The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 991: , The style of thatched cottage

Lin Que looked at Chu Qingyu who was going away, lost in thought.

All things point to Taikoo Shing!

Where is it?

"Second Brother, what secrets are hidden in the Taikoo City?"

Jiang Chen stood beside Lin Que, put away his strength, and said indifferently: "You can see if you go and see for yourself!"

"Oh, I forgot, you are too weak to get in!"

Lin Que:! ! !

Fuck, this is brother!

Every word punishes the heart!

The invisible force is the most deadly!

"Okay, it's time to go back!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a force of power wrapped Lin Que, broke through the void in an instant, and disappeared in place.

at the same time.

Patrol Night Division, Northern Theater Hospital.

After Li Tianhong brought Jing Xing back, he directly handed it to the hospital, and a half-step supreme priest was sent to treat him.

"How about it?"

After half an hour of treatment, Li Tianhong asked.

Jing Xing is a supreme-level late powerhouse, and has a pivotal position in Yan Huang.

Daxia can't afford to lose a strong late supreme class!

However, capital offenses are forgiven, and living offenses are inevitable!

Lin Que's talent is obvious to all. What Jing Xing really wants to do with that kid is sure to die!

The owner of the nine-claw dragon emblem is of extraordinary significance!

"Old Li!"

The half-step supreme priest woman is named Liu Yue, a famous priest in Yanhuang.

"Jing Xing Zhizun's injury has stabilized, but the thunder power remaining in the body is too overbearing, I can't get rid of it!"

Li Tianhong snorted coldly: "That is his own fault!"

Such an injury, within a few years, don't even think about recovering, it can be regarded as a lesson for this guy.

What an idiot!

Even if Chu Qingyu didn't make a move, with Caotang Old Man Du's calf-protecting character, she wouldn't let him go.

Fortunately, it didn't cause a big mistake.

At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open, and Qin Qing, wearing a white dress, pushed the door and walked in.

"Girl Qin!"

Seeing the incoming person, Li Tianhong's eyes flashed with surprise, and then his eyes were full of vigilance.

Qin Qing flipped over his palm and took out an aquamarine potion from the storage space, which was full of majestic vitality!

"According to the order of the teacher, the younger brother obstructed Jing Xing Supreme's law enforcement to kill the ghosts, resulting in injuries, and specially sent the therapeutic medicine developed by the fifth junior sister!"

"After taking it, it can cure Jing Xing Zhizun's injuries by 50%!"

Li Tianhong was taken aback, and said in surprise: "What did you say?"

"Old Man Du asked you to deliver medicine?"

"Is that right?"

Qin Qing smiled slightly, did not speak, and directly injected the medicine into Jing Xing's body.

Upon seeing this, Li Tianhong and others did not stop it either.

If Old Man Du really had any ideas, he would never use such an indiscriminate method.


As the medicine was injected into Jing Xing's body, the surging vitality swallowed the power of thunder entrenched in his body.

Start to repair the injured body.

This is a genetic molecule that Wu Yue refined on the basis of Lin Que's Happy Life Water, and was a product of modern technology.

Although the effect is not as good as the Happy Life Water, it is enough for ordinary people.

After a while, the sleeping Jing Xing suddenly spit out a pool of black blood.

The injuries on his body have also recovered 50 to 60%.

Seeing this scene, Li Tianhong frowned and felt that something was wrong!

"Much...Thank you!"

Jing Xing said to Qin Qing gratefully.

Qin Qing's face was cold, and he refused: "Don't thank me!"

"Little Junior Brother's fault, the cottage was changed!"

"Now, it's time to calculate the account of your bullying my junior brother, how should I change it!"

The words fell off.

The atmosphere in the ward became heavy.

Li Tianhong smiled bitterly, and he knew that things were not that simple.

"Girl Qin, Yan Huang will give Lin Que an explanation for this matter!"


Qin Qing shook his head: "Lao Li, the teacher has confessed, if you have anything to say, you can ask him directly!"

"The nine disciples of Thatched Cottage, except for his old man, it is not anyone's turn to teach!"

Upon hearing this, Jing Xing's expression turned a little unhappy: "Mr. Du, how domineering!"

Qin Qing turned his head, staring at Jing Xing with cold eyes: "You are right!"

"The style of that cottage treats the enemy has always been this way!"

"You went to the ghost mythical core on the 13th to stay for a month, or I threw you in!"

"Three seconds, choose by yourself!"

Qin Qing was there, with a gorgeous temperament, like a fairy who fell from the sky into the mortal dust.

With irreversible dominance in every word and deed!

Jing Xing looked at Qin Qing, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath...

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