There is also a wooden cart behind the sprinkler, and everyone is standing on the deck cart with a dazed expression!

"I feel a little exciting!"

"Is it okay to sit on the sprinkler and rush the monster group?"

"Lin Bold, absolute Lin Bold!"

Lin Que disappeared and appeared in the cab, grinning: "Everyone, follow my small pace, I'm going to accelerate in fourth gear!"

"Less Dog!"

After that, the four wheels of the sprinkler turned frantically on the spot, sparks sprang up from the frictional ground.

There was a smell of burnt plastic in the air.


There was a roar of the engine.

The sprinkler burns tires and starts ejecting!

Immediately afterwards, a familiar sprinkler song spread throughout the audience.

"Sprinkler, love to sing!"

"Doremi, miredo!"

"It's raining, you hide!"

"Wet your clothes, don't blame me."


The sprinkler pipe opened, and a golden-yellow source of water gushed out towards the surrounding monsters.

When the monster group saw the golden water source, their complexion changed drastically, and they couldn't avoid it.

The stricken monster fell on the ground, vomiting frantically, lying on the ground, swinging and vomiting bubbles.

Lin Que was driving the sprinkler, wherever he passed, the monster group automatically yielded to a road.

An S-class leopard demon licked his **** with disgust when he saw the sprinkler.

Oh shit.

Still the fragrance of Lao Tzu.

Humans, it smells bad!

Everyone stood on the deck car, dumbfounded.

This road is unimpeded, and you slowly shuttle through the group of monsters. This is just as exciting as playing a game with the **** of death!

"I've decided. I won't be able to do any of Lin Bold's tasks in the future!"

"Where can I still do the task, just play with the heartbeat!"


Qiu Xiang shook her head and smiled: "This kid!"

Soon, everyone came to the downstairs of the central building. There was no monster around, and they all ran away.

The ten-headed magic snake entrenched on the central building, closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

There is a huge snake egg under the body of the ten magic snakes.

Snake eggs are densely covered with black flame-like scales, and the breath it emits is even more terrifying than the average A-level monster!

Snake eggs are unscrupulously taking the blood in the air of Bohai City as nourishment.

Qin Feng: "Fuck!"

"This guy is using his blood to incubate eggs!"

Qiu Xiang's face was solemn: "Never let it succeed!"

The ten-headed magic snake was originally an ancient alien species. Now the snake egg has absorbed such a huge blood energy. Once it hatches, it will definitely be terrifying.

Lin Que looked at the snake egg, his eyes were full of energy!

The eggs of the ancient alien monster beasts must be very valuable!

Must get it!

Qiu Xiang held a slender jade sword: "You stay here and don't move, give it to me!"

After speaking, the spirit power exploded, and the figure swiftly swept through the air.

A sword cut out, and the sharp sword aura attacked the body of the ten magic snakes.


The ten magic snakes were awakened by the sudden attack, and their bodies squirmed.

Ten heads lifted up and let out an amazing roar.

The smell of blood permeated the audience.

Immediately afterwards, fireballs shot from their mouths and smashed towards Qiuxiang.

Qiu Xiang was holding the jade sword, and the blade of the left index finger touched the blade.

Sword Qi plundered and killed, cutting out all the fireballs in the air.

Her figure also appeared in front of the ten magic snakes.

The tiny human body is as inconspicuous as the ten magic snakes, like ants!

"Human, you are looking for death!"

Qiuxiang's face was calm, and the jade sword in her hand once again chopped off the sharp blue sword aura, cutting through the sky and falling.

The sword qi fell fiercely on the heads of the ten magic snakes.


After a burst of blue light, the ten magic snakes shook their heads hit by the sword gas and let out a roar.


The giant tails of the ten magic snakes entrenched on the building swept out, fell straight, and smashed towards Qiuxiang.

Qiuxiang danced with sword flowers!

Next second.

The martial soul's light bloomed, and the martial soul green lotus appeared, blocking the falling giant tail!


Lin Que and the others were dumbfounded when they saw Qiu Xiang releasing the martial soul!


"No grade?"

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