Lin Que's whole body was embedded in the rock wall, his face was crying without tears.

What kind of world is this called!

A brooder himself will be struck by lightning!

No reason!

The light men gathered from the Nine and Nine Tribulations, holding the thunder sword of trial, stared at Lin Que with enthusiasm.

Because the sacred beast cub recognized Lin Que as the lord, Heavenly Tribulation voluntarily regarded Lin Que as a sacred beast.

The Sky-Swallowing Beast is named after the Sky-Swallowing.

Otherwise, it will not be recognized by heaven and earth.

Lin Que was so angry in his heart!

Why did I put on such an unlucky thing!

No way, until now, I can only bite the bullet and rush up!

In the Nine and Nine Tribulations, there were already two daos left, and seven daos remained.

Lin Que used the mysterious scarlet power as a medium to condense a pair of blood armor, holding a blood blade with the killing intent of a madman, and pointing diagonally at the heavenly calamity.

"bring it on!"

Heavenly Tribulation Light raised his hand, and another thundering sword light fell, wherever he passed, the void retreated, and the terrifying power of judgment wrapped the audience, leaving no room.

A raging flame of blood ignited on Lin Que, and the Thousand-Hand Shura Faxiang appeared behind him.

"Sura Fierce Prison Slash!"

Cut it down with a single knife, and the space was faulty, and it slammed into the fallen trial thunder sword fiercely.

The void was shaken into waves of energy.


An explosion sounded, and Lin Que's figure was dropped again and sank into the lake with a thud.

By the lake, Uncle Li blinked with his cane, with a look of contempt: "Cut, little trash, it's boring!"

Uncle Nangong stomped his feet in excitement and shouted: "Cool!"

"A cool song, for you!"


Tang Lin looked at Lin Que's situation, her spirit power bloomed, and the ninety-level powerful spirit power shattered the void, and a flame halo appeared behind her, with the shadow of Zhu Liwu's soul on the halo!

As soon as he wanted to make a move, he saw Luo Shisan's figure, not knowing when he would appear.

"Girl, I advise you not to make a move!"

As Luo Shisan spoke, Tang Lin's blooming spirit power was forced back abruptly.

Tang Lin was startled, and looked at Luo Shisan warily.

Luo Shisan smiled slightly and shook the folding fan in his hand: "Don't be nervous girl, I have no intentions!"

"This is the little brother's own calamity, if you force it, you will definitely be involved in cause and effect."

Tang Lin said in a deep voice, "If this continues, he will die."

Lin Que is only 70th-level spirit power, how could he be the opponent of the Nine and Nine Tribulations?

Nine-nine days of calamity, the first three trials of thunder robbery are the easiest.

Once the Three Tribulations have passed, what is contained in the Thunder Tribulation is not only as simple as the power of judgment.

Even a strong person in the Venerable Realm might die.

Luo Shisan's face was calm and calm: "Don't worry, there won't be any accidents with Junior Brother."

"It's a mere nine-nine-day robbery, there is no need to be so nervous!"

"Let's watch!"

Tang Lin hesitated again and again, still did not choose to shoot, just clenched her fists, nervously watching Lin Que who had fallen into the bottom of the lake.

Countless students watched the playground of Tiandao Academy.

Lin Xi, Mo Qingcheng and others were among them, and they all raised their throats.

At this moment, a high-pitched dragon roar erupted from the bottom of the lake, and the blood shadow mad dragon rushed out of the lake. Lin Que was standing on the dragon's head, his clothes being torn, revealing powerful muscles.

Lin Que's face was grim, and he looked at the nine or nine tribulations in the sky: "What's the matter, I've been splitting Laozi for so long, and taste the anger and thunder of Laozi!"

"Thunder God's punishment!"


Lin Que's palm was thunderous, and the demon thunder condensed in the palm of his palm, turning into a demon thunder and tiger phantom.

Dragons and tigers cross each other, and they attacked and killed the Heavenly Tribulation Lightman in the sky!

When the thunder robbery fell, it directly destroyed the dragon and tiger phantom, and the whole thunder robbery flooded Lin Que's body.

In an instant, Lin Que felt time and space as if frozen in place.

Luo Shisan's mouth raised a playful smile: "Interesting, fear of trial!"

At this time, Lin Que's consciousness was drawn into a mysterious space.

The scene in front of him was really the alley when he first saw Hongye.

He was still wearing a school uniform that was soaked in rain.

Hongye, dressed in a burgundy windbreaker, walked over with an umbrella.

"Little brother, am I beautiful?"

Lin Que was startled!

Familiar scene!

familiar person!

It's too real.

Lin Que nodded honestly: "Beautiful!"

Hongye giggled, just as he was about to reveal his true appearance, a thunder tribulation fell from the sky.


When Lin Que tried to stop it, his body stiffened, and he realized that he had no strength at all.

It is impossible to stop it.

Watching Hongye being destroyed to pieces by the thunder robbery, he was dumbfounded!

It's not over yet!

The scene changed, it was the scene of his adoptive parents dying tragically under the claws of the blood sword ghost.

Lin Que knelt on the ground weakly, his body trembling constantly, and cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

An ancient voice in my mind kept turning around.

"You killed them!"

"You are too weak!"


"You are a burden!"

"Death is your destination!"

Lin Que, who was kneeling on the ground, had no strength in his body, suddenly bursting out a monstrous killing intent!


In extreme despair, Lin Que's spirit power broke through to level seventy-one!

The impact of the breakthrough will disperse the illusion!

"go to hell!"

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