The Age of Heroic Spirits in the Eyes of the Reincarnated

Chapter 207: Dedicate yourself to Konoha until your death!

Chapter 207 For Konoha...Devote all my life until my death!

Who in Konoha Village is eager to obtain Yin Seal and Hundred Healings Technique?

It is no exaggeration to say that everyone wants to learn.

However, due to the difficulty of S-level training, only a very small number of people with good chakra control ability can really learn it.

F4, a veteran Kage-level, is naturally a qualified candidate.

Yin Seal was first created by Mito and perfected by Tsunade, but Tsunade did not think of using this secret technique as a bargaining chip to make friends and win over certain people. However, the way that really helps Konoha's development and helps itself gain the support of all forces in Konoha is to teach this secret technique to Mito Kado En and Utatane Koharu and the elderly of various tribes.

In the original work, if Tsunade lets these two Hokage advisors regain their youth, then there will be no place for Danzo.

Danzo can only watch Tsunade integrate the scattered sand of Konoha together, and there is no way.

For the sake of youth, the Nabekage might even take the initiative to retreat and assist Tsunade like he assisted Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Unfortunately, Tsunade did not do so.

She just made the most valueless choice, which was to only train Haruno Sakura, who had no identity background, no prestige and power, and no strength and status.

It's not that it's bad, but since you want to take in disciples, then take in more.

Why was Sarutobi Hiruzen able to consolidate the position of the third generation? The main reason is undoubtedly the appointment of Senju Tobirama and the acceptance of the little princess Tsunade of the Senju clan as a disciple, which won the unconditional full support of the Senju clan led by Mito, followed by the support of the other members of F4, and another reason is that he taught Orochimaru and Jiraiya, two Kage-level combat forces.

This is the political background of the third generation Hokage who is as stable as an old dog.

If you want a backer, you have a backer, if you want allies, you have allies, if you want a successor, you have an excellent successor!

Here, Tsunade seriously underestimated the hidden political value of her own secret technique.

Is Konoha Yuan Lao young?

Those with status and position, such as: a main family elder and a branch family elder of the Hyuga clan, Konoha F4, Akimichi Tofu, Nara Shikama, etc.; those with strength and hidden status and position, such as the ten thousand year old ninja Maru Hoshikosuke, etc.

These old people are all objects that can be won over.

It is obvious that the internal conflict is easy to deal with, but Tsunade chose to confront Mito Kado En and Utatane Koharu in the original work. The old man just wants to show his presence and just wants a step, why make him angry?

It can be resolved in a roundabout way, but he has to confront each other head-on.

You know, Tsunade is the granddaughter of Senju Hashirama, and Senju Tobirama is her second grandfather. The other F4 are all disciples of Tobirama, and each of them has inherited Tobirama's will; in this case, F4 will not hurt Tsunade. Mito Kado En and Utatane Koharu even fully support Tsunade to be the fifth generation Hokage, which is enough to see something. Even Danzo is an object that can be won over.

What is the result?


It’s hard to describe.

A good hand of cards.

Tsunade is really far behind her teacher in this aspect.

They are not at the same level at all.

Danzo assassinated Sarutobi Hiruzen, but Sarutobi Hiruzen let him go by reducing his power. Danzo said he was not convinced, but he was convinced in his heart. Since then, Danzo has never had any bad thoughts, even if he got Shisui’s Kotoamatsukami Mangekyō, he never used it on Sarutobi Hiruzen.

It can only be said that Shimura Danzo, who has been able to suppress his political sense for decades, is quite accurate in judging people; and although he is not as good as the second generation Tobirama in political skills, he is also a type with some brushes.

And Li Xia took out the Yin seal at this moment, selling a big favor to the Konoha high-level is only one aspect, and the other is really wanting to improve Konoha’s overall combat power.

There are many strong people in the older generation of Konoha.

Most of them are limited by age and their decaying bodies, and cannot exert their youthful strength.

Even the Sandaime is now somewhat powerless.

If the old generation of masters can recover some of their physical condition, then the impact of the Nine-Tails Rebellion will not cause the village to suffer serious injuries.

In the original timeline, Konoha, which had just experienced the Three Wars, was already weak. Another Nine-Tails Night would undoubtedly be a double whammy for Konoha Village, which had not yet recovered from the trauma of the Three Wars. It would be strange if the surrounding countries did not take advantage of the situation.

Minato Namikaze chose to bury his wife with him, which obviously did not deserve to be a shadow.

"I might be able to fight for this Hokage."

Li Xia pondered.

It would be best if it succeeded in one fell swoop, but it would not hurt if it failed.

"Danzo, what do you want? We can't take this secret technique for nothing."

Koharu Utatane suppressed her excitement and smiled slightly.

At this time, Koharu had not aged as she would have more than ten years later, and she could still vaguely see her former glory.

"Our friendship is priceless, what's a mere secret technique?

