at this time.

Lin Que sat on the bed cultivating without knowing it.

After a while.

Xiao Hei Zai opened the door and ran in all the way, holding the clothes stolen from the girl's bathroom with both hands.


(Dad, you wake up soon)!

Lin Que was awakened by Xiao Heizi's cry, the moment he opened his eyes.


Seeing the scene in front of him, Lin Que jumped up from the bed and the corners of his mouth trembled fiercely.

Little black boy: (*^▽^*).

Sure enough, Grandpa Shigong was right.

This is the source of men's happiness.

Dad jumped up happily.



(Dad, am I great?)

(Quickly praise me)!

Lin Que was not calm anymore.

praise you?

Where did you **** learn to steal things?

Even if you steal it, why did you get these things to Lao Tzu? If someone finds out, he can't clean it even if he jumps into the Yellow River!

"Son, tell me honestly, where did you get these things?"

Little Heizi: "Yeah~."

Lin Que: "Fuck!"


Lin Que jumped up and hit the ceiling, yelling in pain.

"You went to the girls' bathroom and stole it?"

"It's over!"

He knew exactly who the girls at Tiandao Academy were.

They are all female gangsters!

Every time I see myself, that look makes me want to drag myself into the grove to squeeze juice.

If they find it out, it will be fine.

Must return it.

With that said, Lin Que was about to use the space movement to return these clothes.

Suddenly, there was a sound of mighty footsteps outside the door.

"Lin Que, come out for me!"

"come out faster!"

"If we don't come out, we will go in."

"Don't wear clothes, we don't have any interest in you!"

Lin Que's face went dark when he heard the shout from outside the door!

If you are not interested, you told me not to wear clothes!

Women are always duplicity.

"Son, you have hurt your father this time!"

Lin Que tucked his clothes under the bed. After thinking about the strategy in his heart, he strode out and pushed the door open.

Pretending to rub his eyes, he yawned and said, "What's the matter, what's the matter so late?"

Xia Yuyan stood up with a cold expression on her face and asked, "Lin Que, why are we here? You know it!"

"Hand over things quickly and apologize to us!"

"Otherwise, we will report the matter to the college, and it will be bad for everyone at that time."

Lin Que blinked his eyes dumbfounded: "What are you talking about, why don't I understand!"

"What's wrong with you, let me apologize?"

"I just watched you wash your feet, do you have to worry about it?"


Listening to Lin Que's revelation, the eyes of all the little sisters looking at Xia Yuyan became weird.

"Yu Yan, there is a situation!"

A group of little sisters winked at Xia Yuyan and said.

Xia Yuyan's face blushed slightly, and she said coldly: "Shut up!"

"Lin Que, you urge your soul to steal our underwear, don't tell me you don't know this!"

Lin Que: "What?"

"I, Lin Que, is the MVP of the National Youth Competition. I am in charge of the Tiandao Academy. How can I do such things with no lower limit!"

"Woman, I warn you, don't slander my innocence!"

Xia Yuyan snorted coldly, "Isn't it? You let us go in and search for it!"

With that, he was about to break into the door.

Lin Que reacted quickly and blocked the gate.

"Hey, you woman, this is the big night, you rushed into my room with a man and a boy, this spread out, isn't it appropriate!"

"Could it be that you really have a bad idea about me?"

Lin Que said with a smirk.

"You are shameless!"

Xia Yuyan looked at Lin Que's rogue appearance, her teeth tickling with anger.

However, this group of girls are not vegetarian.

Stepped forward in a swarm, hands on hips.

"Lin Que, if you don't let us go in and search today, we are going to search you!"

Lin Que looked horrified!


Listen to what a girl said?

Female gangsters!

Lin Que: "Don't do anything wrong, I tell you, I didn't steal your clothes!"

"You are so unreasonable to make trouble, I can yell!"

All the girls hesitated when seeing Lin Que's appearance.

"Yu Yan, did we make a mistake? Perhaps the clothes were not made by Lin Que's soul."

"It might be another man."

Xia Yuyan also hesitated.

Is it true that I have misunderstood it?

At this moment, in the darkness, the cub of Warcraft Erha, with a black patterned bikini in his mouth, ran towards Lin Que.

Throwing the bikini in front of Lin Que, she rubbed Lin Que's legs and feet flatly.

For a time, Lin Que felt countless double murderous eyes.

Lin Que:...

Do evil!

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