The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 993: , 50 floors in one breath

Tiandao Academy.

Lin Que returned to the empty villa No.9.

Lin Xi and the others are still in Bohai City, enjoying their vacation life leisurely, leaving him alone.


With a helpless sigh, Lin Que turned and left Villa No. 9 to the Tongtian Tower.

Start practicing crazy and feel the new power in the body.

Tongtian Tower Training Room.

After repeated training, Lin Que gradually became familiar with the power in his body and was very comfortable with it.

With the palms spread out, a stream of **** air emerged.

"From today, I will call you imperial!"

This power is based on soul power, supplemented by demonic energy, divine power, and ghost energy!

In addition, his bloodline is called the emperor!

It is most appropriate to call it a human emperor.

Lin Que felt a headache when he thought of his blood.

Whenever he activates the power of blood, the power in his body can rise by two large levels of combat power in a short time.

But once time passed, he would fall into a state of incomparable weakness.

It can only be used when fighting for life!

Lin Que put his thoughts away and opened the intelligent AI system interface.


Student: Lin Que!

Soul Power: Seventy-three!

Tiandao ranking: No. 2!

Number of floors of Tongtian Tower: first floor!

Except for breaking through the Tongtian Tower on the first day of school, he has never broken through since.

Lin Que put away the interface and said softly, "Let's practice!"

After speaking, he inserted the ID card into the groove of the Tongtian Tower.

As No. 2 on the Heavenly Dao Ranking, he can always practice in the Tongtian Pagoda without time limit.

Next second.

Tongtian Pagoda emits a dazzling data beam, pulling Lin Que's spiritual consciousness into the virtual world of Tongtian Pagoda.

level one!

All the statistics of Lin Que's body were restricted to level 50!

The trespassers, every time they enter the Tongtian Pagoda, they must start from the first floor and go up again.


A 10-meter-tall King Kong violent ape, thumping his chest with an iron fist, made an amazing roar.

C-level demon power swept the audience!

Lin Que's heart moved, a string of data codes flashed, and a halberd appeared in his hand.

"bring it on!"

"Sura Fierce Prison!"

Blood flames erupted on his body, centering on Lin Que, quickly enveloping the first layer of space.

In the burning of blood flames, countless diamond violent apes gradually turned into data rays and disappeared.

The first layer of space, for Lin Que at this time, did not have the slightest difficulty.


"Congratulations to Lin Que, for breaking through the first floor of Tongtian Tower!"

Since I had already received the first-tier rewards, no rewards were issued.

Lin Que suddenly thought of a profitable shutter!


"Why didn't I think of this!"

"There are reward points for breaking through the tower, and you can exchange the points for a small amount of money!"

"Oh oh oh!"

"I am simply a genius!"

Just do it, Lin Que's smile gradually perverted...


The broadcast of Tongtian Tower rang uninterruptedly.

"Congratulations to Lin Que, for passing through the 10th floor of Tongtian Tower!"

"Congratulations to Lin Que, for passing through the 20th floor of Tongtian Tower!"


A series of broadcasts sounded, and countless people gathered under the Tongtian Tower with a look of surprise.

"I'm a good boy, this Lin Que is playing the Tongtian Tower as a trumpet!"

"Come to the 30th floor in one go, are you still a human?"

"This rhythm, I want to break the record!"

"Have I noticed that Lin Que exchanged his points for small money?"

At this time, in the Tongtian Tower, Lin Que had already reached the 49th floor.

In front of him, there are hordes of blasting demon wolves, and each of them has reached the C-level peak!

And his spirit power, well maintained at level fifty!

"bring it on!"

Lin Que fought more and more bravely, and the Tongtian Tower restored the true feeling of the battle 100%, as if he was on the scene.


The blast demon wolf roared and rushed out, the demon power gathered into a gust of wind blade all around, rushing towards Lin Que bite.

Lin Que drew out the magic knife thousand blades from the halberd, and the figure rushed out, the speed was extremely fast, and countless afterimages appeared.

"Blood Shadow Kill!"

Cut it off with a single knife.

Countless **** sword energy gathered the blade light, densely wrapped and strangling the blast demon wolf!


The shadow of the knife flickered, countless gusty wind demon wolves, the body was cut, and the light and shadow of the data disappeared.

Clear the screen with one move!

After solving the wolf pack, Lin Que fell weakly on the grass where the data was transformed, breathing heavily.

"Damn, this broken system really looks like!"

Such a real sense of exhaustion made him unable to find any flaws.

The Tongtian Pagoda brings the spiritual consciousness of the Yulingzhe into the virtual space, and the power used is transmitted through special means.

What is consumed is your own physical strength.

I rushed to the 50th floor in one breath!

The donkeys of the production team dare not play like this.

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