The Age of Heroic Spirits in the Eyes of the Reincarnated

Chapter 243: Are you trying to put some eye drops on him? Let’s take it slow!

Will Li Xia deal with some ninja clans that are unwilling to cooperate with him as Nara Shikaku speculated?

This is inevitable.

It is not the routine of a new official taking office and starting a new job.

Rather, he, the fifth generation Hokage, has taken out various advanced secret techniques as benefits and has also given favorable policies to major ninja clans; in this case, if some families, big and small, do not support him with their manpower and effort, they always want to talk about their past achievements and continue to sit on the big tree of Konoha and enjoy the fruits of others' labor like the Sarutobi clan! That will definitely not work!

Learning from the Sarutobi clan to hold back and keep silent is to test his bottom line!

It can even be said that they are trying to put eye drops on him, the fifth generation.

It is right to listen to the words of the third generation, but the premise is to distinguish the primary from the secondary and listen to his command first.

But when the third generation conflicts with his ruling principles and command direction, he, the fifth generation, must take precedence.

This is a matter of principle and there is no room for negotiation.

"The elder clans are very sensible.

The Hyuga clan is going to invest 5 billion ryo and send out 200 ninjas for free...

The Senju clan will send out 50 ninjas to help, and is going to invest 6 billion ryo; don't think it's too little, it's not that the Senju clan can't give more, a few years ago, the Senju clan could at least give out three times more! It's just that Tsunade has lost most of the money left by the three Senju clan members over the years, and it's already very good to be able to take out 6 billion ryo!"

(As mentioned earlier, 1 ryo is equal to 10 yen, this is Kishimoto's setting.)

Orochimaru laughed.

"It's a good thing that she didn't win money. But it's really wrong to lose so much. She's not good at playing and only the Senju family can afford to support this princess."

Li Xia also shook her head and laughed.

"The Uchiha clan donated almost all the cash savings of three generations of the family! In total, more than 70 billion ryo..."

"Those little ghosts are quite sensible."

Li Xia was very satisfied with this.

There are three main ways for ninjas to make money.

One is to let the family run the industry, such as the medicinal materials industry of the Nara clan, the barbecue restaurant opened by the Akimichi clan, etc.

The other is to do tasks.

Ninja tasks: From D-level to A-level, different difficulties and natures, get rewards ranging from 500 taels to 1 million taels.

S-level tasks are even more generous, with at least millions of taels or even millions of taels.

The last is the Ninja World War.

For ninjas, every Ninja World War, in addition to the haze of death, is actually a carnival of making money. Because not only the village and the daimyo will give money, but also according to the A-level or even S-level task standards (military expenses), part of the war gains also belong to the ninjas themselves.

Every time the war ends, the five major ninja villages will win a wave of small coffers after seeing off their dead companions.

Even if it is a low-level ninja, as long as he goes to the battlefield and comes back alive, he can at least get a task reward of more than one million taels.

This is the ninja!

What they earn is the money from war and various tasks!

Fighting and even war are their livelihood!

The Ninja World War, which takes place every ten years, is an inevitable trend for some big countries.

The people below want to fight, and the people above have to fight.

Konoha doesn't want to fight because the Land of Fire is the richest! And there are many people here, so there are so many tasks to take. As long as the military funds allocated by the daimyo are in place every year, Konoha Village will be very rich! In this case, the village is not short of war money, and the few people headed by Sarutobi Hiruzen certainly don't want to fight.

The Uchiha family was originally large and powerful, with thirty or forty senior ninjas, dozens of special senior ninjas, and hundreds of middle and lower ninjas. This group of people, like the Senju clan, is quite reliable on the battlefield; the income from the three Ninja World Wars, plus some industries in the village, and the wealth accumulated by three generations of people doing tasks and engaging in various industries since the establishment of the village, except for most of the consumption, the remaining is not small.

Look, there are more than 70 billion taels of cash left by thousands of families.

As one of the three great families of Konoha before, it is worthy of the name.

The Uchiha clan is now almost extinct, and all the wealth has gone to the surviving teenagers and children. These young people admire and respect Uchiha Shisui, their savior, and obey his orders!


Only a small part of the hundreds of billions of taels of inheritance was left as daily expenses for the next few years, and the rest of the cash was taken out to support the implementation of the first five-year plan.


The sacrifice of the older generation of Uchiha is worth it.

It really helped Li Xia and Orochimaru relieve the huge financial pressure.

The contribution of Uchiha is even more worthy of recognition.

It is worthy of his high hopes for Uchiha.

Speaking of the night of the extermination of the clan in the original timeline, where did all the money go?

Only the F4 at that time knew.

In addition to the above families and individuals, the other ninja clans in Konoha Village have invested, those who have no money have contributed people, those who have no people have contributed money, and those who have no money and no people for the time being also shouted slogans to show their hearts.

The Sarutobi clan...

Not involved for now!

"And these twenty or so small and medium-sized families are a bit ignorant."

"They are all families close to the teacher's lineage... They were once recruited by the teacher's father Sarutobi Sasuke. At that time, more than 20 jonin and dozens of special jonin cooperated with the ten jonin and more than ten special jonin of the Sarutobi clan to form the teacher's earliest Anbu and Shadow Guard team!"

