Sun Xiaosheng braked sharply and stopped.

This guy won't run away?

Run by yourself?

Serious brain disease?

At this moment, in the sky, black and white thunderclouds condensed, and thunder and lightning continued to flicker.


A thunderbolt rang out, and the thick-armed thunder fell and hit Lin Que's head.


Lin Que quickly dodged and rolled, avoiding the falling thunder in a thrilling manner.

"I'm a good boy!"

"This is stronger than the thunder of a coin between good and evil!"

"System, you have a big pit ratio!"

Damn it.

If he had known that side effects were so high, he would never use this item!

It's a life-killing thing!


System: "Brother, there is no regret medicine in the world!"


Lin Que gritted his teeth secretly and looked at Sun Xiaosheng who was laughing forward, his frown gradually stretched out.

Sun Xiaosheng: ✧٩(ˊᗜˋ)و.


"Lin Que, you shameless bastard, have you been punished? I was struck by lightning and made me laugh."

"You deserve it!"

Sun Xiaosheng looked at Lin Que who was struck by lightning, and he didn't feel too relieved in his heart.

Suddenly, her smile stiffened when she saw the cast of gaze.

"You... what do you want to do?"

Lin Que grinned and said, "It's nothing, I just want to invite you to play in the thunder and lightning."

Hearing this, Sun Xiaosheng's pupils shrank, staring at the densely falling thunder in the sky, and ran away in fright.

"Don't come here!"

Where would Lin Que let it go, the profound sense of space exploded, and he caught up with Sun Xiaosheng in an instant.

In the sky, Thunder Cloud also followed Lin Que's trajectory and began to move.

"Shameless bastard!"

"Go away, you!"

Sun Xiaosheng regretted it, how could he provoke such a shameless guy.

Lin Que dodges the falling thunder while chasing Sun Xiaosheng.

"Don't be afraid!"

"Aren't we classmates?"

"Face the suffering together!"

Don't you just want to borrow your golden hoop to use it, is it necessary to be so stingy and run differently?

"Don't run, stop for me!"

"Lightning has five whips, three whips!"

Lin Que didn't keep his hand, and threw out the remaining three whips and three whips, blocking Sun Xiaosheng's position.


Three lightning whips hit Sun Xiaosheng, and a strong sense of paralysis spread throughout the body, his body stiffened, and he fell straight to the ground.


Lin Que walked out of the void and looked at Sun Xiaosheng, who was lying on the ground, unconscious, with a touch of joking on his face.

"All said, you can't run away."

Sun Xiaosheng looked at Lin Que with a look of horror: "You...what do you want to do to me?"

Lin Que smiled like a devil: "What do you think?"

"Golden hoop, bring it to you!"

Next second.

Under Sun Xiaosheng's horrified gaze, Lin Que grabbed the golden hoop from Sun Xiaosheng's hand.


Sun Xiaosheng wanted to resist, but unfortunately, her whole body was paralyzed by thunder and lightning, and she couldn't get it up with any strength.

Let alone resist.

Lin Que ignored Sun Xiaosheng and thrust the golden cudgel into the ground.


All the thunder falling in the sky was absorbed by the golden hoop.


"I'm such a genius!"

Sun Xiaosheng watched stepping on the golden cudgel with his foot and holding the lightning five consecutive whips. He laughed wildly with his arms akimbo, his scalp numb, and a chill in his heart.


Teacher, come and save me.

One hour later.

The thundercloud disappeared in the sky.

Lin Que finally managed to bear the side effects of the five lightning strikes.

He lowered his head, looked at Sun Xiaosheng, who was lying motionless on the ground, and adjusted his clothes.

"Your big baby's service is great, I like it very much!"

"Let's do it indefinitely!"

Lin Que dropped a spiritual stone, then his body merged into the void and disappeared.

On the ground, Sun Xiaosheng's face was extremely blushing, and he could bleed even after a bite.

"Shameless bastard!"

What did those words look like just now?

What is service effect?


And what is the dropped spirit stone? Consumption?

What a shame!

"Lin Que, I will definitely not let you go."

The students on the sidelines recorded all this scene on their mobile phones, edited it into a copy, and disseminated it on the jianghu forums on the intranet.

"Shocked, Sun Xiaosheng, the number one on the top ranking list, is actually a daughter!"

"Shocked, Sun Xiaosheng, who had revealed his identity, was beaten on the ground by the Demon King Lin Que!"


A story about Sun Xiaosheng and Lin Que quickly spread throughout the Rentiandao Academy.

Dean's Office.

Tang Xiaohu watched all kinds of discussions on his mobile phone, and he dominated the headlines of the forums.

The blue veins on his forehead were so angry that the Qiqiao gave rise to smoke!

"Lin Que, you deflated calf, dare to bully my apprentice, and be angry with the old man!"

He has no children, and he has already treated Sun Xiaosheng as his biological daughter!

Now that he sees being bullied, can he not be angry?

Just when he was going to find Lin Que to retaliate, suddenly, a thought came into being.

Sun Xiaosheng's martial arts were of SSS rank and were beaten severely by Lin Que.

The talents of these two people are so defying. Wouldn't it be even more incomprehensible if they had a child?

Tang Xiaohu looked at the photo of Lin Que and Sun Xiaosheng who had been secretly photographed by passers-by on the phone, rubbing his chin.

"Tsk tusk, don't say it, these two are quite good match."

"Well, not bad!"

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