"Smelly boy, it's this time, you still laugh, you have a big heart!"

Mr. Du took a pistol and said lightly.

Qin Qing: "Little brother, don't worry, your second brother has already gone to Miaojiang to find the life medicine to heal your wounds!"

"You will be fine."

Lin Que hesitated for a while and said, "Uh..."

"Senior Sister, I can actually save myself."

"I have the elixir of huge vitality!"

Mr. Du's smoking action was taken aback, and he said with contempt: "Bullshit!"

"You know, to save your life, in addition to the million-year-old elixir, plus the old man's medicated bath."

"Otherwise, it's all empty talk!"

Lin Que looked serious: "Senior Sister, you let me go, I really do!"

Although I don't know if the water for life happiness can be compared to a million-year-old elixir, it is much more reliable than this century-old ginseng king.

Qin Qing glanced at Lin Que, then withdrew his strength.

Next second.

Lin Que quickly took out a box of happy life water from the system space.

Mr. Du: (¬_¬) Take a look.

Qin Qing: (๑°⌓°๑).

Abei:! ! ! ∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ.


The elixir of huge vitality you said is Sprite?

So cool, is your heart flying?

Mr. Du rolled his throat and said, "Apprentices, it's over, your little brother was beaten stupid."

Abei: "Agree!"

Qin Qing's face grew colder and colder: "Forbearance, Holy See, Blood Sect, one day I will kill them!"

Lin Que:? ? ?

No, is there any misunderstanding in this?

"Teacher, Senior Brother, Third Senior Sister, let me explain!"

"This thing, although it shows that it looks no different from Sprite, but it's green!"


Qin Qing touched Lin Que's head, and comforted: "Little Junior Brother, don't talk about it, I know everything!"

"You just want to drink Sprite!"

Lin Que: ( ̄ェ ̄;).

Seeing the different explanations, Lin Queqiang endured the pain of tearing his body and opened the water of happiness for life.

His eyes were fierce, and his head raised.

Grumblingly drank.

Dried nine bottles in a row!


Lin Que hit a green and full hiccup.

Immediately afterwards, a huge light of vitality overflowed through the pores of Lin Que's body.

The green light of life illuminates the entire room.

The vitality flowed through every cell and tissue in Lin Que, and began to repair and reorganize the injured cells.

The torn body began to heal gradually.


Seeing such a strong vitality, Mr. Du slowly put down the cigarette gun in his hand with a look of astonishment.


Because Mr. Du was too engrossed in his eyes, his smoking gun was hot, he screamed in pain, and breathed in cold breath.

Staring at Lin Que intently.

Although this huge vitality is not as good as a million-year vitality elixir, it is not much worse than a few superpositions.

"Don't be stunned, help him refine the vitality in his body!"

Mr. Du said hurriedly.

Qin Qing, Abei reacted, his soul power was released, and he just wanted to make a move.

I only heard Lin Que's face flushed, and he shouted in a low voice, "I can't help it!"

The words fell off.

"Puff puff!"

After three consecutive buzzes, the yellow feces filled the audience, knocking Lin Que into the sky.

A hole was knocked out of the thatched cottage.

Inside the thatched cottage.

A large **** of yellow gas ran around the room.

Mr. Du's three people were smoked so that it was a lifeless love.




"so disgusting!"

They were all dumbfounded.

When did Sprite have such terrifying vitality?

You can still fart after drinking it!

It smells so bad!

Mr. Du looked bitterly forced: "Oh heaven!"

"Why did I think about accepting such a fart and smelly guy as an apprentice?"

"I want to return the goods!"

The roar trembled the entire thatched house three times.

Lin Que floated in midair for an hour, running out of fuel, and then landed.

It broke a big hole inside the thatched cottage.

The three of Mr. Du looked far away from Lin Que with disgust.

"Don't come here, you still have a smell!"

Lin Que: ┐(゚~゚)┌.

This is the family that loves each other?

Too realistic.

Mr. Du took the binoculars and carefully looked at Lin Que's physical condition, his brows furrowed.

"It's weird, it's actually recovered!"

"What brand of Sprite do you drink, the effect is so amazing?"

Qin Qing: "Teacher, how is the younger brother?"

A Bei is also curious.

Mr. Du nodded: "Soak in my medicated bath for a few days and you will be cured!"

"This is not the point!"

"Now, I seem to have taken this kid out to see what's inside!"

Lin Que:...

Want to solve me again!

It's no wonder that the fifth elder sister's thoughts are so dangerous, that they all learned from the teacher.

too terrifying!

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