power has reached the 78th level, the peak record, and has assassinated a hundred-level Yuling."

"Although there is some moisture, you have to be careful."

Lin Que said solemnly: "Is the record of assassinating a hundred-level boss very brilliant?"

Lao Tzu is a man who has killed God.

The Bujie monk was taken aback and patted his forehead.


Xue Yunfei was nothing in front of Lin Que, an unreasonable man!

As the two talked, Xue Yunfei had disappeared.

Next second.

A blood sword slashed Lin Que's neck straight!

Lin Que's face was calm, and the power of the madness domain exploded, and a terrifying blood flame attacked.

Xue Yunfei quickly changed the direction of his attack and chopped the falling blood flame into two.

One move was successful, and he quickly blended into the darkness.

Lin Que's mouth curled slightly: "Playing peekaboo in my field, did I agree?"

next moment.

The field began to change, the power of the madness domain completely exploded, and the killing intent mixed with the power of space blocked every corner of the scene.

Xue Yunfei, who was hiding in the dark, was forced out of the void with a dazed expression on his face.

He was actually repelled by the void and forced it out abruptly.

It's the field!

Xue Yunfei suddenly reacted, this is the power of space, plus the blood flame that just appeared, this realm possesses two profound meanings!

Lin Que stepped out with an extra pan in his hand, his face calm: "How many years have passed, someone has finally robbed me!"

"Come on, show it!"

On the side, the monk Bujie was at a loss.

No, why is he excited and excited when he listens to Lin Que's words?

Shouldn't you be angry when you encounter something like robbery?

Something's wrong!

Xue Yunfei held the blood sword tightly in his hand: "Satisfy you!"


As soon as the words fell, the power of the domain was released and confronted the domain of madness.

Afterwards, hurricanes, mixed with the power of thunder, appeared in the field, destroying the blood flames in the blink of an eye.

Xue Yunfei: "Domain, you are not alone!"

"Also, what I have is an SSS-level domain!"


Immediately afterwards, on the Blood Cloud Flying Blood Sword, a dark power suddenly appeared, full of murderous intent!

Lin Que said softly, "Are the three kinds of profound meanings strong?"

Xue Yunfei looked smug: "Of course, I... Fuck!"

The words stopped abruptly!

I saw the power displayed by Lin Que's Madness Domain, slashing the hurricane, and a series of profound meanings were born!

Profound meaning of life!

Crazy Uprising!

Soul Upright!

Time upright!


He has no count, no less than ten kinds of profound meanings!

Xueyunfei's jaw trembled.

Lin Que yawned, "How about it, enough? If it's not enough, I still have it!"

As early as when casting the realm, he integrated all power into the realm.

The monk Bujie took a breath.

"It's not human!"

This scene, even in ancient times, never happened.

One person actually bears dozens of profound meanings!

This is really going to be against the sky, side by side with the sun!

Lin Que: "What did you say just now, I allow you to say it again!"

Xue Yunfei glanced at Lin Que deeply, then his body broke through the air and he was about to flee.


This guy can win the inheritance of the killing god, it is not a simple master.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him?

What a special thing, this guy is clearly alive and well!

Lin Que frowned, "It's so special, don't go!"

"You haven't robbed yet!"


Xue Yunfei cursed and speeded up.

What's more, when you stay, you won't know who robbed who.

Fools stay!

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