
Northern theater!

Li Tianhong was dressed in a white Tang suit, and he was watering the flowers in the garden leisurely, not comfortable.


Just then, a guard walked in.

"Lao Li, the situation in Bohai City has changed. The demons have recovered and sealed the center of Bohai City. Our people can't get close."

"The commander asks, do you use taboo weapons to fight?"

As if he hadn't heard him, Mr. Li continued to water the flowers.

The guard could only stand aside anxiously, waiting hard for Old Man Li to water all the flowers.

"Old Li?"

Only then did Li Tianhong put the kettle down, and said unhurriedly: "What age is it, a demon can turn the sky?"

"Don't worry, someone has already acted!"

"The sky can't fall down!"

The guard was at a loss and had no choice but to bring back the original words.

Thatched cottage.

The second senior brother Jiang Chen with a white shirt, black trousers and long slender hair sat on the boulder of the waterfall.

Third Sister Qin Qinglian walked over gently: "You know what happened in Bohai City!"


Jiang Chen nodded honestly.

Qin Qing asked again: "Little Junior Brother is also inside, do you know?"

Jiang Chen: "I know!"

Qin Qing got the answer, nodded in satisfaction, and then the calm expression on his face gradually became cold!

The figure flickered, and instantly came to Jiang Chen and twisted his ears.

"You know, then why are you still sitting here and not saving the younger brother?"

"Are you itchy!"


Jiang Chen's cold appearance changed with a sigh, and he said a little conspicuously: "Qing'er, listen to my explanation!"

"I'm not waiting for you to speak!"

"Go here, go now!"

It is said that the second brother of Caotang is cold and powerful. If outsiders can see this look, it will surely make people shocked!

Qin Qing released his hand now, "Hurry up!"

"If the younger brother comes back and loses a hair, I will ask you!"

After speaking, Qin Qing's figure flew into the sky and disappeared.

Jiang Chen looked at the direction Qin Qing was leaving, and gave a bitter smile.

"It's really a headache!"

"No wonder the teacher said that it makes sense for men not to fall in love when they are young."

"It's really uncomfortable to have strict wife control!"

After speaking, his figure gradually turned into soul light and disappeared.

At this time, Bohai city center.

The shackles of fangs summoned by the bloodthirsty mad demon trapped the entire space for only some time.

Lin Que and the others will be strangled into fleshy flesh!

Mu'an: "Lin Que, don't you usually have a lot of ghost ideas?"

"Hurry up and start your little brain seeds, think of a way!"

Lin Que sighed helplessly.

If he had a way, he wouldn't be seriously injured by the bloodthirsty frenzy.

In the face of absolute strength, being smart is really not good at all!

I have dried several bottles of Super Power Water continuously, and have been using endlessly to repair the injuries in the body.

Lin Que's severely injured body also recovered 50 to 60%.

Taking a deep breath, he said in a deep voice, "Sister Qiuxiang, you will help me hold it for a minute later!"

"I can escape!"

Hearing this, Qiu Xiang frowned: "Really?"

In this world controlled by the bloodthirsty demon, even she could not get out of trouble.

Does Lin Que really have?

Lin Wei nodded: "Trust me!"

"it is good!"

Qiu Xiang didn't hesitate, the sword soul of Wuhun Qinglian was shining with sharp sword light, and he tried his best to cut out a sword of Fanghua.

Abruptly cut off the shackles of the fangs.


In the sky, the bloodthirsty demon saw this scene and didn't stop it, he wanted to see it.

How does this group of humans crack their own magic skills.

Without the oppression of the fangs and shackles, Lin Que did not dare to waste time, making seals with his hands, the power of space converged into a mark, and penetrated into the void in front of him one by one.

After a while, a void teleportation array was opened up.

Lin Que was full of cold sweat on his forehead, and his face was painful, as if he was suffering incomparable harm.


Seeing the space tunnel, Mu'an jumped up and almost hugged Lin Que.

"Hurry up, I can't hold on anymore!"

Lin Que said in a deep voice, as if she might collapse at any time.

The power he has accumulated for so long is to open up a space tunnel for a short time.

"how about you?"

Qiuxiang saw the clue at a glance.

With Lin Que's strength, at most two people could leave.

"Sister Qiuxiang, you go quickly, waiting to send you away, I'm using the void to move away."


Lin Que's Qiqiao bleeds, and the whole person looks extremely hideous!

Qiuxiang hesitated in her eyes.

At this moment, a black shadow rushed out of Lin Que's body, and the little black boy turned into a **** flame, wrapped Qiuxiang and Muan, and rushed into the space tunnel.

"Lin Que..."

Qiu Xiang just wanted to resist, but the powerful swallowing power of the space tunnel swallowed her directly and closed it abruptly.


The moment the space tunnel closed, Lin Que vomited blood, and fell to the ground feebly...

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