
In Lin Que's body, an emperor-like brilliance rushed straight into the sky, illuminating the entire night sky!

Those ghosts who entangled outside and stared at each other, felt the emperor's brilliance for a moment, and fled in all directions.

"Tsk tusk, this posture of awakening is really not small!"

Chu Qingyu looked at the beam of light with a gratified smile on her face.

Nineteen years!

She waited for this day for nineteen years.

At this moment, within Lin Que's body, Chi You's Martial Spirit voluntarily released, and Chu Qingyu came to look at each other.


The moment Chu Qingyu and Chi You looked at each other, there was an inexplicable pressure in their hearts.

Cold sweat constantly broke out on his forehead, watching the demon **** Chi You warily.

Chi You ignored Chu Qingyu and looked down at Lin Que: "Oh, I finally awakened!"

"I said, your hearts are really big, this kid awakens, just let you protect the way by yourself?"

Chu Qingyu took a deep breath and suppressed the anxiety in her heart: "This is not something you should be worried about!"

"Now that he has awakened the blood, your consciousness will be suppressed!"

Chi You Wuhun laughed and didn't care at all.

"Do you think you alone can stop me?"

Chu Qingyu clenched his fists.

Even if the demon **** Chi You had lost one-tenth of his power back then, he still couldn't deal with it.

If Chi You really wanted to prevent Lin Que from awakening, things would be terrible.

Chi You sneered, letting the imperial power erupting in Lin Que enveloped him, suppressing him, did not resist.

Just when the consciousness was about to be completely suppressed, he laughed and dropped a word.

"The day the blood moon comes is when I return!"

"Ha ha……"

In the laughter, the emperor's brilliance completely suppressed the consciousness of the demon **** Chi You.


Next second.

The imperial brilliance within Lin Que converged.

Before long, Lin Que's closed eyes suddenly opened, and the whole person sat up, panting heavily.

"Yo, awake!"

Chu Qingyu changed back to a smiling face again, as if nothing had happened before.

"Sister Qingyu?"

Lin Que was dumbfounded when he saw the figure standing in front of him, full of disbelief.

"Why are you here?"

I drop a good boy!

Are you dreaming?

and many more.

Before I fell into a coma, I seemed to see a figure standing in front of me, with blue light and thunder falling in the sky...

Isn't that Sister Qingyu?


Lin Que took a breath. Sister Qingyu was actually a hidden boss!



Chu Qingyu leaned into Lin Que, stretched out his hand, and habitually squeezed his cheek.

"I'm gaining weight!"

"It has grown a lot taller."

Lin Que smiled awkwardly, facing the woman in front of him, he was a little scared instinctively.

According to memory, this woman has taken care of Lin Que since she was a child, but her face has not changed, but she has become more charming.

Playing small, the original body can be eaten up in the hands of Chu Qingyu!

Chu Qingyu stretched out her hand and wiped the cold sweat on Lin Que's forehead like a big sister next door.


Lin Que nodded honestly and said, "Sister Qingyu, you don't know."

"I just met an old grandmother in my dream, who kept holding on to my hand, saying that I knocked her bowl over last time and must invite me to drink soup!"

"I don't drink, she is anxious with me."

"In the end, I even kicked her pot over, snatched a small electric donkey with a bull's head mask and ran back."

"Hey, there are so many bad people now. Fortunately, Sister Qingyu taught me when I was a kid, don't eat things from strangers!"

Chu Qingyu was shocked when she heard it!

Is this what I taught you when I was young?

What kind of grandma, you kicked Po Meng’s pot and snatched the little eDonkey with a bull's head!

You can do it!

Lin Que looked at the black lines on Chu Qingyu's face and asked in wonder, "Sister Qingyu, are you uncomfortable?"

"The face is so dark!"

"Is it in the sun?"

Chu Qingyu: (。・`ω´・).

It's winter now, I'm a fart sun!

Haven't seen you in a few years, your kid is getting more and more skinny!

"Little guy, feel the physical condition first!"

Lin Que heard the words and subconsciously checked the situation inside his body.

I don’t know, I was shocked when I saw it!

The whole person is dumbfounded!

The soul power storage of his Dantian has been directly increased by more than twice!

Not only that, his soul power is gone!

There is a **** force in the body!

The most important thing is that his bloodline has changed!

There was a strange memory in his mind, madly baptizing his spiritual consciousness of the sea!

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