"It's a solid force!"

Li Xia raised his eyebrows.

Orochimaru continued to remind:

"Until now, the teacher's direct Anbu is still controlled at around 150 people; there are two elite jonins, I won't say who they are. There are 36 jonins, and the rest are special jonins. Even though most of them were lost a few days ago, this has made up for some of the gaps. These people are all on the payroll and need to get money from the financial system."

"It's a bit too much, let's cut it to 60 people!

That's all the configuration Hiruzen gave me for the Root!

Speaking of which, if I hadn't visited Yan and Xiaochun many times and asked them to intercede and provide financial support, my Root would really be difficult to become a force. You should know this."


Orochimaru nodded.

He was a member of the Root for a while.

Like Aburame Ryoma, he is the right-hand man of the man in front of him.

The Root can be established, mostly due to the unremitting efforts of this thick-skinned man, and the other half is the help of the two consultants.

'Teacher, you don't think that Danzo is as easy to talk to as your disciple Minato Namikaze, do you?

You treat him with the same attitude as you treat Minato. Is it a test or... a provocation?

When you find that Danzo doesn't follow your script at all, will you be very surprised?

At that time, in order to save your own direct Anbu, can you be as flexible as Danzo did in the past? '

Orochimaru smacked his lips.

He even thought of the scene where Sarutobi Hiruzen later dragged Mitomon En and Utatane Koharu to find him.

This is really a matter of time.

"What about the more than 20 families who always rely on the teacher?"

"Isn't the Eastern Theater still having occasional friction with the Hidden Mist Village? I think they need a group of people to replace them, so let these families send some people over. First, replace the remaining Uchiha people. Uchiha is now in such decline, it's time to let the heroes come back to rest."

As the fifth generation, Li Xia decided the rise and fall of more than 20 small and medium-sized ninja clans with a few words.

Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to firmly grasp this power, and those people were more optimistic about the third generation. He could only tell that group of people what it meant to... a new emperor, a new minister.

"After that, the Root will collect intelligence and arrange more business competitors for those ninja clans. Without competition, where will the product improvement come from? I think their products have not been improved for a long time, which is not good."

Orochimaru paused while sipping tea:

"Do you want to redistribute the cake?"

"Hiruzen's share is Hiruzen's share. As the fifth generation, I have the right to redistribute it."

The previous ones are definitely not counted.

"By the way, in the new Konoha plan, we will give more support to our big and small families, and give more points when the new clan land is divided. As for these twenty families? As usual, no extra half points are needed. When the clan land is relocated, I will also propose that they move to the Feng Shui treasure land on the edge of the village to guard the gate for the village."


Orochimaru was stunned.

Dividing the clan land is a big piece of cake. Moving more than 20 families to the edge is quite unfriendly to those 20 families.

"The jonin meeting voted and passed. As a member of the village, you should obey the deployment."

Please obey the organization's decision: move!

Li Xia said this, but she was complaining in her heart: "Orochimaru, you just don't know how F4 dealt with Uchiha in the original timeline, otherwise you wouldn't be so surprised."

Two years after the Nine-Tails Rebellion in the original work, F4 moved Uchiha to a corner of Konoha to resettle.

As expected, the core area given up by Uchiha was divided up by some nearby families.

On the night of the extermination of the clan, Uchiha Sasuke went home from the ninja school and it was dark when he entered the clan land.

And it was not just dark, but very dark.

It can be seen how far the ninja school was from the Uchiha clan land at that time.

It would probably take two or three hours to walk.

As for these targeted families, they are not happy and want to leave Konoha?


He actually planned to leak Konoha's confidential information!

He was courting death!

In short, there are too many ways to play and they are too dirty, but no one can find fault with them.

"You families who followed the Sarutobi clan to put on a sly look at me..."

"Let's take it slow."


"Did that kid Kakashi take the initiative to take out more than 200 million taels?"

"Yes, he put in all the cash that Senior Sakumo left him and his own savings over the years."

"Good boy... It seems that I have to give him a heads up."

Li Xia knocked on the table with his fingertips.

Hatake Sakumo, mission experience: 256 D-level missions, 384 C-level missions, 266 B-level missions, 123 A-level missions, and 27 S-level missions.

This is the record in the personal file of Konoha Village.

And all the missions, only one failed.

This man with Kage-level strength donated part of his wealth to the village before committing suicide, all to make up for the village's losses after the mission failed, and left the other part of the money to his son Kakashi.

For some reason, Kakashi fully supported the village's construction.

"How are you going to train him?"

"The Sharingan will only temporarily slow down his growth rate..."

"What do you mean?"

"You know the golden age of ninjas, and the teens are the fastest growing period! Kakashi can become a jonin at the age of 12, his talent is beyond doubt! His physical talent is not worse than Might Guy, his five-element ninjutsu talent is not worse than Hiruzen, and his lightning talent is incomparable to many geniuses of the Night Moon Clan!

As long as he is trained properly, it is only a matter of time before he becomes the next Konoha White Fang! ”

“As for the Five Elements Ninjutsu, I will let Hiruzen teach you; if you are interested in a genius like Kakashi, you can also take him as your disciple and teach him a thing or two…

As for physical skills and swordsmanship…”

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