
After ten minutes of bombardment, the original glorious villa area was now in ruins, and gunpowder was everywhere!

Lin Que looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Tsk tsk, what a destructive power!"

The power of this bombardment almost caught up with the random blow of the half-step Supreme Realm.


The smoke dissipated.

Everyone saw that among the ruins in front of them, a ghost was buried alive and killed!

"what is that?"

In the crowd, I don't know who yelled.

Lin Que and the others saw a five- or six-year-old boy squatting on the ground in a TiMi iron cage in the ruins.

His hands and feet were locked in chains, and his face was expressionless!


The moment Lin Que looked at the little boy, his pupils shrank, his eyes filled with incredible writing.

The appearance of this little boy is extremely similar to a ghost!

Could it be that the little boy is the younger brother of Linglinggui?

But the time is not right!

In twenty years, the appearance of the little boy can't stay the same!

The bombing just now did not cause any damage to the little boy. It was very abnormal!

Moreover, the ghost aura exuding from this little boy actually reached the level of ghost king!


Among the ruins, Ma Ye's half-kneeled on the ground, vomiting blood, looked at the little boy in the iron cage with a grinning smile.

"Lin Que, don't you want to save the brother of Yu Linggui?"

"Now he is right in front of you, I will see how you save it!"

Li Xingyun looked at the little boy in the iron cage, his face changed drastically, his eyes were full of jealousy: "Be careful, this is a ghost boy!"

"Ma Yong, you are simply a frantic lunatic!"

Lin Que frowned: "What is a ghost boy?"

Li Xingyun gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Over the past year, there have been frequent cases of missing babies in Bohai City. According to the investigation scene, there are ghosts left behind."

"In Bohai City, the investigation failed and the report was reported to the Night Inspection Division. I led a small team to investigate for more than a month and focused on the Tianbao Underground Casino!"

"In-depth investigation, I found this guy's head, originally it was just a guess, but I didn't expect this guy to really dare to do this!"

"Ghost boy, that needs a child who was born in the yin-yin-yin-time lunar calendar."

"In a ghost-filled environment, staying for twenty years and feeding with baby's blood every day can become a ghost of the living dead!"

"Once you are trained, it will be a big evil thing, and the strength will reach or even exceed the ghost king level!"

Lin Que looked at Master Ma, bloodshot in his eyes!

"You beast!"

How can this guy get such a cruel and inhumane method?

Seeing that the little boy still maintains his childhood appearance for twenty years, one can imagine how much pain he has endured over the years!

There was no confession on Ma Ye's face, and he became more and more ferocious: "He should thank me!"

"I gave him such a powerful force!"

"Originally he could have stronger power, as long as he sucked your blood, he would be unmatched!"

"My dear boy, come out and enjoy the snack I prepared for you!"

I saw Master Ma came to the iron cage, took out a needle, and plunged it into the little boy.

next moment!

The sleeping little boy opened his eyes instantly, his eyes were dark and no color was visible.

A terrifying ghost aura swept over him, shattering the iron cage that had imprisoned him.

Even the light curtain that cut off the world was not spared.

The fighters in the sky were affected by ghosts, lost control, and fell into the city one after another. Crashed!

Lin Que and others were even more lifted by this force.

The little boy looked around blankly. This was the first time he saw the world outside the iron cage in twenty years.

Ma Ye looked excited: "Yes, it is this power, my dear boy, swallow them all and gain stronger power!"

The little boy raised his head and looked at Ma Ye, spit out two words jerky and cold.

"I'm hungry."

Master Ma pointed to Lin Que: "Go eat them quickly, you won't be hungry if you eat them, just..."


Before Ma Ye could finish speaking, a heart-piercing roar came from his mouth.

The little boy bit off Ma Ye's entire left arm, tearing it off alive, and vomiting in his belly!


The moment he swallowed, there was a creaking sound in his mouth.


Ma Ye looked at the ghost boy's eyes as if a wolf at night treats its prey, and his heart was only distraught!

"Don't... don't come over!"

"I... I am your master!"

However, Gui Tong ignored Ma Ye's words and rushed forward, leaving no chance to resist.

Under everyone's gaze, he swallowed Ma Yesheng into his abdomen.

Such a **** picture, Rao Lin Que and others who had experienced the storm, looked very nauseous.


Qin Feng and the others squatted on the ground, retching!

Li Xingyun shook his head and sighed: "Ghost boy is difficult to refine, and it is even more difficult to control it!"

"Unless the strength surpasses the ghost boy, he can still suppress one or two!"

"This guy is digging his own grave!"

Lin Que looked at the ghost boy, remembered the look in the eyes of the resentful spirit ghost kneeling on the ground begging, and asked, "Is there any help?"

Li Xingyun shook his head: "It's no help!"

"The ghost boy is even more terrifying than Li Gui. Once refined, there will be no possibility of awakening!"

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