The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 996: , On the way to sober up

Inside the gym.

Sikongzhen and others tacitly looked at Lin Que and his party.

When they saw the drunken appearance of Qin Feng and others, they were extremely happy!

"Wuhu, God helps me too!"

"In this way, we will be more sure of weeding out Lin Que."

"Don't pay attention to these drunks later, we will eliminate Lin Que first."

"Received over!"

Lin Que frowned, not knowing why, he always felt that someone was looking at him.

really weird!

At this moment, over the gymnasium, countless projectors began to work.

A square holographic projection appeared.

The picture inside is exactly the scene of the ghost realm.

Standing on the high platform, Zeng Deshuai raised the microphone and said, "The place of the game, the ghost realm!"

"Nine classes in a melee!"

"Although this knockout is a melee, the points system is still adopted!"

"Who can stand out and get a place in the global league will be determined based on points!"

"During the competition, there must be no intentional acts of harming and dealing with lives, and offenders will be expelled from school!"

"During the game, if you want to abstain, just press the button of the satellite bracelet to voluntarily abstain!"

"Dear players, please show your fists and shine your brilliance!"

"Now, enter the ghost realm, the game begins!"

The words fell off.

In the sky, a wave of mighty forces enveloped everyone, disrupted them, and entered the ghost realm.

At the same time, the holographic projection in the middle of the gymnasium showed the distribution of nine class members!

Ghost Realm!

The three areas of forests, islands, and deserts have a total area equivalent to the size of a Bohai city center.

As soon as they entered the ghost realm, Lin Que and others were distributed among the mountains and forests, and there was no one around them.

Qin Feng and the others were full of alcohol and were asleep. The bubbles on their noses all smelled of vodka.

Murong Qingyue pinched her nose with disgust: "Lin Que, what do they do?"

"It's impossible to take care of them in the whole game, right?"

Lin Que looked at Qin Feng and the others with a grin: "Don't worry, I have a secret sobering technique handed down from my ancestors."

"Guaranteed to be effective as soon as you use it!"

Su Tang and others looked dumbfounded.

Lin Que was holding the rope in one hand and clicking on the satellite map. After confirming the location, he led everyone to the beach.

the other side.

Sikongzhen and the others quickly assembled, and from all directions of the ghost realm, they converged towards the position of the 9th class where Lin Que was.

outside world.

In the audience, some old students who were too old to scream for the global league watched this scene with a playful look on their faces.

"Tsk tusk, these nine classes are terrible!"

"Looking at the posture, these elementary school boys want to join forces to eliminate Lin Que from the game!"

"Haha, I didn't expect Lin Quede to have today too!"

"Doesn't he like to jump repeatedly on the edge of the rules? This time he is going to stumble!"

"This ranking is enough for Lin Que!"

"I think the Tiandao Academy has been established for so long. This is the first time a big class union is aimed at one person!"


first place.

All the grandfathers and aunts, their eyes went straight.

Uncle Furukawa knocked the melon seeds, his eyes were almost staring out: "Lao Xia, the show is about to begin, come out with the wine!"

"Let's have a drink!"

Sitting in the wheelchair, Liu Yibai cried with joy: "The heavens have opened their eyes, finally someone has come to clean up this little crippled calf!"

At the judges' table, Tang Xiaohu's mouth lifted an invisible smile.

Lin Que, look at how you are still crying this time!

At this time, in the ghost realm.

Lin Que didn't even know that he was arranged by everyone.

He brought the drunk Qin Feng and others to the beach, and directly tied them to a big tree, with his hands and feet tied tightly.

Sitting on the cliff by the sea, like fishing, throwing them down as bait, the distance from the sea is only 0.01 cm.

On the sea.

Qin Feng and others opened their eyes faintly, opened their mouths with dry mouth, and subconsciously licked the sea water.


"Why is this vodka a bit salty? It's the same as Te Niang sea water!"

"Fake wine!"

At this moment, black shadows flickered on the sea, stirring the wind and clouds on the seabed!


A big carp monster with a body over 10 meters jumped out of the water, with a mouth shaped like a dragon, and his demon power reached level B!

Carp Dragon!

Lin Que's eyes lit up: "Oh, it's finally here!"

On the surface of the sea, the carp dragon hovered for a while. After confirming that there was no danger, he opened his big mouth, full of blood, and bit towards Qin Feng and the others.

Qin Feng and others smelled the pungent **** smell, and gradually opened their eyes...

sp: Yesterday, I posted the supplement, but the website has not been updated.

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