
Seeing the ten magic snakes chasing after him, Lin Que was so frightened that he immediately escaped into the void and fled all the way!

However, all the spaces here were sealed by the bloodthirsty mad demon, and he couldn't escape by moving in the void.

But Xia Yuyan is different, her martial soul is the gate of sealing.

Ignore all seal reinforcement!

He must distract the ten magic snakes and give them a chance to survive.

For a time, Lin Que repeatedly jumped horizontally in the existing space.

The ten magic snakes are chasing after him.

Although it is in the realm of venerable, it is still helpless to face Lin Que, who possesses space system spirit abilities!

"Human, don't run!"


Lin Que opened a hole to escape, not forgetting to provoke the ten magic snakes.


"If you have the ability, you can catch up with me!"

"Catch up, I will make you hey!"


The ten magic snakes are called anger!

The surrounding void is reinforced by the bloodthirsty demon, even if it is unable to blast open with brute force!

He was so dead that he met Lin Que, the owner of the space system spirit ability.

I'm so angry!

the other side.

After Lin Que distracted the ten magic snakes, Xia Yuyan took a deep breath and released the sealed gate of the martial soul.

"Everyone, withdraw!"

Everyone in Tiandao Academy looked at each other, and didn't mean to want it.

Ye Ni walked out holding the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword: "Let's all go, this level of battle is not something we can participate in."

"Stay here, it is troublesome!"

He didn't want to stay to fight, but the battle at the Venerable Realm level would only be a burden for them to stay!

Everyone knew this well, and walked into the gate of the seal to leave.

Mu'an also sent away the soldiers from the Xunye Division.

In the sky, the Nightmare Ghost King shouted coldly: "You are delusional!"

Mu An took a halt, and then controlled the SSS-class laser cannon to lock on the Nightmare Ghost King.

"Smelly lady, I will play with you!"

"If I don't beat you down, I'll never end my grievances!"

After finishing speaking, directly activate the laser cannon and shoot the Nightmare Ghost King with intensive firepower.


At the same time, the demon power of the ten-headed magic snake Venerable Realm rose to the sky, turning into countless fireballs, locking each space's foothold.

Lin Que: (。⊙౪⊙。) Oh my god!

Want to seal Xiaoye like this?

no way!

"Sura Fierce Prison Slash!"

"Look at the trick, Boye jackfruit!"

"I lost it!"

The moment Lin Que appeared from the void, he tried his best to cut out Fanghua!

A knife slashed the fireball, and then the power of space exploded, and countless vigorous jackfruits were thrown out.

In the air exploded, sharp golden fruit thorns sprang out, turning into a rainstorm and falling down.

In the face of the powerful jackfruit that hits, the ten magic snakes seem to have long been expected.

With a big mouth, a terrifying flame flew out and burned everything out.

Lin Que:? ? ?


Is this resolved?

For the first time in so long, the vigorous jackfruit was cracked, and I was scorched by a fire.

I don't want face!

"Human, if you steal my son and hurt my wife, you will pay for it!"

Ten magical serpents soared into the sky, they would kill Lin Que with one blow, and thousands of flames would block their way back.

Lin Que was surprised!

Nima, it's over!

Just as Lin Que was about to sacrifice the invincible pan, a black shadow swooped down quickly.

A huge fist imprint blasted out, knocking the ten magic snakes into the air and knocking them down on the space barrier.

The whole space trembled crazily.

The bloodthirsty mad demon looked grim: "Kill him, did I agree?"

The ten magic snakes shook their heads with a dumbfounded look: "What do you mean?"

Damn, aren't you in the same group?

Is it really good to hit yourself instead?

Bloodthirsty Demon: "He, you can fight, but you can't kill!"

"Kill, the smell of blood will change!"

As he said, he licked his lips greedily.

"Bloodthirsty demon, what do you mean!"

In the sky, the Nightmare Ghost King who was fighting with Mu'an rushed over and asked.

The bloodthirsty demon grinned: "Resurrecting the demon **** Chiyou?"


"As long as I refine this kid into blood food, I will get more than the resurrected demon god."

"Jie Jie..."

sp: It's really something. It's not water. Make up what you owe. You can count it slowly.

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