Xiaochun, I want to see your exquisite appearance when you were so beautiful and charming.

Hiruzen, as a famous ninjutsu doctor, don't say you are old.

Yan, the village still needs us old bones to support it. With this secret technique, everyone will work hard for a few more years. When the new generation grows up, we will be relieved..."


The three people's lips moved, feeling inexplicably.

"For Konoha...dedicate all your efforts until your death!"

When Li Xia said this, his expression was serious and solemn.

"Well said!"

The eyes of the three people were bright.

These words spoke to their hearts.

Since then, there has been no pretentiousness.

They all remembered this favor.

The high-level officials in Konoha were cheering and laughing, but some people were filled with gloom.

It seems like everything is calm inside the village, but in fact there is already an undercurrent surging.

Just because it was Nohara Rin's memorial day, Kakashi went to deliver flowers near the memorial monument.

This was nothing.

But Kakashi followed the original trajectory and told the date of his master's wife Kushina's birth without any hesitation.

He thought he was the only one around, but in fact, Uchiha Obito was nearby.

Obito came here to mourn his Bai Yueguang; the other wanted to see how his good friend was doing recently and whether he felt guilty or guilty for killing Lin with his own hands last year.

When he saw his former best friend looking lost and blaming himself, he also felt complicated.

Kakashi is still the same Kakashi.

Kirigakure temporarily sealed the three tails into Nohara Rin's body, preparing to send it to Konoha to detonate it, causing a devastating blow to Konoha's rear. He already knew this. Therefore, I understand why Kakashi and Lin made the choice they did.

But from then on.

Obito turned black.

Accepted Uchiha Madara's arrangement and inherited Madara's large inheritance.

At the same time, he hated the village he once loved, hated Kirigakure Village, and hated his mentor Namikaze Minato who was always a few steps late.

Isn't Sensei the fastest man in the ninja world?

Why are you so late on Lin's matters?


Just as Obito, who was secretly sad, was about to leave, Kakashi revealed the news that Kushina was about to give birth after several months of pregnancy, and even gave a fairly accurate birth time.

When Hatake left at 55, Obito walked out of the woods on the side with a sinister sneer:

"October 10th?

What a great day.

I remember that when a female Jinchuuriki is about to give birth, the seal will become very weak, right? "

This information was mentioned in Madara's inheritance before his death.

I live in the bright sunshine in the south with heavy snowfall, and you live in the cold nights in the north like spring all year round... How is this possible?

"Minato-sensei, can you also feel the pain of losing a loved one?"

Make you late every time.

Let me see if you will be late this time.

When leaving, he kicked away the flowers that Kakashi placed in front of Nohara Lin's memorial.

Put on your own.

"Lin, I will definitely create a world with you, I will definitely..."

A magical space between the pure land and the present world.

A 13-year-old girl looked at the boy who was becoming more and more crazy because of her. Her eyes were red, her lips were pursed tightly, and her expression was extremely complicated.

This is also the day.

Kakashi was on his way back to the village from the memorial monument area at the back of the mountain.

The root elites of the two classes quickly appeared and blocked the way.

"How many people are here?"

The young man frowned.

When he saw the person leading the team, he became even more solemn.

"Kakashi, you just revealed the village's biggest secret. Please come with us to the roots."

"Leaking secrets? How is it possible?"

Kakashi looked confused.

When did he reveal the village's secrets?

"Don't deny it, you can just talk about such a big event as Kushina-sama's delivery day?"

Ryoma Aburame snorted coldly.


"Come with us. Anyone or anything that threatens the safety of the village, I have the right to deal with on my own! Your behavior has seriously harmed the village, and Danzo-sama will give you a fair and just treatment! In addition, your matter We will also give feedback to the Fourth Generation, but now, you have to go to the roots with us first!

Don't try to resist!

You know the consequences of resistance..."

Ryoma's eyes flashed dangerously under his sunglasses.

At this time, a bug flew into his hand and sent him a special signal, making him even more angry at Kakashi's lax behavior.

Got to the roots.

Li Xia knocked Kakashi unconscious without saying a word, and then gouged out the guy's left eye.

Then he asked Yamanaka Sansan to hypnotize the young man with his mind-turning technique, and asked Nonoyu to replace the young man with a three-magatama.

"Return the person to the Yondaime and say that we have completed the interrogation and found no treason against Kakashi."

"Sir, do you need to inform the Yondaime that someone is targeting the Jinchuuriki in the dark?"

Ryoma Aburame hesitated.

"No need. Do you think that with the wisdom of Minato and Hiruzen, they wouldn't have thought of this? Let's just be ourselves."

"Yes, Lord Danzo."

After the subordinates retreated, Li Xia asked Nonoyu to replace himself with the Sharingan he got from Kakashi.

And used the sealing technique developed by the legendary figure of Qianjia in the real world to temporarily seal the eye.

At least from the outside, this eye is just an ordinary eye.

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