The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 955: , The devil came to the world

Lin Que was shocked by the scene in front of him!

What kind of sealing power is that?

I could feel the oppression even far away, and the magic blood in his body began to agitate.

Jiang Chen put his hand on Lin Que's shoulder, alleviating the discomfort.


The second brother's voice was like a stream flowing in the mountains, soothing his uneasy heart.

Lin Que rolled his throat: "Second Brother, what is this place?"

"At the end of the world, the emptiness of chaos!"

Jiang Chen said softly, with extremely solemn meaning in every word.

"Outside Nadaomen, the demon clan is isolated!"


Lin Que took a breath. Although he had already guessed in his heart, he was still shocked when he heard the answer.


At this moment, three breaking sounds came.

Three elders wearing white robes with the word heaven engraved on their chests descended.

The three elders looked different, and the aura they exuded were all at the early stage of the supreme level.

Jiang Chen bowed his hand and said: "Tiandao Academy, Mr. Du's disciple, Jiang Chen, have seen the Guardian!"

Lin Que also bowed his hands in salute: "Tiandao Academy, Mr. Du's disciple, Lin Que!"

The three old men returned the courtesy, and the hostility on their faces was much less.

"It turns out to be Mr. Du's disciple, do you have a pass?"

Jiang Chen shook his head: "No!"

"I took the liberty to come, just to bring my junior brother to watch the scar of the sky!"

Among the three elders, the eldest one, with blond hair, stood up and spoke in English.

"three minutes!"

"You can stay here for three minutes. Once the time is up, you must leave. Please don't make me wait!"

Jiang Chen nodded: "Thank you!"

The blond old man smiled: "Please take me to say hello to Mr. Du!"

Jiang Chen: "Definitely!"

The three old men were not talking, and their figures disappeared in place.

After the three of them left, Lin Que's doubts became more serious.

"Second brother, who are they?"

Obviously from different national-level forces, they can get along well and know their teachers.

A series of question marks appeared in his mind.

Jiang Chen said lightly: "The law enforcer!"

Seeing that Senior Brother II was unwilling to disclose too much, Lin Que did not continue to question, raised his head, looked at the Sealed Door of Tianzhihen and asked.

"Second Brother, the Demon Race is not completely sealed, right?"

Jiang Chen looked at the trace of the sky: "Hmm!"

"The seal of tens of millions of years, even if it is left behind, can't stop the demons!"

"The existence of law enforcers is the demons who escaped from the scars of the sky!"

"Rather than saying that this is the scar of the sky, I prefer to call it the last barrier for mankind!"

Once the Demon Race breaks the seal of the Scar of the Sky, by then, mankind will suffer the calamity of annihilation!

Or perhaps, human beings will fall into an endless life of slavery in ancient times.

Jiang Chen continued: "You have had two battles with the demons. I brought you here to tell you that the world is not as peaceful as you thought!"

"In places you can't see, there are still countless people walking forward for the human race!"

"What you have to do is to cultivate hard, not to mention the human race, even if it is for your ghost and immortal wife, your relatives and friends!"

"You have absorbed the power of the three major gods. Although your steps are steady, your mood has been affected!"

"Your madness killing intent, the more you kill, the more madness you kill. If you don't control it, you will become a killing machine!"

Lin Que did not speak.

The words of the second brother poked himself in his heart.

Since absorbing the killing god, he felt that he was extremely angry, and sometimes he couldn't control the killing intent of the madness.

Jiang Chen patted Lin Que on the shoulder: "No matter who you become in the future, you are a member of the cottage!"

"The next time, you can calm down and learn to control the power in your body!"

Lin Que looked at the second brother, startled in his heart!

I drop a good boy!

Does the senior brother and sister know that his martial spirit is the demon **** Chiyou?

It shouldn't be!

and many more!

Devil blood!

Brother and sister are afraid of becoming a demon!

Lin Que smiled bitterly in his heart, but he was a little grateful to Ming Yuan, he poured magic blood into his body, but instead gave himself a protective umbrella.

In this way, the power displayed by his own use of martial soul will not arouse others' suspicion.

"Let's go!"

Just as Lin Que was thinking, Jiang Chen released his colorless and invisible power, took him, and left the Scar of Heaven!

Just as Lin Que left.

Within the scars of the sky.

An old demon clan sitting on the altar suddenly opened his eyes.

"The breath of Lord Demon God!"

"Ten thousand years, finally waiting for you!"

"The devil came to the world, my clan should be happy!"

sp: I have already made up the chapter yesterday, don't say I didn't make up, I'm very good at martial arts!

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