"Come on, human monkey!"

The bloodthirsty demon roared, the dark golden flame on his body turned into a hideous golem, and a punch containing anger was blasted out.

The fist marks blasted out, and the space in front of him was completely destroyed, revealing the ugly black hole space.

The terrifying fist marks are about to swallow Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen raised his head and looked at the fist marks of the huge golem that struck him, he looked so small.

He raised his right hand slightly, and lightly caught the falling golem fist mark.


The colorless and invisible power wrapped the golem and turned it into a mountain, crushing it down with a heavy weight.

Under the impact of the invisible and colorless force, the golem dissipated little by little until it disappeared.

The black hole in the field is densely spaced and it is difficult to see the front.

After solving the golem, Jiang Chen turned and walked towards Lin Que.

Lin Que's spirit power probed the front and found no trace of the bloodthirsty demon. He asked doubtfully, "Second brother, are you going to make a move?"

Jiang Chen shook his head: "It's meaningless!"

Liu Yibai echoed: "Boy, don't think of the demons so simply, especially the existence of being able to become demons in ancient times!"

"Unless he has the artifacts left over from the ancient times, or possesses crushing strength, he can't be killed!"

Lin Que suddenly realized.

No wonder Uncle Liu and Uncle Nangong both clicked to the end, it turned out that they couldn't kill them at all.

Liu Yibai looked at Jiang Chen: "If you are improving your way, you might have a chance!"

Jiang Chen nodded faintly: "Uncle Liu, I will leave it to you here, I have to rush to another battlefield!"

Liu Yibai waved his hand: "Go!"

Next second.

Jiang Chen turned into a colorless and invisible air current and disappeared.

After the second brother left, Lin Que spoke slowly: "Is the second brother's power soul power or divine power?"

That colorless and invisible power gave him a sense of familiarity with the blood-colored power he had obtained by fusing various powers.

Liu Yibai smiled mysteriously: "That is the power that surpasses both. You will know it when your strength breaks through the hundredth level."

"However, you kid surprised me a little bit, you can support such a trick under the hands of the bloodthirsty demon!"

"My supernatural power is pretty slippery!"

Lin Que smiled and touched the bridge of his nose. He wanted to be humble, but suddenly realized something.

His face suddenly turned black.

"Uncle Liu, you have been here long ago and have been watching me get beaten, right?"

Liu Yibai's body trembled subconsciously, his hands clasped tightly, and a little song humming in his mouth.


"I do not have!"

"Uncle is not such a person, you have to believe in uncle!"

Oh shit.

This kid's head is so good, I guessed it.

Although it is a bit immoral, it feels really cool to see this Hunshi Demon who is constantly testing the rules of the academy being beaten!

Lin Que: (▼ヘ▼#).

This bad old man is very bad!

"Uncle Liu, on this matter, you don't teach me a few unique skills, this matter is endless!"

"Master Lou Yuan will build a good weapon for me right away, you have to show it!"

Liu Yibai was stunned for a moment, then took out his mobile phone, and if anything happened, he answered the phone: "Hey!"

"Fight Landlord is missing one of three?"

"Okay, I'll be there soon!"

Lin Que: "Master, your phone screensaver is on!"

Uncle Liu heard the words, and immediately started with a wheelchair ejection, and the sparks and lightning all the way disappeared.

Lin Quedai, who was left with a bewildered look, stood in place, and wailed fiercely.

What a... old rascal!

Soon after, the night patrol army from the northern theater arrived and took over the scene.

Lin Que also saw that Zeng Rong, the president of the Jiangdu Province Guardians Association, was pulled out of the void, still biting a half-step Venerable ghost bathing in the ghostly air in his mouth.

The Ligui finger pierced his nostril.

That look, don't be too funny!

Lin Que looked at the central area of ​​Bohai City, which had become a ruin, and sighed slightly.

The destructive power of ghosts and monsters is immeasurable.


Only if you are strong can you survive in this world of the weak and the strong!

Turning around, Lin Que flees into the void, looking for Lin Xi and others.

the other side.

The land of Mingyuan.

With a radius of a hundred li, no grass grows, a barrenness, revealing a spirit of lifelessness and coldness!

A blood moon hung in the sky.

Countless night crows quacked on the branches of dead wood.

A ray of blood flashed across and fell on the deserted ground, and the Nightmare Ghost King lay on the ground in an embarrassing manner, his strength was inexhaustible.


"Damn bloodthirsty demon, arrogant!"

The nightmare ghost king's eyes were full of unwillingness. Everything could go smoothly according to her plan, but now it was a complete failure.

I was badly injured and had to cultivate for a long time.

Just when she was about to get up and enter Mingyuan, she stopped, turned her head abruptly, and yelled.


In the darkness, a cold laughter came out, and Yang Xiao's figure walked out, with a perverted smile on his face.

"It's you!"

The Nightmare Ghost King looked at the incoming person and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Go away, I don't want to see you now."

Yang Xiao sneered and said: "You don't want to see me, I really want to see you now!"

Perceiving the killing intent in Yang Xiao's words, the Nightmare Ghost King looked wary: "What do you want to do?"

Yang Xiao licked his lips greedily: "You said, I'm going to swallow you, how far can my strength reach?"

Hearing that, the nightmare ghost king's pupils shrank...

sp: Tomorrow is the Qixi Festival. Let me see that everyone in the room will start eating instant noodles tomorrow, evil smile!

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