
In the center of Bohai City, there is a back body with red flames and ice wings. The body is 20 stories tall and has ten heads!

Ten magic snakes!

The demon power radiated from the body has even reached the half-step demon sovereign!

The tall real estate, the building looks so small under its huge physique!


Next second.

Dense ghost energy gathered at the top of a building, and a ghost appeared hidden in the ghost energy, revealing a pair of **** eyes.

From time to time, there were screams in the mouth.

Sen Leng's ghost spirit level is already a half-step ghost state!


Zeng Rong, in a black suit, is directing the staff of the Night Watcher and the Spirit Guardian Association, strangling the ghosts and monsters in the city with all his strength.

Facing the two half-step savage ghosts and monsters entrenched in the center.

With a look of jealousy, Zeng Rong yelled at the person in charge of communications next to him: "What's the matter, what about the reinforcements you want from above?"

He was about to collapse.

Why did it happen that at this time, the seal was broken and these two troublemakers rushed out?

Is it so easy to fall on the boundary of Jiangdu Province?

The most troublesome thing for him was that the Venerable Realm master who was responsible for guarding Jiangdu Province was also transferred to the 13th ghost mythical creature to perform the task!


Correspondent: "President, our communications have been monopolized by ghostly and demon-powered magnetic fields, and we can't get in touch with the outside world!"

Zeng Rong: "I..."

Before he started cursing, a series of news swarmed!

"It's not good, the president, the defense line in the north area collapsed, and a large number of monsters and ghosts rushed in, requesting support!"

"Report, the security zone is under attack, request support!"

"President, there are a large number of sea beasts in the sea in the west zone, and there is an S-class big monster leading, and the west zone needs support!"


Zeng Rong's blue veins appeared on his forehead: "Don't read it!"


"I still want support!"

"Tell them, there is no support, there is only one death!"

"Even if it explodes, monsters and ghosts cannot be allowed to harm the common people!"

"Draw three levels of troops to support the safe area, and you must not let these gangsters rush in!"

"Wang Xiu, you will lead me over!"

Since the last national youth competition was over, Wang Xiu's strength has reached Level 71.

Having endured Lin Que's severe beating, he also knew that he had to be low-key, and he was less rebellious.


Killing the head of a silver wolf with a single blow, Wang Xiu led a team of soldiers who had been patrolling the night soldiers and rushed to the safe area!

Zeng Rong raised his head and looked at the ten destructive magic snakes with an angry expression on his face: "Stand it all for me!"

Turning his gaze, he looked at the ghost who was bathing in ghost spirit and secretly harvesting the battlefield, his eyes were fierce.

"You stay, I will deal with it!"

After finishing speaking, his body's spirit power exploded, and the hundred-level spirit power was on the verge of Li Gui's departure!

at the same time!

Safe Zone in Bohai City!

Established in the middle of the mountain, countless energy emitters are erected and interwoven into a protective cover.

Millions of ordinary people hid under the protective cover, and the big monsters and ghosts rushed into the protective cover.

Every collision is accompanied by a violent shaking of the protective cover.

Outside the protective cover.

A master of spirits fights pre-blooded to prevent the monster beast from colliding with the protective cover.

Mo Qingcheng and his party were among them.


Xiang Qian and Wuhun Jiuyou Demon Watermelon merged into one, and the dragon claw snapped a black panther's head.

The body was also knocked into flight, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.


Hou Feng held a shield, and the spirit golden claw wild lion withstood countless attacks, with wounds all over his body.

Murong Qingyue hurriedly used the treatment technique to heal the nape.

At this moment, in the sky, the S-class Blue Wing Bat King swooped down, clasping his sharp claws.


Lin Xi's body vacated, and the Chilong Soul Splitting Spear was tightly gripped in his hand, soul power was injected into it, and he pushed down and turned into a soaring Chilong and rushed out.


With a burst, Lin Xi's figure was severely dropped to the ground, hitting him several times.

The Chilong Soul Splitting Spear was inserted into the ground, which stabilized the figure.

The Blue Wing Bat King stared at Lin Xi, let out a roar, rushed out again, and the blue light was released.

A stern expression flashed across Lin Xi's pretty face, and the spirit power of the Chilong Soul-Splitting Gun in his hand was flowing, and a sleeping Chilong awakened from the tip of the gun...

sp: The first day of August, come on!

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