"Lin Que, take my life!"

Ma Ye's figure rushed out, and the overwhelming ghost energy followed, turning into a hideous ghost appearance.

"Sura Fierce Prison Slash!"

Lin Que manipulated Shura's Faxiang, and the killing intent of the madness was injected into the halberd, urging him to the extreme.

A halberd swung out, with the power of splitting the mountain and cracking the stone.


The collision between the two made a deafening sonic boom.

Lin Que forced the horse back with a halberd, and Shura's Faxiang burst out with blood, carrying the power of destruction!


Ma Ye was blocked by the blood light, facing the halberd, he was hit by a halberd unpreparedly.


There was a burst, but it was not Ma Ye who fell from the sky, but Lin Que.


Lin Que suddenly coughed out a mouthful of blood.

Just now, Master Ma broke and attacked, knocking him into the ground with a punch.

"S-level peak!"

Lin Que's face was solemn, this Ma Ye had a ghostly strength, reaching the formidable S-level pinnacle.

Coupled with the blessing of this villa ghost mythical creature, the combat power is almost at the level of the ghost king!

Can't beat it!

"call out!"

At this moment, below, a sword light from the ground soared into the sky, slashing Ma Ye's head straight.

Ma Ye easily blocked, and smashed the sword light into the earth.

The sword light disappeared and turned into Ye Ni's appearance, and he said in a deep voice, "Lin Que, we have to withdraw!"

The situation here is no longer something they can deal with.

Lin Que knew this well, and his face solemnly let out a low voice, "Blind Jian, help me block it for a while!"

While speaking, Lin Que's halberd pierced the ground, and the dark golden air flow continued to converge, intertwining with the killing intent of the madness.

Madness field!

The blood shadow mad dragon flew out, entrenched on the halberd.

Master Ma noticed the strangeness, so he wanted to make a move, and saw nothing but a sword intent lingering around him.

"Your opponent is me!"

Ye Ni held the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword and slowly lifted into the air, the blindfolded gray cloth strips dancing with the wind.

"Then I will kill you first!"

Master Ma gave a cold cry, surging ghostly, and wanted to tear the sword intent under siege.

On the other side, Lin Que kept accumulating strength in his body.

The killing intent of the mad devil added the wrong dark golden devil energy and injected it into the blood shadow mad dragon. In an instant, the volume of the blood shadow mad dragon continued to increase.

Suddenly reached a height of fifty meters.


The blood-colored scale armor on the blood-shadow mad dragon's body was covered with a dazzling dark golden light.

With Lin Que as the center, the earth burst out like spider web cracks, bleeding flames!

In the sky, waves of demonic thunder rolled, with terrifying coercion.

outside world!

On the streets of the city center, people looked at the magical thunder rolling in the sky and stopped to watch.


Soon, among the clouds, a rushing demon tiger rushed out.


Seeing this scene, ordinary people fled in fright.

Within the energy network.

"Sword blind man, get out of the way!"

Lin Que let out a low cry, with cold sweat on his forehead, pulling out the funeral halberd with one hand, and swept through the army with one hand.

The blood shadow mad dragon carried the sound of breaking wind, and swept towards Master Ma with howling.

Ye Ni turned into a sword light and quickly opened the distance.

Master Ma looked at the blood shadow mad dragon that came violently, with a look of disdain: "Even if you are a monster, you are only a seventy-one spirit power!"

"Kill me!"

I saw the ghostly spirit on Ma Ye burst out, converging on top of his head into a hideous ghost head.

Guitou opened his mouth wide, spit out a strange black pillar, and slammed into the blood shadow crazy dragon.


At the moment of the collision, the space between the two was shattered into black gaps!

After the two forces stalemate for a while, they exploded in mid-air, and ripples of terrifying energy spread to the surroundings.

The two of them were forced to retreat quickly.

"I underestimated you!"

Master Ma stopped and looked at Lin Que with a trace of dignity.

"However, such an attack, you definitely won't be able to come a second time!"

Such a terrifying attack, even he couldn't bear it several times, let alone Lin Que, who had only seventy-one spirit power.

"Oh, is it so?"

The corner of Lin Que's mouth made an arc.


Only a clear cracking sound was heard, and the energy net that isolated the port was suddenly broken.

A demon thunder tiger phantom fell and hit Ma Ye fiercely!


After a thunderbolt in the blue sky, the earth was blown out of a deep pit, and Ma Ye half-kneeled in the pit.

Lin Que grinned and said, "Are you surprised or surprised?"

Ye Ma looked savage, raised his head, gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Que: "You are looking for death!"

He couldn't think that this kid could release two ultimate moves at the same time!

What kind of perverted soul power reserve?

Is it still a seventy-one level spiritual master?

Even if it is an ordinary one-hundred-level guardian, the soul power is probably nothing more than that!

"Lin Que, don't stop, continue to zoom in and kill this turtle son!"

Qin Feng came to Lin Que and shouted.

Lin Que was so angry in his heart!

Put a hammer!

The spirit power in Laozi's body has been used up long ago, so it's not bad if he doesn't faint.

He quickly took out two bottles of Super God Power Water to replenish his soul power, looked at Ma Ye, and began to whisper in his heart.

You can't beat it, you have to fudge!

Lin Que took a deep breath and said, "Master Ma, you are abandoned!"

"While I'm not angry, leave now!"

"Otherwise, when I get angry, I will let you know what the baptism of artillery fire, bombardment!"

Master Ma snorted coldly: "Come on!"

"I'm standing here, you come here if you have the ability!"

Lin Quegang wanted to say something.

Next second.

In the sky, the sound of breaking through the air came one after another, and the night patrol fighter plane passed through the white sky that had just risen, and surrounded the villa area.

A soldier armed with a gun raised his gun to lock Ma Ye.

Li Xingyun walked out with sunglasses: "Yanhuang, the Dragon Cavalry Forbidden Army is here!"

"Evil, punish!"

Lord Ma:...

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